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Памяти Лахути In Memory of Lahuti
Abdulqosim Lahuti (1887-1957) was an Iranian/ Tajik writer. Forced to emigrate to the USSR for political reasons, he became a leading figure of Tajik letters and his works were translated into Russian and many other languages. This collection of essays about Lahuti's life and works was published in honour of Lahuti's posthumous 80th birthday, and includes works by Russian, Tajik, and other colleagues.
Ёди ёри мехрубон Memories of dear friends
From the publisher: Дар китоб хотира ва қайдҳои Шоири халқии Тоҷикистон, лауреати Мукофоти давлатӣ Мирсаид Миршакар аз ҳаёт ва эҷодиёти ходимони барҷастаи адабиёти советӣ гирд оварда шудааст.
Mirsaid Mirshakar (1912-1993) was a Soviet Tajik poet, writer, and government official. He was particularly known for his stories and poems for children, while his film work included Children of the Pamirs (1963). He was a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Tajikistan, Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Tajik SSR (1961-1975), and chairman of the Tajik branch of Society for Solidarity with the Countries of Asia and Africa. This volumes includes reminiscences about other Tajik writers, among them Ayni, Lahuti, and Tursunzoda, as well as Russian writers like Kornei Chukovskii and Nikolai Tikhonov, and foreign writers such as the Punjabi novelist Gurbaksh Singh.
Арзи дил The Heart's Desire
From the publisher:
Sulton Mirzoshoev (1932-2016) was a Tajikistani politician and cultural official active in the Soviet and post-Soviet era. Originally from the Danghara region, he was educated at the teacher's college in Kulob and later at the Higher Party School in Moscow. This collection inculdes his account of the case against Tajikistan's First Secretary Tursun Uljaboev, which Mirzoshoev witnessed as a leader of the republic's Komsomol, and various episodes from the history of the republic's film industry, including an essay on the director Boris Kimegerov.
Подземное чудо Ташкента Tashkent's Underground Miracle
From the publisher: Шоиноят Рахимович Шоабдурахимов родился в 1929 году в Ташкенте. В 1954 году окончил Ташкентский институт инженеров железнодорожного транспорта. Работал начальником Ташкентского отделения Среднеазиатской железной дороги, избирался заместителем Ташкентского городского Совета народных депутатов. С 1987 года по 1996 был начальником Ташкентского метрополитена. Заслуженный работник Республики Узбекистан, почетный железнодорожник.
Shinoiat Shoabdurahimov (1929-?) was born in Tashkent and studied railroad engineering. He helped oversee the construction and operation of Tashkent's metro, constructed as part of the city's reconstruction following the earthquake in 1966.
Жизнь отданная народу A life devoted to the people
From the publisher: Автор этой историко-энциклопедической и автобиографической книги на основе документов, анализа материалов, воспоминаний саратников, ученников и воспитанников Джаббора Расулова, раскрывает его деятельность на посту первого секретаря ЦК Компартии Таджикистана и Председателя Совета Министров ТаджикскойССР. Показывает образ Джаббора Расулова, как стойкого, принципиального коммуниста, талантливого, умелого организатора и воспитателя масс, выдающегося партийного деятеля Таджикистана, человека, посвятившего полностью свою сознательную жизнь служению трудовому народу, развитию и преобразованию республики.
Jabbor Rasulov (1913-1982) was a Tajik party and government official, and first secretary of the Tajik SSR Communist Party from 1961 until his death in 1982. An agronomist by training, he worked in the Komsomol and was briefly (1960-61) the USSR's ambassador to Togo. This volume includes an essay by the historian and former party official Iskandar Kalandarov as well as shorter reminiscences from former colleagues and friends, including Sulton Mirzoshoev, Rustam Yusufbekov.
Абдурахим Ходжибаев: страницы короткой жизни Abdurahim Khodzhibaev: Pages From a Short Life
Abdurahim Khodzhibaev (1900-1938) was the first Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Tajik SSR. An early member of the Communist Party in Khujand, he rose to prominence in the 1930s before falling victim to the Great Terror. This memoir was written by his daughter, Baroat Khodzhibaeva.
Номaҳо Letters
From the publisher: Ин китоб номаҳои то имрўз ба даст омадаи Абулќосим Лохутиро ба адибони тоҷик, ҳамдиёрон, дўстон, аҳли хонавода, хонандагон ва мухлисони ашъори ў дар бар кардааст. Номаҳо бо самимият, ҳарорати дил ва эҳтиром навишта шудаанд.
Abdulqosim Lahuti (1887-1957) was an Iranian/ Tajik writer. Forced to emigrate to the USSR for political reasons, he became a leading figure of Tajik letters and his works were translated into Russian and many other languages. This collection, assembled and annotated by Khursheda Otahonova, consists of letters written by Lahuti to writers in the USSR and abroad, including Sadriddin Ayni, Mirzo Tursunzoda, A. Dekhoti, and Romain Rolland.
Некӣ фаромӯш намешавад Kindness will not be forgotten
From the publisher: Устод Фаттоҳ Маҷидӣ баробари шеьргӯӣ дар наср ҳам қувва меозмояд. Ҳикояву воқеаҳои хурд-хурд менависад. Ӯ дар ин китоби "Некӣ фаромӯш намешавад" асосан дидаву шунидаҳои худро ба тарзи ҳикоятҳо ба қалам додааст, ки аксарияти онҳо аҳамияти калони ахлоқӣ, тарбиявӣ ва ҳатто таърихӣ доранд.
Fattoh Majidi (1931-) grew up in Samarqand and studied agriculture, eventually defending a doctorate and being appointed professor. He was also a poet. This short pamphlent consists of three parts. The first recounts episodes from his own life or of people he was close to; the second recounts episodes from literary and artistic life. The third consists of fictional or fictionalized vignettes.