Browse Documents (8724 total)
Трудный путь к знанию
The Long Road to Knowledge
From the publisher: Воспоминания крупнейшего советского востоковедад, академика АН Таджикистана Б.И. Искандарова - повествование о жизненном пути ученого, неустанном поиске знания и освоении "белых пятен" в истории Средней Азии, Памира и Гиндукуша. Автор рассказывает о трудной жизни в памирских кишлаках в 20-е годы, учебе в знаменитон ЛИФЛИ, участии в Великой Отечственной войне, многолетней работе в Институте истории АН Таджикистана (директором его Б.И. Исканадров был с 1962 по 1994 г.), встречах со многими замечательными учеными.
Bahodur Iskandarov (1912-2014) was a historian and head of the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Tajik SSR from 1962 to 1994. These memoirs cover his childhood in the Pamirs, his education in Leningrad, service during the Great Patriotic War, and epsidoes from his career as a researcher.
То ба кай об аз таги ях меравад? How Long will the Water Keep Flowing Under the Ice?
From the publisher: Ман сулоли "То ба кай об аз таги ях меравад?"-ро баъд аз дахуним сол такрор мекунам ва боз рӯ ба ҷомеа меорам. Ин мақолаҳо натиҷаи заҳматҳои хоксоронаи муаллиф дар роҳи худшиносии милиӣ мебошад. Ҳар яке аз онҳо боиси баҳсу вокунише дар ҷомаи Ҷумҳурӣ қарор гирифтаанд ва гувохи онанд, ки ин талошҳо дар роҳи Озодӣ ва Истиқлоли кишвар фаро расид.
Mirboboi Mirrahim (Mirbobo MIrrahimov) is a translator and expert in pre-Islamic religions. During perestroika, he became famous for his writings on the Tajik language and was one of the first writers to publicly discuss the status of Samarqand and Bukhara. He also became one of the cofounders of Rastokhez, Tajikistan's first independent political organization. This memoir, published during Mirrahim's exile in Iran, reprints a series of his articles, along with commentary and critique of the work of others.
Миёни обу оташ Between Water and Fire
From the publisher: Ин китоб хотироти муҷаз ва мухтасари Қозидомулло‐Ҳоҷӣ Акбари Тураҷонзода фақат аз боби воқеаҳои асосии пойиз (тирамоҳ)‐и соли 1991 ва баҳори соли 1992 то таъсиси Ҳукумати Муросои Миллӣ дар Тоҷикистон мебошад. Муаллиф бо самимият ва ошкоро аз ҳаводиси шуми он солҳо ва чеҳраҳои ҳақиқии коргардонҳои аслии гирдиҳамоиҳои Майдонҳои Шаҳидон ва Озодӣ парда бармедорад.
Hoji Akbar Turajonzoda (1954- ) was the influential "Qazi Kalon" or Chief Mufti of the Tajik SSR during perestroika. In 1991 and 1992 he sided with the opposition forces challenging Rahmon Nabiev's government; this short memoir covers the period of time between fall 1991 and the spring of 1992.
Заложники империи Hostages of Empire
From the publisher: Автор документально показывает планомерное уничтожение таджикского этноса, которое достигло необычайного размаха в Узбекистане, населенном, главным образом, таджиками, и в самом Таджикистане в послевоенные годы при негласной поддержке ЦК КПСС и Союзного правительства.
Sa''diniso Hakimova (1924-2015) was a Tajik surgeon, professor, and director of the Tajik SSR Ministry of Health Research Institute for the Protection of Mothers and Children. She was one of the first Tajik women to earn a medical degree (in 1943), and later the first to write a dissertation for a Doctorate of Medicine, which she defended in 1958. Her experience working on maternal and child health in Tajikistan led her to be increasingly critical of the public health system. Eventually, she came to subscribe to some of the more nationalistic theories that gained currency on the eve of the Soviet collapse, blaming public health issues on a concerted campaign of genocide carried out by Uzbeks with the tacit support of the Soviet government. This volume nevertheless contains valuable insights into the workings of the health system in the Tajik SSR, as well as documentary sources from the author’s personal archive.
Подземное чудо Ташкента Tashkent's Underground Miracle
From the publisher: Шоиноят Рахимович Шоабдурахимов родился в 1929 году в Ташкенте. В 1954 году окончил Ташкентский институт инженеров железнодорожного транспорта. Работал начальником Ташкентского отделения Среднеазиатской железной дороги, избирался заместителем Ташкентского городского Совета народных депутатов. С 1987 года по 1996 был начальником Ташкентского метрополитена. Заслуженный работник Республики Узбекистан, почетный железнодорожник.
