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Национально-освободительное движение народов Востока колониальные гегемоны подавляют огнем и мечом The colonial hegemons are crushing the national liberation movement of Eastern peoples by fire and sword

Unknown artist
Azerbaijani, Turkmen, Uzbek text (Arabic script) Moscow. Published by the CC USSR IRA. 1927 Print run: 3000 copies
Paper, printing. 72.5×52.5 cm
Date: 1927 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-65

Народы Кавказа!
Царские генералы, помещики и капиталисты огнем и мечем душили нашу свободу и продавали вашу страну иноземным банкирам.
Красная армия Советской России победила ваших врагов: она принесла вам освобождение от кабалы и богачей.
Да здравствует Советский Кавказ!
Peoples of the Caucasus! Tsarist generals, landowners and capitalists by fire and sword strangled our freedom and sold out your country to foreign bankers. The Red Army of Soviet Russia vanquished your enemies; it brought you liberation from bondage and the rich. Long live the Soviet Caucasus!

Unknown artist
Russian and Tatar text
Kazan. Published by the Literature and Publishing Section of the PORMCR Oriental Section. 1920 Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 70×52 cm
Date: 1920 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No IM/P-118

Напои землю водой – она тебя накормит Water the soil and it will feed you

Unknown artist
Russian and Uzbek text (Arabic script) Tashkent. Turkestan State Publishing House Print shop No. 1. 1920s
Print run: 5000 copies
Paper, printing. 66.5×50 cm
Date: 1920 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-116

На хозяйственный фронт. Революция – бакинскому рабочему Go to the economic front. Bring the Revolution to Baku workers

Unknown artist
Russian text
Baku. Published by the Industrial Propaganda CB ‘Kommunist’ print shop. 1921
Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 51×71.5 cm
Date: 1921 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 37991/4

На Урал, на защиту Поволжья! To the Urals! Defend the Volga Region!

Unknown artist
Russian text
Kazan. Culture and Education Office of the Volga Military District. 1919 Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 53.2×35 cm
Date: 1919 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 27851/269, 30124/95

На страже социалистической Родины! Guarding our socialist Motherland!

By B. Gasymov
Azerbaijani text (Latin script) Unknown publisher. 1939
Print run: 5000 copies
Paper, printing. 86×57.5 cm
Date: 1939 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-31

На борьбу за выполнение плана по хлопку Let’s fight to fulfill the cotton [harvest] plan

Unknown artist
Russian text
Azerbaijani State Publishing House. Baku Baku Print House. 1932
Print run: 1000 copies
Paper, printing. 76×54.5 cm
Date: 1932 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-35

Мы, Божьей Милостью, Колчак...
We, by the grace of God, Kolchak...

By V. N. Deni
Russian text
Kazan. Published by the Kazan Print Section. 1919 Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 70.8×51 cm
Date: 1919 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 29713/218

Мы на горе всем буржуям мировой пожар раздуем! We shall whip up a worldwide fire to the great sorrow of the whole bourgeoisie!

Unknown artist
Russian and Uzbek text (Arabic script) Tashkent. Published by the Literature and Publishing Section of the Turkestan Army Political Office. 1920
Print run 8000 copies Paper, printing. 47×35.5 cm
Date: 1920 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 30124/884

Мощными усилиями создадим паровозы! Восстановим транспорт – уничтожим разруху Work hard to produce locomotives! Let’s restore transport and destroy devastation

Unknown artist
Russian and Uzbek text (Arabic script)
Tashkent. Turkestan State Publishing House. 1920 Print run: 3000 copies
Paper, printing. 71.5×53.5 cm
Date: 1920 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 29297/147

Миллионы рабочих и колхозников являются вкладчиками сберкасс Millions of workers and collective farmers have deposits with savings banks

By М. Reikh
Russian and Uzbek text (Latin script) Tashkent. Uzbek lithography shop.
‘Pravda Vostoka’ print shop. 1934 Print run: 15 000 copies
Paper, printing. 46.6×62.6 cm
Date: 1934 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-49

Лучших коней в Красную армию! Get the best horses for the Red Army!

