Browse Documents (20 total)
Размышленние о пройденном пути Reflections on the path I've walked
From the publisher: Эта книга — воспоминания одного из старейших ученых Узбекистана, Героя Социалистического Труда, члена Академии наук Узбекской ССР Т.Н. Кары-Ниязова. В основе ее содержится материал книги, вышедшей в 1967 году в Ташкенте под таким же названием. Готовя книгу к настоящему изданию, автор сделал дополнения. Он рассказывает о состоянии культуры в Туркестане в дооктябрьский период и о культурном и научном строительстве в Узбекской ССР . Читатель узнает о замечательных людях, с которыми автору пришлось вместе работать, о содружестве ученых разных национальностей, о их вкладе в развитие нашей Родины. В последней главе автор делится впечатлениями поездок в разные страны.
Tashmuhammed Niazovich Kary-Niazov (1897–1970) was an Uzbek educator, mathematician, and historian. This memoir, published during the Soviet era, covers his childhood in pre-revolutionary Central Asia, work as a teacher and educator after the revolution, involvement with the alphabet reforms of the 1940s, as well as his travels to Italy, Japan, Afghanistan, India, and Bulgaria. This is the second, expanded, edition, of a memoir that first appeared in Tashkent in 1967.
Номзад ба раиси ҷумҳури Тоҷикистон Candidate for the leader of the Republic of Tajikistan
Rahmon Nabiev (1930-1993) was a Tajik governemnt official and political. This is a campaign brochure produced by the supporters of Rahmon Nabiev as part of his campaign for President of the Republic of Tajikistan in November 1991. It includes a brief biographical sketch, as well as a description of Nabiev's policies.
Табаддулоти Тоҷикистон: Иборат аз се китоб (қ. 2)
A Coup in Tajikistan (3 vols.)
Safarali Kenjaev (1942-1999) was a Soviet-era lawyer and prosecutor who rose to prominence in 1990-1991 as a critical voice in the Tajik Supreme Soviet and later as Chairman of the Supreme Soviet in 1991-1992. During the Tajik Civil War, Kenjaev became a leader of the pro-government "People's Front" that retook Dushanbe from the opposition in October-December 1992. This is volume two of Safarali Kenjaev's extended memoir about the collapse of the USSR and the Tajik Civil War.
Захм бар ҷисми ватан A Wound in the Body of the Nation
From the publisher: Ноиби собик, раиси чумхур Нарзулло Дӯстов яке аз рохбарони содиқ, хирадманд ва фидокори Тоҷикистон аст, ки барон муҳофизати хукумати копунии чумҳуриамон чонбозихои зиёд кардааст. Даврае буд, ки Н. Дӯстов хамчун фарди дарачаи авпали давлат бо зумрае аз хамсафони бовафои худ барон оримию осудагии чомиа ва халк кору пайкор ме намуд. Хафтуми майи соли 1992 байни рохбарони оппозиция ва хукумати конунй ду протоколи «созиш» ба имзо расид, ки дар асоси он хукумати ба ном муросои милли таъсис ёфт. Хамин тавр дар Точикистон табаддулоти давлатй ба амал омад. Депутати халки чумҳурӣ Н. Дӯстов дар бораи ин вокеахо дар китоби худ «Захм бар чисми Ватан» батафсил накл кардааст.
Narzullo Dustov (1940 - ) was largely unknown until he was chosen in November 1991 as Rahmon Nabiev's vice-presidential candidate. Dustov remained vice president until May 1992, when he was forced to resign, whereupon he joined the pro-government "People's Front" in the Tajik Civil War. This memoir is focused on the civil war and the events leading up to it, with some comment on Dustov's life before becoming vice president as well.
Роҳи беҳбуд The path of improvement
From the publisher: «Рохи бехбуд» манмӯаи хотирот ва маколоти ҷомеашинос, иқтисоддон ва олими шинохтаи тоник - профессор Карим Абдулов мебошад.
