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Арбоби барчастаи давлати. J Rasulov: An Outstanding Government Official

Jabbor Rasulov (1913-1982) was a Tajik party and government official, and first secretary of the Tajik SSR Communist Party from 1961 until his death in 1982. An agronomist by training, he worked in the Komsomol and was briefly (1960-61) the USSR's ambassador to Togo. This volume includes reminscences and essays by historians and party officials, including Shodi Shabdolov, the head of Tajikistan's communist party after independence.
Date: 2003 Source: Masov, R.M., ed. Arbobi barjastai davlati. Dushanbe: Irfon, 2003.

Арзи дил The Heart's Desire

From the publisher: Sulton Mirzoshoev (1932-2016) was a Tajikistani politician and cultural official active in the Soviet and post-Soviet era. Originally from the Danghara region, he was educated at the teacher's college in Kulob and later at the Higher Party School in Moscow. This collection inculdes his account of the case against Tajikistan's First Secretary Tursun Uljaboev, which Mirzoshoev witnessed as a leader of the republic's Komsomol, and various episodes from the history of the republic's film industry, including an essay on the director Boris Kimegerov.
Date: 1996 Source: Sulton Mirzoshoev, Arzi dil (Dushanbe: Adib,1996).

Афғонистони инқилобӣ Revolutionary Afghanistan

From the publisher: Китоби «Афғонистони инқилобӣ», ки дар даст доред, идомаи навиштаи пешинаи муаллиф бо номи «Афгонистони шоҳӣ» (Д.: Деваштич, 2002) мебошад. Дар ин ҷо сухан аз ҳаводису воқеоте меравад, ки нигоранда дар тӯли солҳои 1978-1981 шоҳиди онҳо будааст. Китоби «Афғонистони инқилобӣ» барои устодону донишҷӯёни таърихшинос, барои ҳамаи ононе, кимехоҳанд аз тақдири Афғонистону мардуми афгон дар солҳои 1978-81 иттилое дошта бошанд, мароқовару ҷолиб мебошад. Ин китобест, ки бо усули қисса андар қисса нигошта шудааст. Аз ин рӯ онро бояд аз ибтидо то интиҳо хонд. H. Asozoda (1941-2014) was a prominent literary historian and educator who served two tours as an interpreter in Afghanistan. This is the second of H. Asozoda's Afghanistan memoirs, covering the author's service as an interpreter after the Saur Revolution (April 1978) until 1981. The book discusses interactions with other interpreters, advisors, and officers, relations with Afghanistanis, daily life among Soviets working in Afghanistan, and prominent political figures like Hafizullah Amin and Nur Mohammed Taraki. The book also provides insights into the key political developments of those years as seen by an in interpreter.
Date: 2003 Source: Asozoda, Khudoinazar. Afghonistoni inqiloby. Dushanbe: Devashtich, 2003.

Афғонистони шоҳӣ Royal Afghanistan

From the publisher: Хонандаи гироми! Китобе, ки дар даст доред хотираҳои сафари як ҷавони тоҷиканд, ки дар тули се сол (1971-73) дар Афғонистон ба ҳайси тарҷумон ҳамроҳи маъданшиносони Шӯрави хидмат кардааст. Муаллиф гохдо ба тартиби рӯзҳо риоя карда, вале аксаран ба тарзи умумият додани воқеоту ҳавводиси аз сар гузаронида, дидаву шунидаҳояшро рӯи коғаз овардааст. Китоб инчунин руҷуъҳои муаллифро ба гузаштаву зиндагии муосири мардуми тоҷику афган дар бар мегирад. Аз ин ҷиҳат ҳам баробари дигар фазилатҳояш қобили таваҷҷӯҳи хонандагон хоҳад гардид. H. Asozoda (1941-2014) was a prominent literary historian and educator who served two tours as an interpreter in Afghanistan. This book covers the author's first period in the country, from 1971-1973, when he accompanied a team of Soviet geologists conducting exploratory works around the country. It includes accounts of interactions with ordinary Afghanistanis, as well as cultural and political figures. This volume also includes the author's impressions of Afghanistani politics during a period which saw the end of the monarchy and the foundation of a republic by Mohammed Daoud.
Date: 2002 Source: Asozoda, Khudoinazar. Afghonistoni shohy. Dushanbe: Devashtich, 2002.

