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Размышленние о пройденном пути Reflections on the path I've walked

From the publisher: Эта книга — воспоминания одного из старейших ученых Узбекистана, Героя Социалистического Труда, члена Академии наук Узбекской ССР Т.Н. Кары-Ниязова. В основе ее содержится материал книги, вышедшей в 1967 году в Ташкенте под таким же названием. Готовя книгу к настоящему изданию, автор сделал дополнения. Он рассказывает о состоянии культуры в Туркестане в дооктябрьский период и о культурном и научном строительстве в Узбекской ССР . Читатель узнает о замечательных людях, с которыми автору пришлось вместе работать, о содружестве ученых разных национальностей, о их вкладе в развитие нашей Родины. В последней главе автор делится впечатлениями поездок в разные страны. Tashmuhammed Niazovich Kary-Niazov (1897–1970) was an Uzbek educator, mathematician, and historian. This memoir, published during the Soviet era, covers his childhood in pre-revolutionary Central Asia, work as a teacher and educator after the revolution, involvement with the alphabet reforms of the 1940s, as well as his travels to Italy, Japan, Afghanistan, India, and Bulgaria. This is the second, expanded, edition, of a memoir that first appeared in Tashkent in 1967.
Date: 1970 Source: Kary-Niazov, Tashmuhamed Nizaovich. Razmyshlenie o proidennom puti. Moscow: Politizdat, 1970.

Ахтарон. Маҷмӯи ёддоштҳо Stars. Collected memoirs

From the publisher: Китоби нависанда Холмурод Шарифов “Ахтарон" асари ёддоштӣ буда, дар он муаллиф маҳорати нигорандагии худро бо нозукиҳояш намоиш додааст. “Ахтарон" нусхаи такмилёфтаи ёддоштҳои мусанниф “Оламафрӯзон" (Душанбе, “Маориф" 1992 ва “Ахтарони фарҳанг" (Душанбе, “Ирфон” 2002) буда, дар он иловаҳои зиёд ворид гардидаанд. Бахшҳои ёддоштӣ роҷеъ ба Суҳайлӣ Ҷавҳаризода, Мирсаид Миршакар, Раҳим Ҷалил ва Одина Ҳошим иловаҳои тозаанд. Ёддоштнависӣ аз жанрҳои душвори адабиёт маҳсуб ёфта, он диди хос, дарки амиқи матлаб, маҳорати фавқулоддаро дар масоили доги умдаи рӯз талаб мекунад. Омӯхтаву андӯхтаҳои муаллиф дар шакли ёддоштҳои ҷолибу хотирнишин ва латифу ҳикматангез рӯи когаз омадаву дар ҳамин китоби пурмӯҳтаво манзури хонандагони сершумор, хусусан омӯзгорон мегардад. Holmurod Sharifov (1927-2017) was a Tajik-Soviet party and government official. Originally from the area of Panjikent, he and his family were resettled in the Vaksh valley in 1937; after 1946 he embarked on a career in the Komsomol and later in the Party. He eventually earned a kandidatskaia degree from the Academy of Social Sciences of the CPSU. He served as Deputy Minister of Culture and Central Committee Secretary for Culture of the Communist Party of Tajikistan from 1968-1979. He was also a member of the Soviet Committee for Solidarity with the Countries of Asia and Africa. This book collects previously published recollections about Soviet-Tajik cultural figures, including those he traveled with as part of official trips to Afghanistan, the USA, Canada, Bulgaria, and beyond. Among the many figures discussed in the book are Sadriddin Ayni, Mirzo Tursunzoda, the film director Boris Kimergerov, and Bobojon Gafurov.
Date: 2004 Source: Sharifov, Holmurod. Akhtaron. Majmui eddoshtho. Dushanbe: Sharqi ozod, 2004.

Толей баланд Great Fortune

From the publisher: Автор книги «Счастливая судьба» - ученый, писатель, общественный и государственный деятель Холмурод Шарифов рассказывает в публицистической форме о своих путешествиях во многие страны мира. Holmurod Sharifov (1927-2017) was a Tajik-Soviet party and government official. Originally from the area of Panjikent, he and his family were resettled in the Vaksh valley in 1937; after 1946 he embarked on a career in the Komsomol and later in the Party. He eventually earned a kandidatskaia degree from the Academy of Social Sciences of the CPSU. He served as Deputy Minister of Culture and Central Committee Secretary for Culture of the Communist Party of Tajikistan from 1968-1979. He was also a member of the Soviet Committee for Solidarity with the Countries of Asia and Africa. This volume collects Holmurod Sharifov's travel writings, including his accounts of trips to Iran, Afghanistan, Cuba, Canada, and Bulgaria, as well as destinations within the USSR.
Date: 2010 Source: Sharifov, Kholmurod. Tolei baland. Dushanbe: Pazhuhishgohi farsi-tojiki, 2010.