Karim Abdulov (1939-2010) was a Komsomol and Tajik Communist Party functionary in the 1970s and 1980s. As a protege of Rahmon Nabiev, he was forced out of the Tajik Party apparatus in 1988, whereupon he took up an academic career. His memoir covers his years in the Tajik Communist Party leadership, as well as the events of perestroika.
Соли Набиев The Year of Nabiev
Ibrahim Usmonov (1948-) is a professional journalist and professor of journalism; in 1991 he became one of Rahmon Nabiev's close advisors. His memoir is dedicated to the approximately one year of Nabiev's presidency, from November 1991 to November 1992.
Переворот в Таджикистане
A Coup in Tajikistan
From the publisher: Автором книги «Переворот в Таджикистане» является бывший председатель Верховного Совета Республики Таджикистан Сафарали Кенджаев. В ней освещается одна из трагических страниц — трагедия, пережитая таджикским народом в результате гражданской войны. Автор стремится раскрыть причины и последствия происшедших событии, показывает истинных виновников этой трагедии таджикского народа — исламских экстремистов, религиозных фанатиков и людей, поверивших их пропаганде. Книга рассчитана на широкий круг читателей.
Safarali Kenjaev (1942-1999) was a Soviet-era lawyer and prosecutor who rose to prominence in 1990-1991 as a critical voice in the Tajik Supreme Soviet and later as Chairman of the Supreme Soviet in 1991-1992. During the Tajik Civil War, Kenjaev became a leader of the pro-government "People's Front" that retook Dushanbe from the opposition in October-December 1992. This memoir is focused on the period of the civil war and the year that preceeded it, with some attention given to earlier events.
Субҳи ситоракуш The Dawn That Puts Out the Stars
From the publisher: Хулоса, таҳлил ва натиҷабардориҳои муаллиф аз воқеъаҳои охири Тоҷикистон. Ин китоб барои оммаи васеъи хонандагон, хусусан сиёсат-мадорон, таърихнависон ва барои онҳое, ки дар роҳи маърифати худшиносии милиӣ мекушанд, навишта шудааст.
Asliddin Sohibnazar (1939 - ?) was a Soviet-era economist who worked in the Tajik SSR's planning agencies. During perestroika he became an opposition politician, and in 1991 was Davlat Khudonazarov's vice-presidential candidate. This memoir describes the last years of the USSR and Sohibnazar's time in politics, as well asides that extend forward and backwards in time.
Заложники империи Hostages of Empire
From the publisher: Автор документально показывает планомерное уничтожение таджикского этноса, которое достигло необычайного размаха в Узбекистане, населенном, главным образом, таджиками, и в самом Таджикистане в послевоенные годы при негласной поддержке ЦК КПСС и Союзного правительства.
Sa''diniso Hakimova (1924-2015) was a Tajik surgeon, professor, and director of the Tajik SSR Ministry of Health Research Institute for the Protection of Mothers and Children. She was one of the first Tajik women to earn a medical degree (in 1943), and later the first to write a dissertation for a Doctorate of Medicine, which she defended in 1958. Her experience working on maternal and child health in Tajikistan led her to be increasingly critical of the public health system. Eventually, she came to subscribe to some of the more nationalistic theories that gained currency on the eve of the Soviet collapse, blaming public health issues on a concerted campaign of genocide carried out by Uzbeks with the tacit support of the Soviet government. This volume nevertheless contains valuable insights into the workings of the health system in the Tajik SSR, as well as documentary sources from the author’s personal archive.
Миёни обу оташ Between Water and Fire
From the publisher: Ин китоб хотироти муҷаз ва мухтасари Қозидомулло‐Ҳоҷӣ Акбари Тураҷонзода фақат аз боби воқеаҳои асосии пойиз (тирамоҳ)‐и соли 1991 ва баҳори соли 1992 то таъсиси Ҳукумати Муросои Миллӣ дар Тоҷикистон мебошад. Муаллиф бо самимият ва ошкоро аз ҳаводиси шуми он солҳо ва чеҳраҳои ҳақиқии коргардонҳои аслии гирдиҳамоиҳои Майдонҳои Шаҳидон ва Озодӣ парда бармедорад.
