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Заложники империи Hostages of Empire

From the publisher: Автор документально показывает планомерное уничтожение таджикского этноса, которое достигло необычайного размаха в Узбекистане, населенном, главным образом, таджиками, и в самом Таджикистане в послевоенные годы при негласной поддержке ЦК КПСС и Союзного правительства. Sa''diniso Hakimova (1924-2015) was a Tajik surgeon, professor, and director of the Tajik SSR Ministry of Health Research Institute for the Protection of Mothers and Children. She was one of the first Tajik women to earn a medical degree (in 1943), and later the first to write a dissertation for a Doctorate of Medicine, which she defended in 1958. Her experience working on maternal and child health in Tajikistan led her to be increasingly critical of the public health system. Eventually, she came to subscribe to some of the more nationalistic theories that gained currency on the eve of the Soviet collapse, blaming public health issues on a concerted campaign of genocide carried out by Uzbeks with the tacit support of the Soviet government. This volume nevertheless contains valuable insights into the workings of the health system in the Tajik SSR, as well as documentary sources from the author’s personal archive.
Date: 1998 Source: Hakimova, Sa''diniso. Zalozhniki imperii. Dushanbe, 1998.

Пантуркизм ва сарнавишти таръихии Тоҷикистон
Panturkism and the Rewriting of Tajik History

From the publisher: Китоби нави олими маъруф, академик Муҳаммадҷони Шакурии Бухороӣ «Пантуркизм ва сарнавишти таърихии тоҷикон» рисолаи «Фитнаи инқилоб дар Бухоро» ва силсиланигоштаҳои солҳои гуногуни муаллифро дар бар мегирад, ки посухест ба даъвоҳои бузургманишии олимону адибон, сиёсатмадорону фарҳангиёни туркгаро ва таҳрифгарони забону адабиёт ва таърихи фарҳанги тољик дар давраҳои гуногуни замони шуравӣ. Muhammadjon Shakuri (Shakurov) (1924-2012) was a Tajik philologist and academician. He studied at the pedagogical institute in Dushanbe and later earned his kandidatskaia and doktorskaia degrees at the Institute of World Literature in Moscow. His professional home, however, remained the Rudaki Institute of Language and Literature in Dushanbe. In the late 1980s he became a leading figure in the campaign for the primacy of the Tajik language. This memoir revisits episodes from the late Soviet period related to perestroika and the reconsideration of the Soviet past, including the status of Samarqand and Bukhara. It also reproduces contemporary documents.
Date: 2010 Source: Shakuri, Muhammadjoni. Panturkizm va sarnavishti tar''ikhii Tojikiston. Dushanbe: Adib, 2011.