By О. Orudzhev
Azerbaijani text (Latin script)
Baku. Azerbaijan Publishing House print shop 1930
Print run: 1000 copies
Paper, printing. 42×60.2 cm
Date: 1930 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-192

Ликвидация неграмотности и всеобщее обучение среди женщин – окончательный удар по классовым врагам Elimination of illiteracy and universal education of women is a final blow at class enemies

By М. Hakimdzhanov
Uzbek text (Latin script)
Tashkent. Uzbek State Publishing House. 1932 Print run: 5000 copies
Paper, printing. 62.2×89 cm
Date: 1932 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-217

Ленинский комсомол – передовой боец в борьбе за ликвидацию неграмотности The Leninist Komsomol is an front-line fighter in the war on illiteracy

Unknown artist
Russian and Uzbek text (Latin script)
Central Asian Party Publishing House. ‘Pravda Vostoka’ print shop. 1920s Print run: 1000 copies
Paper, printing. 92×63 cm
Date: 1920 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-66

Ленин – знамя, ленинизм – оружие, путь – мировая революция Lenin is the banner, Leninism is the weapon, the road is world revolution

Unknown artist
Russian text
Baku. ‘Bakinsky Rabochiy’ cooperative publishing house. 1920s
Print run: 2000 copies
Paper, printing. 72.5×107 cm
Date: 1920 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 30124/458

Кустарка! Отдавай детей в детские дома, детские ясли, детские сады и на детские площадки Female artisans! Bring your children to orphanages, nursey schools, kindergartens and playgrounds

Unknown artist
Russian and Uzbek text (Latin script)
Tashkent. Print shop No. 2 of the Uzbek Printing Trust. 1931
Print run: 2000 copies
Paper, printing. 105×74 cm
Date: 1931 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-10

Куда идет хлопок, что он дает декханам, для чего он нужен Советскому Союзу Where the cotton goes, what it gives dehkans and what the Soviet Union needs it for

Unknown artist
Kazakh text (Arabic script)
Tashkent. Published by the Agricultural Section of the Uzbek Cotton Office. Print shop No. 1 of the Uzbek State Publishing House. 1931
Print run: 530 copies
Paper, printing. 107×71.2 cm
Date: 1931 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-11

Кто силен в воздухе, тот в наше время вообще силен. К. Ворошилов Whoever is strong in the air is strong in general today. K. Voroshilov

By А. Yumashev, V. Deni, N. Dolgorukov Kara-Kalpak text (Latin script) Moscow–Leningrad. State Publishing House ‘Art’ 1940
Print run: 500 copies
Paper, printing. 93.5×58.8 cm
Date: 1940 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-114

Кто против народа, тот хочет,
чтоб было так...
Whoever is against the people wants it to be like that...

Unknown artist
Russian text
Kazan. Published by the Fine Arts Bureau of the Army Political Section. 1920
Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 29.8×41.5 cm
Date: 1920 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 29713/331

Крестьянин! Этих людей в Совет не выбирай, так как они были твоими врагами и твоими врагами остаются Peasants! Do not elect these people to the Soviet, because they were and [forever] will remain your enemies

Unknown artist
Tajik text (Arabic script)
Tashkent. Print shop of the Central Asian Hydrometeorology Research Institute. 1920s Print run: 2000 copies
Paper, printing. 76×106.4 cm
Date: 1920 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-72

Крестьянин и рабочий! Ты овладел винтовкой, овладей и пером! Peasants and workers! You have learned to use a rifle, now learn to use a pen!

Unknown artist
Russian and Uzbek text (Arabic script) Tashkent. Turkestan State Publishing House 1920s
Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 49×66.7 cm
Date: 1920 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-115

Крестьяне, крестьянки!
Фронт ждет вашей помощи!
Male and female peasants! The front is awaiting your help!

Unknown artist
Russian text
Kazan. Kazan Branch of the State Publishing House. 1920
Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 45×74 cm
Date: 1920 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 29713/50

Крепкая Красная армия – верный страж строительства социализма в Советском Союзе The strong Red Army is a reliable sentry for the construction of socialism in the Soviet Union

Unknown artist
Russian and Turkmen text (Latin script) Ashkhabad. Turkmen State Publishing House 1920s
Print run: 2000 copies
Paper, printing. 87×62 cm
Date: 1920 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 30124/299

Крепка и неразрывна дружба народов СССР! The friendship of peoples in the USSR is strong and unbreakable!

