Листовка Осведомительного отдела Военно-административного управления рай-она Степной отдельной армейской группы с призывом поддержать А.В. Колчака


Leaflet of the Information Department of the District Military-Administrative Bureau of the Stepnaia Separate Army Group With an Appeal to Support A. V. Kolchak 

October 1919 


دین و شریعتنی تغیر ایتدرمیه چک. بتون خلقنی هلاکتدن، قللقدان و

فقیرلکدن صاقلایه چق.


“Din ve şeriatnı tagayyur etdirmeyeçek. Bütün halknı helaketden, kullukdan ve fakirlikden saklayacak. (He will make no changes to religion or to Sharia. He will save the entire people from death, slavery and poverty.) “



ۏیرخوۏنی پراۏیتل ٱدمیرال قالچاق روسیه خلقینک بالشیۏلیک طرفندن جبرلنوینه و تالانوینه یول بیرمیه چک


“Virhovnıy pravitel admiral Kalçak Rusiye halkınıñ Balşivilik tarafından cebirlenüvine ve talanuna yol birmeyeçek. (Supreme Ruler Admiral Kolchak will protect the people of Russia from Bolshevik violence and plunder.)”


Supreme Ruler and Supreme Commander-in-Chief
Admiral Aleksandr Vasilievich Kolchak 
Russian citizens of all tнат nationalities and peoples and all religions!

It has become clear to the entire Russian people and all peoples and nationalities that are part of unified Russia that the people’s commissars and their accomplices, the Bolshevik-Communists, have seized power in order to destroy Russia and its peoples.

And we see that Russia and its peoples have begun to die. A rich country has been covered with the graves of people who have starved to death.

A peaceful country is being shaken by a brutal war, in which evil, traitorous people are sending brother against brother.

Our money, which was recently expensive, has lost its value.

The other peoples, who were astonished at our strength, now see us as weak, helpless and defenseless.

Our enemies are dividing our land and are calculating how much income each people will bring them, how many cheap slave-workers, whom they will send to the most arduous and unhealthy work that is hazardous to their life.

Russia has been taken over by frauds, traitors, killers, thieves, foreigners, convicts, hangmen and secret enemies of the peoples of Russia.

The supreme ruler and supreme commander-in-chief, his government and his valiant army have risen up against them, and the sons of all the peoples and nationalities of Russia are fighting them.

The supreme ruler Admiral Kolchak is saving the citizens of Russia from robbery, violence and lawlessness, is defending the Gospel and the Quran against desecration, the entire people against poverty and death, and all of Russia from end to end against debasement, disintegration, slavery and doom.

All Russian citizens of all peoples, nationalities, of all religions, of all social categories, everyone is obligated to help the supreme ruler to save unified great Russia, to save it from inevitable doom – all the peoples and nationalities that have lived since time immemorial on the blessed Russian land!