Ахтарон. Маҷмӯи ёддоштҳо Stars. Collected memoirs

From the publisher: Китоби нависанда Холмурод Шарифов “Ахтарон" асари ёддоштӣ буда, дар он муаллиф маҳорати нигорандагии худро бо нозукиҳояш намоиш додааст. “Ахтарон" нусхаи такмилёфтаи ёддоштҳои мусанниф “Оламафрӯзон" (Душанбе, “Маориф" 1992 ва “Ахтарони фарҳанг" (Душанбе, “Ирфон” 2002) буда, дар он иловаҳои зиёд ворид гардидаанд. Бахшҳои ёддоштӣ роҷеъ ба Суҳайлӣ Ҷавҳаризода, Мирсаид Миршакар, Раҳим Ҷалил ва Одина Ҳошим иловаҳои тозаанд. Ёддоштнависӣ аз жанрҳои душвори адабиёт маҳсуб ёфта, он диди хос, дарки амиқи матлаб, маҳорати фавқулоддаро дар масоили доги умдаи рӯз талаб мекунад. Омӯхтаву андӯхтаҳои муаллиф дар шакли ёддоштҳои ҷолибу хотирнишин ва латифу ҳикматангез рӯи когаз омадаву дар ҳамин китоби пурмӯҳтаво манзури хонандагони сершумор, хусусан омӯзгорон мегардад. Holmurod Sharifov (1927-2017) was a Tajik-Soviet party and government official. Originally from the area of Panjikent, he and his family were resettled in the Vaksh valley in 1937; after 1946 he embarked on a career in the Komsomol and later in the Party. He eventually earned a kandidatskaia degree from the Academy of Social Sciences of the CPSU. He served as Deputy Minister of Culture and Central Committee Secretary for Culture of the Communist Party of Tajikistan from 1968-1979. He was also a member of the Soviet Committee for Solidarity with the Countries of Asia and Africa. This book collects previously published recollections about Soviet-Tajik cultural figures, including those he traveled with as part of official trips to Afghanistan, the USA, Canada, Bulgaria, and beyond. Among the many figures discussed in the book are Sadriddin Ayni, Mirzo Tursunzoda, the film director Boris Kimergerov, and Bobojon Gafurov.
Date: 2004 Source: Sharifov, Holmurod. Akhtaron. Majmui eddoshtho. Dushanbe: Sharqi ozod, 2004.

Ашк ва ханда
Love and laughter

From the publisher: Зиндагии инсон миёни талхиву ширищо сипарй мешавад ва шояд мо кам ба он таваҷҷӯҳ дорем ва на ҳама вақт ба қадри он мерасем. Дар ишрищои зиндагӣ ёде аз талхщост ва дар талхиҳои он намакест аз ширищо. Лаҳзаҳое, ки зиндагии ман ва хонаводаам ҳамчун ашк дар сари мижгон меистод ва ҳар дам номулоиматщо ва нохушояндщое дар як сарзамини дигар бар сари бандаи гариб таҳдид дошт, ба тасвири талхиву ширищои рузгор ва кори баргардони ҳикматҳо ва латифаҳои беҳтарини дунё пардохтам ва он душворщоро бо хандаҳои гиряолуд ороставу пироста сохтам.

Mirboboi Mirrahim (Mirbobo MIrrahimov) is a translator and expert in pre-Islamic religions. During perestroika, he became famous for his writings on the Tajik language and was one of the first writers to publicly discuss the status of Samarqand and Bukhara. He also became one of the cofounders of Rastokhez, Tajikistan's first independent political organization. This volume of his memoirs, however, covers earlier years in the 1970s and 1980s and describes his experiences at university in Dushanbe, interactions with Tajik poets, and commentary on other writers' works.
Date: 2007 Source: Mirrahim, Mirboboi. Ashk va khanda. Dushanbe: Bokhtar, 2007.