By А. Bondarovich
Russian and Uzbek text (Latin script)
Tashkent. UzSSR State Publishing House. 1937 Print run: 20 150 copies
Paper, printing 67.8×99.8 cm
Date: 1937 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 30124/963 (а, b)

Крепи ряды МОПР Strengthen MOPR [International Red Aid] ranks

Uzbek text (Latin script)
By V. Medvedev
Tashkent. Uzbek State Publishing House. Print shop No. 2 of the Uzbek Printing Trust. 1931 Print run: 5000 copies
Paper, printing. 63×88 cm
Date: 1931 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 30124/1001

Крепи национальные части единой РККА – стойкую защиту социалистической стройки Strengthen national units of the united Red Army, the steadfast protector of the construction of socialism

By V. Rozhdestvensky
Russian and Uzbek text (Arabic script) Tashkent. 1928
Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 109.5×72 cm
Date: 1928 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 13140/9

Красный Туркмен
Художник Р. Мазель
Red Turkmen

By R. Mazel. Paper, gouache, author printing
70×50 cm
Date: 1923 Source: Mardjani Foundation, No. IM-242

Красный Азербайджан Эскиз плаката Red Azerbaidzhan Poster sketch

By S. Gordetsky
Paper, gouache. 31.8×57.4 cm
Date: 1920 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-100

Красный Азербайджан – факел на пути исламских народов к суверенитету! Red Azerbaidzhan is a torch on the path of Islamic peoples to sovereignty!

Unknown artist
Azerbaijani text (Arabic script)
Publisher and print run unknown. 1920s Paper, printing. 45×31.6 cm
Date: 1920 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-87

Красная армия поможет угнетенным Востока совершить свой Октябрь The Red Army will help the oppressed people of the East make their own October [Revolution]

Unknown artist
Russian and Uzbek text (Arabic script) Tashkent. Published by the Literature and Publishing Section of the Turkestan Army Political Office. 1920
Print run 10 000 copies Paper, printing. 47.2×36 cm
Date: 1920 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 29297/70

Контрольные цифры сельского хозяйства Key agricultural figures

Unknown artist
Bashkir text (Latin script)
Ufa. Published by the Education Section of the Bashkir Trade Union Council. October Impact print shop. Approved by the Countryside Cooperation Section of the AUCP(B) Bashkir Region Committee and the Agitation and Propaganda (Section)
Print run: 1000 copies
Paper, printing. 104.7×74 cm
Date: n/a Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM-8

Комсомольское шефство коню Komsomol patronage of horses

By S. Malt
Russian and Uzbek text (Latin script)
Published by the Central Asian Territorial
Youth Agricultural Station of the Central Asian Komsomol Territorial Committee. ‘Pravda Vostoka’ print shop. 1934
Print run: 4000 copies
Paper, printing. 71.5×104 cm
Date: 1934 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-29

Комсомолия Узбекистана!
На штурм малярии!
Uzbek Komsomol members! Attack malaria!

By Finikov
Russian and Uzbek text (Latin script)
Published by the Republican Sanitary Culture House of the UzSSR People’s Commissariat for Healthcare. Tashkent. 1st UPCLI print shop. 1933 Print run: 5000 copies
Paper, printing. 105.5×68.5 cm
Date: 1933 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-25

Комсомол, крепи военную мощь СССР Komsomol, strengthen the military might of the USSR

Unknown artist
Russian text
Baku. Baku Print House Trust. 1924–1926 Print run: 1000 copies
Paper, printing. 107×72 cm
Date: 1924-1926 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 29064/1

Комсомол на защите интересов рабочей молодежи Komsomol protects young workers’ interests

Unknown artist
Russian and Azerbaijani text (Latin script) Baku. Baku Print House Trust. 1920s Print run: 1000 copies
Paper, printing. 106×70.6 cm
Date: 1920 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 30124/271

Колхозник, бедняк, середняк! Сей хлопок на багоре, этим выполним хлопковую пятилетку в 3 года! Collective-farm members, poor and middle peasants! Plant cotton in spring to fulfill the five-year cotton plan in three years!

By M. Reikh
Russian and Uzbek text (Latin script)
Tashkent. Print shop No. 2 of the Uzbek Printing Trust. Published by the ACGCIRI. 1920s
Print run: 4500 copies
Paper, printing. 106×70 cm
Date: 1920 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-14

Колхоз «Интернационал»
Превратим колхозниц в настоящих
членов колхоза
The International Collective Farm. Let’s turn female collective farmers into real members of the collective farm

Unknown artist
Uzbek text (Latin script)
Tashkent. Uzbek State Publishing House. 1930s Print run: 5000 copies
Paper, printing. 109×72 cm
Date: 1930 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-211

Книгу – в массы! Bring books to the masses!