Shinoiat Shoabdurahimov (1929-?) was born in Tashkent and studied railroad engineering. He helped oversee the construction and operation of Tashkent's metro, constructed as part of the city's reconstruction following the earthquake in 1966.
Субҳи ситоракуш The Dawn That Puts Out the Stars
From the publisher: Хулоса, таҳлил ва натиҷабардориҳои муаллиф аз воқеъаҳои охири Тоҷикистон. Ин китоб барои оммаи васеъи хонандагон, хусусан сиёсат-мадорон, таърихнависон ва барои онҳое, ки дар роҳи маърифати худшиносии милиӣ мекушанд, навишта шудааст.
Asliddin Sohibnazar (1939 - ?) was a Soviet-era economist who worked in the Tajik SSR's planning agencies. During perestroika he became an opposition politician, and in 1991 was Davlat Khudonazarov's vice-presidential candidate. This memoir describes the last years of the USSR and Sohibnazar's time in politics, as well asides that extend forward and backwards in time.
О прошлом с гордостью, о будущем с оптимизмом With pride about the past and optimism about the future.
Rashid Karimov (1932-) is a Tajik economist who spent 30 years as the head of the Institute of Economics of the Tajik SSR Academy of Sciences in Dushanbe. He played a leading role in the key economic debates of that period, as well as in organizing the research behind policy proposals adopted at the state level. This memoir covers his childhood outside of Leninobod (Khujand), his education in the post-war years, eventual graduate work in Moscow, and time in the institute. It also recounts stories about his family, including his sister I. R. Rakhimova, a leading party official.
Арзи дил The Heart's Desire
From the publisher:
Sulton Mirzoshoev (1932-2016) was a Tajikistani politician and cultural official active in the Soviet and post-Soviet era. Originally from the Danghara region, he was educated at the teacher's college in Kulob and later at the Higher Party School in Moscow. This collection inculdes his account of the case against Tajikistan's First Secretary Tursun Uljaboev, which Mirzoshoev witnessed as a leader of the republic's Komsomol, and various episodes from the history of the republic's film industry, including an essay on the director Boris Kimegerov.
Переворот в Таджикистане
A Coup in Tajikistan
From the publisher: Автором книги «Переворот в Таджикистане» является бывший председатель Верховного Совета Республики Таджикистан Сафарали Кенджаев. В ней освещается одна из трагических страниц — трагедия, пережитая таджикским народом в результате гражданской войны. Автор стремится раскрыть причины и последствия происшедших событии, показывает истинных виновников этой трагедии таджикского народа — исламских экстремистов, религиозных фанатиков и людей, поверивших их пропаганде. Книга рассчитана на широкий круг читателей.
Safarali Kenjaev (1942-1999) was a Soviet-era lawyer and prosecutor who rose to prominence in 1990-1991 as a critical voice in the Tajik Supreme Soviet and later as Chairman of the Supreme Soviet in 1991-1992. During the Tajik Civil War, Kenjaev became a leader of the pro-government "People's Front" that retook Dushanbe from the opposition in October-December 1992. This memoir is focused on the period of the civil war and the year that preceeded it, with some attention given to earlier events.
Соли Набиев The Year of Nabiev
Ibrahim Usmonov (1948-) is a professional journalist and professor of journalism; in 1991 he became one of Rahmon Nabiev's close advisors. His memoir is dedicated to the approximately one year of Nabiev's presidency, from November 1991 to November 1992.
Роҳи беҳбуд The path of improvement
From the publisher: «Рохи бехбуд» манмӯаи хотирот ва маколоти ҷомеашинос, иқтисоддон ва олими шинохтаи тоник - профессор Карим Абдулов мебошад.
Karim Abdulov (1939-2010) was a Komsomol and Tajik Communist Party functionary in the 1970s and 1980s. As a protege of Rahmon Nabiev, he was forced out of the Tajik Party apparatus in 1988, whereupon he took up an academic career. His memoir covers his years in the Tajik Communist Party leadership, as well as the events of perestroika.