Hoji Akbar Turajonzoda (1954- ) was the influential "Qazi Kalon" or Chief Mufti of the Tajik SSR during perestroika. In 1991 and 1992 he sided with the opposition forces challenging Rahmon Nabiev's government; this short memoir covers the period of time between fall 1991 and the spring of 1992.
Абдурахим Ходжибаев: страницы короткой жизни Abdurahim Khodzhibaev: Pages From a Short Life
Abdurahim Khodzhibaev (1900-1938) was the first Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Tajik SSR. An early member of the Communist Party in Khujand, he rose to prominence in the 1930s before falling victim to the Great Terror. This memoir was written by his daughter, Baroat Khodzhibaeva.
Вақте амр қонунро иваз мекунад. The Times When Life Changes Law
From the publisher: Дар ин китоб мақола ва мусоҳибаҳои матбуотии Ҳабибов Абдулло Ҳабибович гирд омадаанд, ки хонандаро бо воқеияти таърихи на чандон дури ҳаёти ҷомеаи Тоҷикистон ошно мекунанд.
Abdullo Habibov (1940-) was a Soviet Party worker, educated in Tajikistan and in Moscow, where he attended the Academy of Social Sciences of the CC CPSU and received the degree of Candidate of Historical Sciences. In the 1980s he was appointed the head of the "Political Section" of the Tajik Ministry of the Interior. He later came to prominence during the February 1990 riots in Dushanbe, when he supported Buri Karimov and the massed protestors. This volume collects a series of his writings about the late Soviet period and a number of explicatory interviews.
Пантуркизм ва сарнавишти таръихии Тоҷикистон
Panturkism and the Rewriting of Tajik History
From the publisher: Китоби нави олими маъруф, академик Муҳаммадҷони Шакурии Бухороӣ «Пантуркизм ва сарнавишти таърихии тоҷикон» рисолаи «Фитнаи инқилоб дар Бухоро» ва силсиланигоштаҳои солҳои гуногуни муаллифро дар бар мегирад, ки посухест ба даъвоҳои бузургманишии олимону адибон, сиёсатмадорону фарҳангиёни туркгаро ва таҳрифгарони забону адабиёт ва таърихи фарҳанги тољик дар давраҳои гуногуни замони шуравӣ.
Muhammadjon Shakuri (Shakurov) (1924-2012) was a Tajik philologist and academician. He studied at the pedagogical institute in Dushanbe and later earned his kandidatskaia and doktorskaia degrees at the Institute of World Literature in Moscow. His professional home, however, remained the Rudaki Institute of Language and Literature in Dushanbe. In the late 1980s he became a leading figure in the campaign for the primacy of the Tajik language. This memoir revisits episodes from the late Soviet period related to perestroika and the reconsideration of the Soviet past, including the status of Samarqand and Bukhara. It also reproduces contemporary documents.
Тақдир (хотира ва
Fate (memoirs)
From the publisher: «Такдир» хотира ва ёддоштҳои ходими маъруфи ҳизбиву ҷамиятӣ Камоли Суфиён буда, аз талху шириниҳои рӯзгор ва лаҳзаҳои хотирмону нотакрор ҳикоят мекунад. Роҳи паймуда ва қисмати қаҳрамони марказй ибратбахшу пандомӯз аст, махсусан, барои ҷавонон.
Kamol Sufiyon (Sufiev) 1931–? was a Communist Party official who rose to be Minister of Horticulture of the Tajik SSR and continued his political career after the Soviet collapse. This memoir covers his childhood near Nurek in the 1930s, his time in the Komsomol, the war years, the building of the Danghara canal in the post-war years, military service in Ashkhabad (Turkmenistan) and his Party career in a number of districts, including Ordzhonikidzeabad (Vahdat).