Unknown artist
Russian and Turkmen text (Arabic script)
Print shop of the Turkmen State Publishing House 1930s
Print run: 5000 copies
Paper, printing. 46.7×31.2 cm
Date: 1930 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-195/196

Булат Батыр
Film advertisement. Bulat Batyr

Unknown artist
Russian and Uzbek text (Arabic script) Uzbekkino. Tashkent. Print shop No. 2 of the Uzbek Printing Trust. 1927
Print run: 1030 copies
Paper, printing. 108×72.7 cm
Date: 1927 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-80

Film advertisement. Ukrasia

Unknown artist
Russian and Uzbek text (Arabic script) Tashkent. Print shop No. 1 of the Uzbek State Publishing House. 1925
Print run: 1500 copies
Paper, printing. 100×69 cm
Date: 1925 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-23

Трижды проданная
Film advertisement. Thrice Sold

Unknown artist
Russian and Uzbek text (Arabic script) Uzbekgoskino. Tashkent. 1927
Print run: 1000 copies
Paper, printing. 104.7×69.7 cm
Date: 1927 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-76

Film advertisement. Ramadan

Unknown artist
Uzbekfilm. State Light Industry Publishing House. ‘Trud i Tvorchestvo’ Print House. 1933
Print run: 5000 copies
Paper, printing. 90.5×58 cm
Date: 1933 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-139

Film advertisement. Ismet

Unknown artist
Russian text
By the Azerbaijani State Film Industry Trust
2nd State Print Shop, Moscow Region Print House Print run 5000 copies
118.4×83.7 cm
Date: n/d Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-79

В погоне за счастьем
Film advertisement. The Pursuit of happiness

Unknown artist
Russian and Uzbek text (Latin script)
Tashkent. Print shop No. 2 of the Uzbek Printing Trust. 1927
Print run: 1000 copies
Paper, printing. 69.5×107.5 cm
Date: 1927 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-24

Как превратить железо в хлеб How to make bread out of iron

Unknown artist
Russian text
Kazan. State Publishing House Kazan branch. Umid print shop. 1920 Print run unknown
Date: 1920 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 29297/139

Каждый поднятый кусок перелога
под хлопок – удар по баю, вредителю
и оппортунисту
Every plowed piece of fallow land for cotton hits bais, wreckers and opportunists

By B. Chernysh
Text: 1. Russian and Uzbek language (Latin script) 2. Russian and Kazakh language (Latin script) Tashkent. Print shop No. 2 of the Uzbek
Printing Trust
Published by the ACGCIRI. 1931
Print run:
1. 9500 copies
2. 1500 copies
Paper, printing. 51.5×73.5 cm
Date: 1931 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-27 (1-2)

Каждый дехканин должен иметь облигации 3-го займа индустриализации Each peasant must have 3rd industrialization bonds

Russian and Uzbek text (Arabic script)
Publisher and print run: unknown. 1930s
Paper, printing. 35×89 cm
Date: 1930 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-231

К большей ответственности расхитителей
и разгильдяев!
Hold embezzlers and sloppy workers more accountable!

By М. Reikh
Uzbek text (Latin script)
Tashkent. Uzbek State Publishing House. 1933 Print run: 5000 copies
Paper, printing. 104.6×88 cm
Date: 1933 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 39021/3

К «Неделе фронта».
Все для фронта, все для победы!
For Front Week.
Everything for the front, everything for victory!

Unknown artist
Russian text
Kazan. Published by the Kazan Print Section. 1920 Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 49×31 cm
Date: 1920 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 29713/55

Ишанам, муллам, баям – пособникам капитализма – никогда не удастся вернуть старое. Отбросив религию, смело вперед! Ishans [spiritual leaders], mullahs and bais – abettors of capitalism -- will never succeed in turning back the clock. Push back religion and boldly march forward!