Таркиш The Explosion
From the publisher: Яке аз ходимони барҷастаи сиёсӣ ва давлатӣ Ҳоҷи Ҳикматулло Насреддин (Насреддинов) китоби хотироти худро “Таркиш” номгузорӣ кардааст. Китоб марҳалаҳои гуногуни кору мушоҳидаҳои муаллифро дар сохтори ҳизбию давлатӣ ва тариқи роҳбариро дар ҷумҳурӣ дарбар мегирад.
Hikmatullo Nasreddinov (1939-) was a leading Tajik politician in the early 1980s and a protege of Rahmon Nabiev, the First Secretary of the Communist Party of Tajikistan from 1982 to 1985. Nasreddinov's memoir touches on the 1970s and early 1980s, but is largely focused on the final years of the USSR and the start of the Tajik Civil War in 1992, which he blames on the political course taken by Kahhor Mahkamov in the late 1980s.
Захм бар ҷисми ватан A Wound in the Body of the Nation
From the publisher: Ноиби собик, раиси чумхур Нарзулло Дӯстов яке аз рохбарони содиқ, хирадманд ва фидокори Тоҷикистон аст, ки барон муҳофизати хукумати копунии чумҳуриамон чонбозихои зиёд кардааст. Даврае буд, ки Н. Дӯстов хамчун фарди дарачаи авпали давлат бо зумрае аз хамсафони бовафои худ барон оримию осудагии чомиа ва халк кору пайкор ме намуд. Хафтуми майи соли 1992 байни рохбарони оппозиция ва хукумати конунй ду протоколи «созиш» ба имзо расид, ки дар асоси он хукумати ба ном муросои милли таъсис ёфт. Хамин тавр дар Точикистон табаддулоти давлатй ба амал омад. Депутати халки чумҳурӣ Н. Дӯстов дар бораи ин вокеахо дар китоби худ «Захм бар чисми Ватан» батафсил накл кардааст.
Narzullo Dustov (1940 - ) was largely unknown until he was chosen in November 1991 as Rahmon Nabiev's vice-presidential candidate. Dustov remained vice president until May 1992, when he was forced to resign, whereupon he joined the pro-government "People's Front" in the Tajik Civil War. This memoir is focused on the civil war and the events leading up to it, with some comment on Dustov's life before becoming vice president as well.
Река времени: от Сталина до Горбачева The River of Time: From Stalin to Gorbachev
Nuriddin Mukhitdinov (1917-2008) was an Uzbek Soviet party official and later ambassador to Syria. A veteran of the great patriotic war, he became first secertary of the Communist Party of Uzbekistan under Khrushchev before becoming the first Central Asian to member of the Presidium (Politburo) of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. This volume of Mukhitdinov's memoirs provides much more information about his time as ambassador to Syria as well as his relationship with Sharof Rashidov, Frol Kozlov, Aleksei Kosygin, and others.
Годы проведенные в Кремле Years in the Kremlin
Nuritdin Mukhitdinov (1917-2008) was the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Uzbek SSR, First Secretary of the Uzbek Communist Party, and then member of the CPSU Politburo in the early 1960s. He later served as Soviet ambassador to a number of countries. This memoir covers his work in various Moscow-based positions, including in the Politburo.
Документы 52 встречи представителей Национального движения крымских татар, состоявшейся в Симферополе
Письмо Информационной рабочей группы Национального движения крымских татар в Верховный Совет Российской Федерации
Ёди ёри мехрубон Memories of dear friends
From the publisher: Дар китоб хотира ва қайдҳои Шоири халқии Тоҷикистон, лауреати Мукофоти давлатӣ Мирсаид Миршакар аз ҳаёт ва эҷодиёти ходимони барҷастаи адабиёти советӣ гирд оварда шудааст.
Mirsaid Mirshakar (1912-1993) was a Soviet Tajik poet, writer, and government official. He was particularly known for his stories and poems for children, while his film work included Children of the Pamirs (1963). He was a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Tajikistan, Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Tajik SSR (1961-1975), and chairman of the Tajik branch of Society for Solidarity with the Countries of Asia and Africa. This volumes includes reminiscences about other Tajik writers, among them Ayni, Lahuti, and Tursunzoda, as well as Russian writers like Kornei Chukovskii and Nikolai Tikhonov, and foreign writers such as the Punjabi novelist Gurbaksh Singh.
Табаддулоти Тоҷикистон: Иборат аз се китоб (қ. 2)
A Coup in Tajikistan (3 vols.)