Солҳо ва одамони наҷиб. (аз дафтари хотира). Interesting times and interesting people
Muhiddin Zoirov (1931-2018) was a Tajikistani Party and government official. Originally from the village of Laqqon in Badakhshan, he studied agriculture in Dushanbe before embarking on a Party career that saw him rise to the post of Minister of Agriculture of the Tajik SSR and First Secretary of Gorno-Badakshan party organization. This volume collects his thoughts on various state and Party figures he encountered in his career, including Jabbor Rasulov, Abdulahad Kakhorov, as well as many local officials, farm managers, and others. The volume includes over 40 pages of photographs from the author's collection.
Ёддоштҳо, феҳристи осор, ва андешаҳо Memories, Events, and Signs of the Times
Shukur Sultanov (1932-) is a historian, and former deputy director of the Institute of Party History of the Communist Party of Tajikistan. In the late 1980s, he was also Minister of Higher Education of the Tajik SSR. This mixed Tajik/Russian language memoir includes his own recollections and those about him.
Ҳамтабаки Шодмон Юсупов ва Хулькар Юсупов ПӮКИД.
The Union of Shodmon Yusuf and Khulkar Yusupov has come Undone
From the publisher: Ҳеҷ гоҳ бо чунин дилгарми дар навиштани посухе capгарм нашуда будам, чуноне ки дар як моҳи пас аз Наврӯзи соли 2011. Зеро ҳамин даҳ-понздаҳ соли ахир чандин китоб ва садҳо мақола дар мукобили андеша ва шахсияти Мирбобои Мирраҳим (Мирраҳимов) ба нашр расида, ки аксари онҳо қобили накд ва посух нестанд, аммо дурӯғпароканӣ ва тӯҳматномаи С. Мирзорахматов аз ҷинси дигар аст. Дар мавриди навиштаҳои С. Мирзорахматов метавон танҳо бо ибораи хеле зебои Ибни Ҳуққал (Ҳавқал) ифодаи матлаб кард, ки барҳақ дар сурату сирати ин қабил бузургворон мефармояд: «ишон пойбанд ба фазоили ахлоқӣ нестанд ва дар касби разоил бисёр ҳарисанд». Ба ҳар ҳол дурӯғпароканиҳои ҷаноби С. Мирзорахматов, боне шуд, ки дар посухҳо бо бурҳони қотеъ парда аз чеҳраи ҳақиқии он кас бардошта, шахсияти яке аз коргардонони асосии фоҷиаҳои хунини моҳи феврали соли 1990 барои касби мақоми аввал дар Тоҷикистонро дақиқ нишон дода, бисёр дигар иттилоот ва далелҳо дар боби таърихи худшиносии миллии тоҷикон ва умуман таърихи навин мисол оварда шавад, ки то ба ҳол аксарият аз онҳо огоҳ набуданд ва ё бархе аз таре ва барқасд аз онҳо иҷтиноб меварзиданд...
Mirboboi Mirrahim (Mirbobo MIrrahimov) is a translator and expert in pre-Islamic religions. During perestroika, he became famous for his writings on the Tajik language and was one of the first writers to publicly discuss the status of Samarqand and Bukhara. He also became one of the cofounders of Rastokhez, Tajikistan's first independent political and writer; during perestroika he was one of the founders of Rastokhez, Tajikistan's first independent political organization. He later was involved in the brief opposition-led government that controlled Dushanbe between May and November 1992. This work comprises a combination of memoir-like sketches of the late 1980s and early 1990s, as well as polemics directed at those rival politicians and authors that Mirrahim believes to have misrepresented fact in their own published works.