Unknown artist
Russian and Uzbek text (Latin script)
State Publishing House Moscow–Leningrad. State Publishing House 1st exemplary print shop Moscow. 1930
Print run: 10 000 copies
Paper, printing. 73.4×51 cm
Date: 1930 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-182

История ВКП(б) в плакатах. No5 VKP(B) history in posters. No. 5

Design by А.М. Rodchenko
Kyrgyz text (Arabic script)
Moscow. Published by the Communist Academy and the USSR Revolution Museum. 1920s
Print run: 700 copies
Paper, printing. 71×53.4 cm
Date: 1920 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-142

История ВКП(б) в плакатах. No 24 VKP(B) history in posters. No. 24

Design by А. М. Rodchenko
Uzbek text (Arabic script)
Compiled by S. Livshits, a research associate of the Revolution Museum
Moscow. Published by the Communist Academy and the USSR Revolution Museum. Moscow Printing House. 5th print shop. 1923
Print run: 700 copies Paper, printing. 71×53.4 cm
Date: 1923 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-141

Заочное обучение партийным знаниям
по радио
Distance education about the party by radio

Unknown artist
Tatar text (Latin script)
Kazan. Tatar Main Print Shop No. В-46 Tatpoligraph. 1935
Paper, printing. 75×93 cm
Date: 1935 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM-202

За хороший сельсовет For a good village Soviet

Unknown artist
Russian and Uzbek text (Latin script) Tashkent. Uzbek State Publishing House. 1934 Paper, printing. 104×68 cm
Date: 1934 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-74

За хлопковую независимость!
For cotton independence!

Unknown artist
Russian and Tajik text (Latin script) Tashkent. ‘Pravda Vostoka’ print shop. 1930 Print run: 5000 copies
Paper, printing. 104×73.5 cm
Date: 1930 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-40

За сплошную грамотность!
В стране безграмотной построить коммунистическое общество нельзя
For total literacy! A communist society cannot be built in an illiterate country

By Aduyev
Russian and Uzbek text (Latin script)
Central Asian Party Publishing House ‘Pravda Vostoka’ print shop. 1920s Print run: 8000 copies
Paper, printing. 94×62 cm
Date: 1920 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-62

За Советский Восток. 10 лет РККА For the Soviet East. The Red Army’s 10th anniversary

By V. Rozhdestvensky
Russian and Uzbek text (Arabic script) Tashkent. 1928
Print run: 2053 copies
Paper, printing. 108×72.2 cm
Date: 1928 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 30124/356

За дело, товарищ! На фронт трудовой. Пусть каждый из нас выступает! Let’s get down to work, comrade! To the labor front…

By А. Trofimovsky
Russian text
Ufa. State Publishing House, Ufa branch. Province National Economy Council print shop 1921
Print run: 3000 copies
Paper, printing. 72.5×45 cm
Date: 1921 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 27851/32

За высокие показатели по сбору урожая хлопка сырца наше сталинское движение Our Stalinist movement strives for high raw cotton harvest figures

By М. Reikh
Uzbek text (Arabic script)
Tashkent. Published by the ‘Pravda Vostoka’ and the Uzbek Cotton Procurement Trust. 1936 Print run: 40 000 copies
Date: 1936 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-38

Жизнь народов Советского Востока и капиталистических стран The life of people in the Soviet East and in capitalist countries

By RiaM
Russian and Uzbek text (Arabic script) Samarkand. 1920s
Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 72.5×108 cm
Date: 1920 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 30486/60

Жены рабочих, идите на фабрики, заводы! Пополняйте отряды пролетариев! Workers’ wives, go work in plants and factories! Join the proletarian ranks!

By S. Malt and B. Shubin
Russian and Turkmen text (Latin script)
Uzbek lithography shop. ‘Pravda Vostoka’ print shop. 1931
Print run: 7250 copies
Paper, printing. 104×77 cm
Date: 1931 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-6

Женщины-трудящиеся Таджикистана, выбирая в Советы, принимайте участие
в социалистическом строительстве
Tadzhik female workers, take part in the construction of socialism by electing members of Soviets

Unknown artist
Tajik language (Arabic script)
District print shop No. 185. ‘Pravda Vostoka’ print shop. 1930s
Print run: 4000 copies
Paper, printing. 72×107.8 cm
Date: 1930 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-147

Женщина-татарка! Вступай в ряды всех тружениц Советской России. Об руку
с русскими пролетарками ты разобьешь последние оковы
Tatar women! Join the ranks of all Soviet Russian female toilers…