Safarali Kenjaev (1942-1999) was a Soviet-era lawyer and prosecutor who rose to prominence in 1990-1991 as a critical voice in the Tajik Supreme Soviet and later as Chairman of the Supreme Soviet in 1991-1992. During the Tajik Civil War, Kenjaev became a leader of the pro-government "People's Front" that retook Dushanbe from the opposition in October-December 1992. This is volume two of Safarali Kenjaev's extended memoir about the collapse of the USSR and the Tajik Civil War.
Табаддулоти Тоҷикистон: Иборат аз се китоб
A Coup in Tajikistan (3 vols.)
From the publisher: Китоби Табаддулоти Тоҷикистон бозгуйи бисёр талхи қисматсӯзи давлату миллати тоҷикон аст, ки аз назари собиқ Раиси Шурои Олӣ ба риштаи тасвир расида.
Safarali Kenjaev (1942-1999) was a Soviet-era lawyer and prosecutor who rose to prominence in 1990-1991 as a critical voice in the Tajik Supreme Soviet and later as Chairman of the Supreme Soviet in 1991-1992. During the Tajik Civil War, Kenjaev became a leader of the pro-government "People's Front" that retook Dushanbe from the opposition in October-December 1992. This is an expanded 3 volume edition of the memoirs of Safarali Kenjaev (1942-1995), a Soviet-era prosecutor who rose to prominence and the position of Chairman of the Tajik Supreme Soviet during the Soviet collapse. In 1992 he became one of the leaders of the pro-government "People's Front" during the Tajik Civil War. This expanded memoir is focused on the civil war, although it includes events preceding the war as well.
Safarali Kenjaev (1942-1999) was a Soviet-era lawyer and prosecutor who rose to prominence in 1990-1991 as a critical voice in the Tajik Supreme Soviet and later as Chairman of the Supreme Soviet in 1991-1992. During the Tajik Civil War, Kenjaev became a leader of the pro-government "People's Front" that retook Dushanbe from the opposition in October-December 1992. This is an expanded 3 volume edition of the memoirs of Safarali Kenjaev (1942-1995), a Soviet-era prosecutor who rose to prominence and the position of Chairman of the Tajik Supreme Soviet during the Soviet collapse. In 1992 he became one of the leaders of the pro-government "People's Front" during the Tajik Civil War. This expanded memoir is focused on the civil war, although it includes events preceding the war as well.
Из беседы с Богомбаевым Саркушем Богомбаевичем, 1911 г.р., киргиз, с. Покровка. Родился в Ак-тереке, 18 км от Покровки, в горах From a conversation with Sarkush Bogombaevich Bogombaev, born 1911, Kirgiz, village of Pokrovka. Born in Ak-terek, 18 km rom Pokrovka, in the mountains
Из беседы с бабушкой Дарьей, 1904 г.р., русская, с. Покровка. Местная уроженка From a conversation with Grandmother Daria, born 1904, Russian, village of Pokrovka. Local native
Из беседы с Горборуковым Тимофеем Евдокимовичем. 1908 г.р., русский, с. Семеновка. Местный уроженец From a conversation with Timofei Yevdokimovich Gorborukov, born 1908, Russian, village of Semyonovka. Local native
Письмо Информационной рабочей группы Национального движения крымских татар в Верховный Совет Российской Федерации
Письмо Информационной рабочей группы Национального движения крымских татар президенту РФ Б.Н. Ельцину
Письмо Информационной рабочей группы Национального движения крымских татар в Верховный Совет Российской Федерации
Курбонии дузахма
Victim of the Double Blow
From the publisher: Бӯрӣ Каримови на факат дар Точикистон, балки дар собиқ Иттиҳоди Шӯравй машҳур дар ин китоб дойр ба сабабу окибатқои ҳодисаҳои баҳманмоқ, дасисабозию нотавонбинии баъзе аз хукуматдорон, чй туна сурат гирифтанн се пленуми хизби коммунист дар он рӯзҳо бо дарду алам ва дар айни замон бо мухокимаронии мантикан солим кисса пардохтааст. Балки ин китоб сарнавишти пурмочарои худи ӯ ва халқи ӯст.
Buri Karimov (1958-) was a government minister in the Tajik SSR in the mid to late 1980s, reaching the post of Chairman of the State Planning Committee (Gosplan Tajik SSR) by 1989. Famous for becoming the youngest minister in the USSR at age 28 in 1987, Buri Karimov was an ambitious and charismatic late Soviet Tajik politician. He reached the post of republican Gosplan chairman in 1989, but fell out of favor and lost his Party and government positions in 1990 as a result of the February 1990 riots in Dushanbe. This memoir partly describes his political career before and after 1990, but is largely focused on the riots themselves.