Mirboboi Mirrahim (Mirbobo MIrrahimov) is a translator and expert in pre-Islamic religions. During perestroika, he became famous for his writings on the Tajik language and was one of the first writers to publicly discuss the status of Samarqand and Bukhara. He also became one of the cofounders of Rastokhez, Tajikistan's first independent political and writer; during perestroika he was one of the founders of Rastokhez, Tajikistan's first independent political organization. He later was involved in the brief opposition-led government that controlled Dushanbe between May and November 1992. This work comprises a combination of memoir-like sketches of the late 1980s and early 1990s, as well as polemics directed at those rival politicians and authors that Mirrahim believes to have misrepresented fact in their own published works.
Рустем Юсуфебков как учитель, наставник, устод. Rustem Iusufbekov: teacher, mentor, professor.
From the publisher: Книга посвящена известному таджикскому ученому, политэконому, специалисту по экономическим проблемам образования, государственному деятелю, члену-корреспонденту АН Республики Таджикистан, заслуженному деятелю науки, доктору экономических наук, профессору Рустамбеку Юсуфбекову. Книга включает статьи о научной и творческой деятельности Рустамбека Юсуфбекова с основными датами жизни и деятельности, список опубликованных работ, работ, редактированных ученым, а также литературу о нем.
This volume is a collection of reminiscences about the educator and government official Rustem Iusufbekov (1923-2007). Originally from Ishakshim, Iusufebkov began his career as a schoolteacher before joining the communist party and later completing graduate work in economics, eventually becoming the head of the Political Economy department at the State University in Dushanbe. He then had a number of senior party and state positions, including Minister of Education of the Tajik SSR (1963-1974) and Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Tajik SSR (1974-1984).
Демонтаж СССР The Demolition of the USSR
From the publisher: Эта книга о пережитом, о социальной драме, разыгравшейся 20 лет тому назад в Таджикистане, о природе так называемого таджикского ГКЧП, ставшего причиной неистовой антикоммунистической истерии демократов и исламских фундаменталистов, представляющих уникальный симбиоз новой объединённой оппозиции. Эта монография - размышления о трагической судьбе великой державы, неразрывной частью был Таджикистан, переставший существовать в силу двурушничества, предательства, измены, деструктивной деятельности части национальной интеллигенции.
Shukur Sultanov (1932- ) is a historian, and former deputy director of the Institute of Party History of the Communist Party of Tajikistan. In the late 1980s, he was also Minister of Higher Education of the Tajik SSR. This work is a mix of memoir and historical discourse, covering the 1980s and the collapse of the USSR.
Самый молодой министр Советского союза и председатель Госплана в СССР The youngest minister and Gosplan chairman in the USSR
From the publisher: В этом томе серии «Хокирох» дано описание не только жизни и трудовой деятельности героя книги — самого молодого министра в Советском Союзе и Председателя Госплана в СССР, но и деятельности Министерства строительства и эксплуатации автомобильных дорог, а также Госплана Таджикистана. Серьезное внимание уделено вопросам развития инфраструктуры, в том числе дорог, а самое главное — экономики и перспектив развития Таджикистана. Специалисты и профессионалы с интересом прочтут о том, что планировал и собирался создать молодой руководитель, а также смогут сравнить основные народно-хозяйственные показатели 90-годов прошлого века и темпы развития сегодняшней экономики Республики Таджикистан. Книга рассчитана на широкий круг читателей.
Buri Karimov (1958-) was a government minister in the Tajik SSR in the mid to late 1980s, reaching the post of Chairman of the State Planning Committee (Gosplan Tajik SSR) by 1989. Famous for becoming the youngest minister in the USSR at age 28 in 1987, Buri Karimov was an ambitious and charismatic late Soviet Tajik politician. He reached the post of republican Gosplan chairman in 1989, but fell out of favor and lost his Party and government positions in 1990 as a result of the February 1990 riots in Dushanbe. This memoir is focused on his work as Minister of Automobile Roads and later as Gosplan chairman in the late 1980s.