Unknown artist
Russian and Tatar text (Arabic script)
Kazan. State Publishing House, Kazan branch 1920
Print run: 1000 copies
Paper, printing. 62.2×38 cm
Date: 1920 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM-4

Женщина-избиратель – могучая сила The female voter is a mighty force

By S. Malt
Russian and Uzbek text (Latin script)
Tashkent. UzSSR State Publishing House. 1937 Print run unknown
Paper, printing 58×92.5 cm
Date: 1937 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 30124/961

Женщина на работе обществу Woman working for society

Unknown artist
Nogaibak language (Cyrillic script) Published by the Central Publishing House Moscow. 1920s
Print run: 1000 copies
Paper, printing. 70×94 cm
Date: 1920 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM-131

Жарко солнце, и конь измучен
Передышки на знает нигде,
Ах, овраги холмы и крутины,
Ослепительный путь к звезде.
The sun is hot and the horse is exhausted...

By М. Kogout
Azerbaijani text (Arabic script).
Baku. BWAA RTACRB. Azerbaidzhani Republican Print Center State Publishing House. 1920s
Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 71.3×50 cm
Date: 1920 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-59

Дружный в работе треугольник смены – залог выполнения промфинплана Three shifts working harmoniously guarantee fulfillment of the industrial and financial plan

Russian and Uzbek text (Latin script) Publisher and print run: unknown
Paper, printing. 33×98 cm
Date: 1930 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-227

Долой неграмотность! Down with illiteracy!

Unknown artist
Kazakh language text (Arabic script) Moscow. Main Literature and Publishing Directorate. Doloy Negramotnost Publishing House. 1920s
Print run: 5000 copies
Paper, printing. 69.2×98 cm
Date: 1920 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-61

Долой калым, многоженство и всякое насилие над женщиной Down with kalym [bride money], polygamy and all violence against women

Unknown artist
Russian text
Moscow. Published by the Central Publishing House as ordered by the Central Committee of the AUCP(B) female section. 1920s
Print run: 3000 copies
Paper, printing. 105.5×70.5 cm
Date: 1920 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 30124/270

Долой безграмотность и мрак невежества!!! Только через знание путь к истинному коммунизму! Down with illiteracy and the darkness of ignorance!!! The path to the communism runs only through knowledge!

Unknown artist
Russian text
Kazan. Published by the Main Politic
and Education Committee. 1920s
Print run: 400 copies
Paper, printing. 128.5×70.5 cm
Date: 1920 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 13354/25

Доклад активиста Activist’s report

By А. Platunova
Russian text
Unknown publisher. 1930 Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 44.5×32.5 cm
Date: 1930 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM-19

Для таких входа нет, а этим – двери настежь For those people there is no entry, but for these the doors are wide open

Unknown artist
Russian text
Kazan. Published by the Fine Arts Bureau of the Army Political Section. 1920
Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 29.8×41.5 cm
Date: 1920 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 29713/276

Для овладения теорией марксизма- ленинизма сеть партийного просвещения
и комсомольского обучения в Узбекистане
Marxist-Leninist theory can be learned through the party-education and Komsomol training network in Uzbekistan

Unknown artist
Uzbek text (Latin script)
Tashkent. 1st UPCLI print shop. 1932 Print run: 7000 copies
Paper, printing. 71×103
Date: 1932 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-30

Дехканские и батрацкие женщины! Требуйте от правительства Советов проведения земельных реформ! Peasant women and female farmhands! Demand land reforms from the Soviet government!

Unknown artist
Uzbek text (Arabic script)
Samarkand print shop. Early 1920s Print run: 2000 copies
Paper, printing. 96×72 cm
Date: 1920 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-73

Дехканки! Занимайтесь шелководством. Оно увеличит доход вашего хозяйства Female dehkans! Breed silkworms. It will increase your household income

Unknown artist
Russian and Uzbek text (Latin script)
Tashkent, Uzbek lithography shop, published
by the Central Asian Silkworm Breeding Institute of Joint-Stock Company Turkestan Silk Factory. 1930s Print run: 14000 copies
Paper, printing. 103×70 cm
Date: 1930 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-51

Дехканин! Не забывай сделать запасы на зиму и починить сельхозинвентарь! Вовремя засевай землю! Dehkan! Don’t forget to store up for the winter and mend farming equipment! Sow seeds on time!