Резолюция областной встречи представителей Национального движения крымских татар Узбекистана
Письмо представителя Информационной рабочей группы Национального движения крымских татар в Верховный Совет Украины
Письмо президенту СССР М.С. Горбачеву народного депутата СССР Ф. Сефершаева о проблемах крымских татар в Крыму
Телеграмма группы крымских татар в Верховный Совет РСФСР
Справка зам. начальника отдела Госкомнаца РСФСР Б.В. Трускова в Совет Министров РСФСР по численности крымских татар
Телеграмма Г.Н. Белгородской президенту СССР М.С. Горбачеву о межнациональных конфликтах
Протокол № 6 заседания Государственной комиссии по проблемам крымско-татарского народа
Письмо зам. председателя Госкомстата СССР Н.Г. Белова зам. премьер-министра СССР В.Х. Догужиеву по вопросу о крымских татарах
Письмо мусульман Узбекистана М.С. Горбачеву по вопросу о нарушениях в работе Среднеазиатского духовного управления мусульман
Письмо Организации крымскотатарского национального движения президенту СССР М.С. Горбачеву относительно референдума в Крыму
Письмо председателя Госкомстата РСФСР П.Ф. Гужвина в Совет Министров РСФСР по вопросу о крымских татарах
Письмо мусульман Узбекистана М.С. Горбачеву по вопросу о нарушениях в работе Среднеазиатского духовного управления мусульман
Номзад ба раиси ҷумҳури Тоҷикистон Candidate for the leader of the Republic of Tajikistan
Rahmon Nabiev (1930-1993) was a Tajik governemnt official and political. This is a campaign brochure produced by the supporters of Rahmon Nabiev as part of his campaign for President of the Republic of Tajikistan in November 1991. It includes a brief biographical sketch, as well as a description of Nabiev's policies.
На дипломатической службе On Diplomatic Service
From the publisher: Эта книга - воспоминания бывшего партийного и госсударственного деятеля Мирзо Рахматова, является продолжением вышедшей в издательстве «Ирфон» в 1988 г. его книги «По страницам памяти». В предлагаемом читателям издании автор рассказывает о своей работе послом СССР в Йеменской Арабской Республике и Мавритании.
Mirzo Rakhmatov (1914-1998) was a Tajik party and state official. As chairman of the republic's Supreme Soviet, he was the formal head of state for the republic in the 1950s. He later served as ambassador to Yemen and Mauritania. This memoir covers his diplomatic service, including the civil war in Yemen. This is the second volume of a two part memoir, the first of which covers his early career in the party.
Мактаби одамият: Баъзе масъалаҳои адабиёт
ва маънавият.
The School of humaneness: some questions of literature and spirituality
Muhammadjon Shakuri (Shakurov) (1924-2012) was a Tajik philologist and academician. He studied at the pedagogical institute in Dushanbe and later earned his kandidatskaia and doktorskaia degrees at the Institute of World Literature in Moscow. His professional home, however, remained the Rudaki Institute of Language and Literature in Dushanbe. In the late 1980s he became a leading figure in the campaign for the primacy of the Tajik language. This volume collects a number of his articles on the relationship between literature, spirituality, and morality. It also includes several pieces recounting experiences with Sadriddin Ayni, Mirzo Tursonzoda, A. Dehoti, and Mirsaid Mirshakar.
Письмо председателя Совета Министров Украинской ССР В.П. Фокина в Совет Министров СССР по вопросу о крымских татарах
Телеграмма Б.Н. Ельцину из Коканда о крымских татарах
Заявление Ташкентского областного совета Организации крымскотатарского национального движения относительно референдума в Крыму
Письмо Б.Н. Ельцину от крымских татар
Телеграмма Б.Н. Ельцину из Татарстана о крымских татарах
Письмо Совета Министров Украинской ССР в Совет Министров СССР по вопросу о возвращении крымских татар в Крым
Записка Прокуратуры СССР в Совет Министров СССР о массовых межнациональных беспорядках в Ферганской области Узбекской ССР
Письмо от имени представителей ряда районов Крымской области в Верховный Совет СССР (о межэтнических отношениях в Крыму)
Телеграмма Б.Н. Ельцину от уроженки Крыма Лисиной