Беседа с членом Всероссийского Учредительного собрания Г.Х. Терегуловым

Date: 1918-07-19 Source: Vestnik Komitete chlenov Vserossiiskogo Uchrediterlnogo sobraniia

Боевое расписание банд в Таджикской ССР (численность)

Date: 1931-04-10 Source: RGVA,f.25895,op.1,d.721,l.137

В Женотдел ЦК КПТ о калыме To the Women’s Department CC CPT about kalym [bride money]

Date: 1923 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.10,d.441,l.38
Transcription Translation

В Закавказское Шиитское Духовное Правление. Календарь духовных праздников на 1917 год To the Transcaucasian Shiite Religious Board. A Calendar of Muslim spiritual holidays for 1917

Date: 1916-09-15 Source: GIAAR,f.290,op.2,d.3719,l.103

В исполбюро ЦК КПТ о кодексе и шариате To the CC CPT Executive Bureau on reconciling the Code of Civil Law with traditional Muslim Sharia Law and Adat

Date: 1923 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.10,d.441,l.54
Transcription Translation

В секретариат ЦК РКП по вопросу о регистрации брака мусульманки To the Secretariat CC RKP on the registration of marriages of Muslim females

Date: 1923 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.10,d.441,l.42
Transcription Translation

В СНК СССР В.М. Молотову от Председателя СДРК при СНК СССР об удовлетворении ходатайства ДУМ САК о отправлении группы из 6 мусульман в паломничество в Мекку Polyansky to Molotov regarding the request from the Muslim Religious Directorate for Central Asia and Kazakhstan to allow pilgrimage of six religious Muslims to Mecca in 1944

Date: 1944-09-14 Source: GARF,f.6991,op.3,d.1,l.22
Transcription Translation

В Тифлисско-Кутаисский Суннитский губернский Меджлис о содержании муллы Штаба Кавкаской армии Н. Терегулова To the Tiflis-Kutaisi Sunni Provincial Majlis оn the salary of the mullah of the Caucasus Army Headquarters N. Teregulov

Date: 1915-11-14 Source: GIAAR,f.291,op.2,d.4955,l.4

В Тифлисское губернское правление о назначении Н. Терегулова муллой штаба Кавказской армии с 4 августа 1915 г. To the Tiflis provincial government оn the appointment of N. Teregulov as the mullah of the Caucasian army headquarters starting on August 4, 1915

Date: 1915-12-05 Source: GIAAR,f.291,op.2,d.4955,l.2-2ob

В Туркестанском крае. In Turkestan Krai.

Date: 1916-09-14 Source: Оrenbugskoe slovo, 1916-09-14

Вақте амр қонунро иваз мекунад. The Times When Life Changes Law

From the publisher: Дар ин китоб мақола ва мусоҳибаҳои матбуотии Ҳабибов Абдулло Ҳабибович гирд омадаанд, ки хонандаро бо воқеияти таърихи на чандон дури ҳаёти ҷомеаи Тоҷикистон ошно мекунанд. Abdullo Habibov (1940-) was a Soviet Party worker, educated in Tajikistan and in Moscow, where he attended the Academy of Social Sciences of the CC CPSU and received the degree of Candidate of Historical Sciences. In the 1980s he was appointed the head of the "Political Section" of the Tajik Ministry of the Interior. He later came to prominence during the February 1990 riots in Dushanbe, when he supported Buri Karimov and the massed protestors. This volume collects a series of his writings about the late Soviet period and a number of explicatory interviews.
Date: 2009 Source: Habibov, Abdullo. Vaqte amr qonunro ivaz mekunad. Dushanbe: Vatanparvar, 2009.

Ведомость о числе магометанского народа и духовенства в Закавказских провинциях, областях и дистанциях Report on Numbers of Muhammadans and Clergy in Transcaucasian Provinces, Oblasts and Railway Divisions

Сведения собирались для Комитета об управлении мусульманскими провинциями, созданного в 1828 г. под руководством графа И.Ф. Паскевича-Эриванского.
Date: Beginning of the 1830s Source: TsIAG,f.2,op.1,d.2232,l.110-112

Ведомость о числе мечетей и мусульманских молитвенных мест в провинциях, областях и дистанциях Закавказского края Report on the Number of Mosques and Muslim Prayer Sites in the Provinces, Oblasts and Railway Divisions of Transcaucasian Krai