By V. Yeremyan
Uzbek text (Arabic script)
Samarkand. REC print shop. 1920s
Print run: 2000 copies
Paper, printing. 90×68.6 cm
Date: 1920 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-7

Дехканин – помощник лошади и трактора
Текст на узбекском языке (латинская графика)
The dehkan is a helper of horses and tractors

Uzbek text (Latin script)
Publisher and print run: unknown 1930s
Paper, printing. 41×80 cm
Date: 1930 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-229

Дети, будьте осторожны, берегитесь трамвая Children, be careful, beware of trams

Unknown artist
Russian and Tatar text (Arabic script)
Kazan. Published by the City Railway Office. 1931 Print run: 500 copies
Paper, printing. 49×68 cm
Date: 1931 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 30124/983

Дети – наше будущее.
Для них мы строим новый мир
Children are our future. We are building a new world for them

Unknown artist
Russian and Tatar text (Arabic script) State Publishing House, Kazan branch Umid print shop. 1920
Print run: 2000 copies
Paper, printing. 60.8×38 cm
Date: 1920 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 29857/188

Десять сытых! Давая каждый три фунта муки в месяц, вы спасете от голодной смерти одного пахаря и тем спасете себя от той же участи в будущем. Calling ten well-fed people! By giving three pounds of flour a month each, you will save one plowman from dying hungry...

Unknown artist
Russian and Tatar text (Arabic script) Kazan. Published by the CAFC. 1921 Print run: 4000 copies
Paper, printing. 53.8×7 cm1
Date: 1921 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 29064/63

Десять сытых накормят одного голодного – по 3 ф. хлеба 30 ф. хлеба Ten well-fed people will feed one hungry person -- giving 3 pounds of grain each will yield 30 pounds of grain

Unknown artist
Russian and Tatar text (Arabic script) Kazan. Published by the CAFC. 1921
Print run: 5000 copies
Paper, printing. 48×71.5 cm
Date: 1921 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 27851/138

Дезертир! Своим бегством ты радуешь только буржуя – врага рабочих и крестьян Deserter! By fleeing you only make the bourgeoisie happy – the enemy of workers and peasants

By B. I-ch and V. P-k.
Russian text
Ufa. Published by the RTA Bashkir Regional Branch. 1920
Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 53.8×71.4 cm
Date: 1920 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 29713,35

Дезертир труда и фронта пособник контрреволюции и хозяйственной разрухи... A deserter of labor and the front is an accomplice to counter-revolution and economic devastation...

Unknown artist
Russian text
Ufa. Ufa Province Branch
of the State Publishing House. 1920 Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 44.5×35.5 cm
Date: 1920 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 3888/314а

Да здравствуют женщины-червоводки активно участвующие в проведении шелковой пятилетки! Long live female silkworm breeders taking active part in the implementa¬tion of the five-year silk plan!

Russian and Kazakh text (Latin script) Tashkent. Print shop No. 2 of the Uzbek Printing Trust
Paper, printing. 45×53 cm
Date: n/d Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-233

Да здравствует Татарская Советская Социалистическая Республика
В единении трудящихся –
крепость и мощь «Татреспублики»
Long live the Tatar Soviet Socialist Republic. The strength and might of the Tatar Republic lie in the unity of workers

Unknown artist
Russian and Tatar text (Arabic script)
State Publishing House, Kazan branch. 1921 Print run: 2000 copies
Paper, printing. 60.5×36.2 cm
Date: 1921 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM-5

Да здравствует пролетарская революция во всем мире!!! Long live proletarian revolution all over the world!!!

By V. Kaidalov
Russian and Uzbek text (Latin script) Tashkent. Uzbek State Publishing House ‘Pravda Vostoka’ print shop. 1933
Print run: 5000 copies Paper, printing. 74×104.5 cm
Date: 1933 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 39021/9

Да здравствует ленинско-сталинский комсомол! 20 лет Long live the Leninist-Stalinist Komsomol! 20 years old

By М. Gazimov
Azerbaijani text (Latin script)
Baku. Baku Print House. 1938 Print run: 5000 copies
Paper, printing. 89×62 cm
Date: 1938 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-32

Да здравствует Ленинско-Сталинский комсомол – шеф военно-воздушного флота! Long live the Leninist-Stalinist Komsomol, a patron of the air force!