Сведения собирались для Комитета об управлении мусульманскими провинциями, созданного в 1828 г. под руководством графа И.Ф. Паскевича-Эриванского. Комитет, среди прочего, занимался сбором сведений о правах высшего мусульманского сословия и их классификацией
Date: Beginning of the 1830s Source: TsIAG,f.2,op.1,d.2232,l.104-108

Ведомость Отдела военных сообщений Главного управления Генерального штаба о перевозке «мужского инородческого населения», призванного на тыловые работы из Туркестанского, Казанского, Омского и Иркутского военных округов. Record of the Department of Military Communications of the Main Administration of the General Staff on the transportation of “male minority members” recruited for logistical work from the Turkestan, Kazan, Omsk and Irkutsk military districts.

Date: 1916-11-08 Source: RGIA,f.1292,op.1,d.1920,l.277ob-278

Ведомость по расходам фонда борьбы с басмачеством

Date: 1929-06-1 Source: RGASPI,f.121,op.2,d.188,l.174

Великий курултай

Date: 1944-09-01 Source: GARF,f.6991,op.3,d.6,l.44

Великий курултай

Date: 1944-09-01 Source: GARF,f.6991,op.3,d.6,l.44

Видный ученый-экономист Средней Азии (К 70-летию со дня рождения И. К. Нарзикулова) A prominent Economist of Central Asia: A 70th Birthday Festschrift for I. K. Narzikulov

From the publisher: В настоящей брошюре публикуются материалы юбилейной научной конференции, посвященной 70-летию со дня рождения академика АН Таджикской ССР, заслуженного деятеля науки республики, профессора ИХ. Нарзикулова. В ней характеризуются роль и значение И.К. Нарзикулова—первого ученого-экономиста Таджикистана, основателя экономической науки в республике, крупного организатора научных исследований, инициатора и организатора подготовки в Таджикистане экономистов высшей квалификации, а также его разносторонняя государственная и общественная деятельность. Брошюра рассчитана на широкий круг читателей. Ibadullo Narzikulov (1909-1974) was a Tajik planner, economist, and academician. Born in Samarqand, he studied at the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute and then worked in a number of planning positions before earning a graduate degree in economics. He played a crucial role in establishing the discipline of economics within Tajikistan and in ensuring that academic economists were consulted on questions of planning. This volume of reminiscences was put together by his colleagues after his death.
Date: 1981 Source: Saidmuradov, Kh.M. (ed.) Vidnyi uccheniy ekonomist srednei azii (K 70 letiu so dnia rozhdenia N.Z Narzikulova). Dushabe: Donish, 1981.

Власть времени The Power of Time

From the publisher: Публикуемые мемуары выдающегося государственного и общественного деятеля Таджикистана Назаршо Додхудоева (1915—2000) знакомят читателя с отдельными эпизодами и людьми, связанными с жизнью страны в наиболее интересный период новейшей истории Центральной Азии. Эти драгоценные свидетельства складываются в рассказ о судьбе паренька с далекого Памира, сумевшего благодаря несомненным качествам лидера, беззаветной любви к Родине и исключительному уважению к людям оказать влияние на развитие республики в середине XX столетия. Nazarsho Dodhudoev (1915-2000) was a party and state official. Born in the Rushan district of what would later become the Gorno Badakshanskaia Avtonomnaia Oblast' (GBAO), he began his career as a teacher before joining the Komsomol and eventually the NKVD before embarking on a state and party career in Stalinabad (Dushanbe) and Moscow. He lost his position in the purge that followed the cotton scandal in Tajikistan in 1961. The memoir covers his childhood, education, the political effects of the purges, and his work under Bobojon Gafurov, Tursun Uljaboev, and others.
Date: 2001 Source: Dodkhudoev, Nazorsho. Vlast' vremeni. Almaty, 2001.