By K. Cheprakov
Uzbek text (Latin script).
Tashkent. Detyunizdat Publishers, Uzbek Printing Complex print shop. 1938
Print run: 5000 copies
Paper, printing. 91.5×57.5 cm
Date: 1938 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-39

Да здравствует земельная реформа! Long live the land reform!

Unknown artist
Uzbek text (Arabic script)
Tashkent Region print shop ‘Nauka i Trud’. 1920s Print run: 2000 copies
Paper, printing. 65.7×97.5 cm
Date: 1920 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-45

Да здравствует братский союз всех трудящихся Кавказа! Long live the fraternal alliance of all working people in the Caucasus!

Unknown artist
Azerbaijani text (Arabic script)
Publisher and print run unknown. 1920s Paper, printing. 45×31.6 cm
Date: 1920 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-85

Да здравствует XXI Октябрь Long live the 21st anniversary of October [Revolution]

By B. Rezanov
Russian and Uzbek text (Latin script)
Tashkent. UzSSR State Publishing House. 1938 Print run: 10 000 copies
Paper, printing. 92×59.5 cm
Date: 1938 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 30124/978

Да здравствует I съезд Советов Азербайджана! Long live the 1st Congress of Azerbaidzhani Soviets!

Azerbaijani text (Arabic script)
Baku. State Print Shop No. 4. 1921
Print run: 1700 copies
Paper, printing. 65.8×50 cm
Date: 1921 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-83

Грудные дети умирают чаще всего летом Babies die most often in the summer

Unknown artist
Russian and Tatar text (Arabic script)
Kazan. Published by the Tatar People’s Committee for Healthcare and the Tatar Region Red Cross Committee. Tatpoligraph, Proletarskoye Slovo
print shop. 1927
Print run: 3000 copies
Paper, printing 36×53.5 cm
Date: 1927 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 30124/975

Грамотный, твой долг обучать неграмотных! Literate people, it is your duty to teach those who are illiterate!

Unknown artist
Russian and Uzbek text (Arabic script) Tashkent. Turkestan State Publishing House 1920s
Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 62.7×44 cm
Date: 1920 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 30124/994

Гражданин! Неси книгу красноармейцу... Citizens! Bring a book to a Red Army soldier...

Unknown artist
Russian text
Kazan. Republican Reserve Army Political Section Political Section of the MRC Eastern Section. 1919 Print run unknown
Paper, screen printing. 90.5×60.7 cm
Date: 1919 Source:
SCMCHR. SIN 29713/113

Горско мусульманский конный дивизион полковника Пуковского приглашает добровольцев – мусульман и горцев Colonel Pukovsky’s Muslim Highlander Cavalry Division invites Muslim and mountain-dwelling volunteers

White Guard poster
Unknown artist
Arabic, Adygei , Karachai-Balkar (Arabic script) text
Publisher, year and print run unknown
Paper, printing. 85×62 cm
Date: n/d Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-55

Голодный труженик! Знай, что пролетариат всего мира спешит к тебе с помощью! Hungry toiler! Know that the proletariat of the whole world are rushing to help you!

Unknown artist
Russian and Tatar text (Arabic script)
Kazan. Published by the Main Politic and Education Committee. 1922 Print run: 2500 copies
Paper, printing. 59×71 cm
Date: 1922 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 29064/26

Голодающему Поволжью –
Красный Туркестан
To the starving Volga Region from Red Turkestan

Unknown artist
Russian and Kazakh text (Arabic script)
Tashkent. Turkestan State Publishing House. 1921 Print run: 2500 copies
Paper, printing. 71.5×53 cm
Date: 1921 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 30486/53

Где самолет пролетает часы –
караваны идут дни, недели, месяцы
It takes just hours for a plane to fly to places that caravans take days, weeks and months to get to

By А. Stran
Russian and Uzbek text (Latin script)
Published by the Central Asian Civil Aviation Territorial Division. Tashkent. Uzbek lithography shop. ‘Pravda Vostoka’ print shop. 1930s
Print run: 1500 copies
Paper, printing. 89×62 cm
Date: 1930 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-47

Выходит, наконец, что нельзя по-старому оборачиваться на старых источниках накопления... It turns out, finally, that we can’t continue to get by with the old sources of savings...

Unknown artist
Russian and Uzbek text (Latin script)
Tashkent. Print shop No. 2 of the Uzbek Printing Trust. 1932
Print run: 6000 copies
Paper, printing. 105×68 cm
Date: 1932 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM-22