Внутренние национальные республики (Мусдуховенство) Internal national republics (the Muslim clergy)

Date: 1926 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.85,d.171,l.83

Воззвание А. Акушинского к мусульманам Кавказа

Date: 1919-11-09 Source: Azerbaijan (Baku), 1919-11-09

Воззвание басмачей к мусульманам (перевод)

Date: 1924 Source: RGVA,f.110,op.1,d.205,l.22-23

Воззвание бухарского эмира о политики Москвы

Date: 1923-05 Source: RGASPI,f.62,op.2,d.51,l.170-174

Воззвание воинов Черкесского конного полка Добровольческой армии к мусульманам России Appeal from the soldiers of the Cherkessk Cavalry Regiment of the Volunteer Army to the Muslims of Russia

Date: 1918-summer Source: GARF,f.10073,op.1,d.196,l.1
Transcription Translation

Воззвание Временного правительства к населению Семиреченской области. Не позднее 25 октября 1917 г. Appeal by the Provisional Government to the population of Semirechie Oblast. Not later than 25 October 1917.

Date: 1917-10-25 Source: RGVIA,f.400,op.1,d.4639,l.108-108ob

Воззвание к басмачам

Date: 1922-03-15 Source: RGASPI,f.62,op.2,d.27,l.16-19
Transcription Translation

Воззвание к мусульманам

Date: 1923 Source: RGASPI,f.62,op.2,d.34,l.150

Воззвание к мусульманам Восточной Бухары

Date: 1920 Source: RGASPI,f.544,op.4,d.23,l.27-28

Воззвание к мусульманам поддержать басмачей

Date: 1930 Source: RGVA,f.25895,op.1,d.876,l.2

Воззвание к мусульманам поддержать басмачей

Date: 1930 Source: RGVA,f.25895,op.1,d.876,l.3

Воззвание к мусульманам поддержать басмачей

Date: 1930 Source: RGVA,f.25895,op.1,d.876,l.4

Воззвание к мусульманам поддержать басмачей

Date: 1930 Source: RGVA,f.25895,op.1,d.876,l.5

Воззвание к мусульманам поддержать басмачей

Date: 1930 Source: RGVA,f.25895,op.1,d.876,l.10

Воззвание к мусульманам поддержать басмачей

Date: 1930 Source: RGVA,f.25895,op.1,d.876,l.12

Воззвание к русскому гарнизону с. Чилек от Ачилбека.

Date: 1922-04-21 Source: RGVA,f.40712,op.1,d.70,l.26

Воззвание Курултая улемов БНСР о басмачах

Date: 1924-01 Source: RGVA,f.110,op.1,d.226,l.31ob

Воззвание мулл участников курултая в отношении Англии

Date: 1924-03-2 Source: RGASPI,f.62,op.2,d.95,l.52-55

Воззвание муллы Осетинской конной дивизии Д. Цахилова к населению Осетии Appeal by D. Tsakhilov, mullah of the Ossetia Cavalry Division, to the population of Ossetia

Date: 1919-10-03 Source: Bor'ba (Tiflis)
Transcription Translation

Воззвание отдела народного образования и Махкама-Шариа ко всем ташкентским мусульманам с призывом к учебе A Proclamation from the Department of People’s Education and Makhkamei-Shaiia To all Tashkent Muslims on Education

Date: 1922-08 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.33,d.136,l.2
Transcription Translation

Воззвание съезда крестьян Ахалцихского уезда Грузинской Республикик грузинам-мусульманам Аджарии, Кабулетии, Ардагана и Шавшетии Appeal by the congress of peasants of Akhaltsikhe Uezd, Georgian Republic to Georgian Muslims in Adzharia, Kabuletia, Ardagan and Shavshetia

Date: 1919-01-01 Source: Dokumenty i materialy po vneshnei politike Zakavkazia i Gruzii (Tiflis), p.493-494
Transcription Translation

Воззвания к мусульманам вождя басмачаей Самаркандской обл. Направлены Сталину Proclamations by the Samarkand province basmachi leader. Copies sent to Stalin

Date: 1922-09-4 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.84,d.356,l.92-96ob
Transcription Translation

Вопросы антирелигиозной комиссии, о допущении мусульманских духовных школ Protocol No. 43 of a session of the Politburo CC RKP p. 20 -- Questions of the antireligious commission; On allowing the organization of Muslim religious schools

Date: 1923-11-10 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.3,d.391,l.5
Transcription Translation

Вопросы ЦК КП Киргизии о нацэлементах

Date: 1937-09-7 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.3,d.990,l.95