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Ro'i Footnotes

[1]   TsDUM – the Central Spiritual Directorate of the Muslims of Inner Russia and Siberia – was renamed DUMES, the Spiritual Directorate of the Muslims of European Russia and Siberia, in 1948.

[2]  I differentiate between misinformation and disinformation. Even when misinformation was intentional, its purpose emanated mostly from an individual desiring to deceive those above him within the hierarchy for a host of usually personal reasons; disinformation was designed a priori to create a false picture in order to mislead a rival department, hierarchy or Establishment.

[3]   On one occasion Polianskii reprimanded the upolnomochennyi for Uzbekistan for giving in two separate reports totally different figures for mosque attendance and donations at the very same prayer service – I. Polianskii to Kh. Iskanderov, September 25, 1954; TsGARUz f.2456, o.1, d.166, l.93.

[4]  U. Mangushev to I. Polianskii, January 15, 1955; GARF f.699`, o.3, d.113, ll.86-89.

[5] See, for example, the permission given by Georgii Aleksandrov at Agitprop (the CC Department of agitation and propaganda) to the Bashkir Obkom in 1946 for TsDUM to issue a Muslim calendar in Arabic script -- I. V. Polianskii to A. N. Kosygin, June 26, 1946, and to G. F. Aleksandrov, September 14, 1946; GARF f.6991, op.3, d.34, ll. 101 and 187.

[6] I. V. Poliankii, Address, Moscow conference of SDRK upolnomochennye, [May] 11, 1946 – GARF, f.6991, o.3, d.39, l.69.

[7] I. V. Polianskii to V. M. Molotov, June 10, 1947 – GARF, f.6991, o.3, .d.47, l.198.

[8]  Reception of I. V. Polianskii by K. E. Voroshilov, February 12, 1949 – GARF f.6991, o.3, d.8, ll.175-176.

[9]  Minutes, SDRK session No.26s, October 22, 1952; Report, May 20, 1953 and L. A. Prikhod'ko, Notes, November 20, 1958 – GARF, f.6991, o.3, d.83, l.286, d.91, l.248 and d.164, l.86.

[10]  A. A. Puzin's reception of Z. Babakhanov, December 19, 1961; Minutes, Conference of SDRK upolnomochennye; and Minutes, SDRK session No.4, February 25-26, 1959 – GARF, f.6991, o.4, d.121, ll.22-23, and o.3, d.186, ll.200-208, and d.183, l.105.

[11]  SDR report, sent to the CPSU Central committee, May 22, 19970 – RGANI f.5, o.62, d.38, l.36.

[12]  E. Ligachev and V. Stukalin to the CPSU CC, November 10, 1983 – RGANI f.5, o.89, d.82, l.74. The first resolution was dated September 24, 1981, the second April 5, 1983.

[13] Excerpts from reports of SDRK upolnomochennye  for the first quarter of 1945, n.d., and I. V. Polianskii to Kh. N. Iskanderov, M. Sh. Karimov, B. A. Shahbazbekov and I. Zakaryaev, August 26, 1947 – GARF f.6991, o.3, d.12, ll.67-68, and TsGARUz, f.2456, o.1, d.82, l.27.

[14]  For example, in Turkmenistan - Minutes, SDRK session No.13, July 10-11 1947; GARF f.6991, o.4, d.19, l.415.

[15]  V. A. Abakumov to K. E. Voroshikov, September 12, 1946; GARF f.6991, o.3, d.35, ll.195-196.

[16]  For example, Kh. N. Iskanderov to I. V. Polianskii, N. S. Muhitdinov, S. Kamalov and Uzbek SSR KGB chief Hafizov, June 8, 1954 – TsGARUz, f.2456, o.1, d.162, ll.191-192.

[17]  Kh. N. Iskanderov to I. V. Polianskii, G. S. Sultanov and Kh. G. Gulamov, July 1, 1955; TsGARUz, f.2456, o.1, d.174, ll.14-16.

[18]  For example, I. V. Polianskii to G. M. Malenkov, N. S. Khrushchev, V. M. Molotov and Minister of Internal Affairs S. N. Kruglov, September 30, 1953; GARF f.6991, o.3, d.95, ll.231-238.

[19] Quoted Felix Corley, Religion in the Soviet Union: An Archival Reader (London: Macmillan, 1997), 373.

[20]  I. V. Polianskii, Resumé, [September 21, 1954], and L. A. Prikhod'ko to I. V. Polianskii, May 5, 1956 – GARF f.6991, o.3, d.101, l.114, and d.127, l.52.

[21]  P. A.Zadorozhnyi to A. A. Puzin, August 30, 1960 – GARF f.6991, o.3, d.207, l.44. Both the Chechen and the Ingush were among the "deported nationalities" exiled in 1944 from their native land, mostly to Kazakhstan.

[22]  A. Barinskaia to V. A. Kuroedov, n.d. – GARF f.6991, o.6, d.153, l.116.

[23]  K. V. Ovchinnikov and Rumiantsev, Report, June 10, 1960 – GARF f.6991, o.3, d.205, ll.27-29.

[24]  Teresa Rakowska-Harmstone, Russia and Nationalism in Central Asia: The Case of Tajikistan (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1970), 119.

[25]   I. Bonchkovskii to E. I. Lisavtsev, June 1, 1973; GARF, f.691, o.6, d.537, l.177.

[26] See Draft decree, July 1947; GARF f.6991, o.3, d.47, l.300.

[27] Draft, Instructions to SDRK, n.d. (apparently June 1948); GARF f.6991, o.3, d.53, l.41. (The only other religion given similar leeway was the Armenian Church.)

[28] I. N. Uzkov and G. Ya. Vrachev to I. V. Polianskii, November 29, 1946; RTsKhIDNI f,17, o.125, d.405, l.93.

[29]  L. A. Prikhod'ko to I. V. Poianskii [May 5, 1956]; GARF f.6991, o.3, d.217, l.60.

[30]  The reports the pilgrims made on their return invariably emphasized how well they had fulfilled this assignment. For example Ishan Babakhan, Report, n.d. [December 1945 – January 1946]; GARF f.6991, o.3, d.45, ll.17-18.

[31] Appendix No.11, Draft decree, July 1947; I. V. Polianskii to G. M. Malenkov, N. S. Khrushchev, V. M. Molotov and S. N. Kruglov, September 30, 1953; Appendix No.2, SDRK session No.7, March 14, 1959; GARF f.6991 o.3, d.47, l.306, d.93, l.238, and d.183, ll.146 – 150.

[32] I. V. Polianskii to V. M. Molotov, September 14, 1944; GARF, f.6991, o.3, d.1, l.22.

[33]  I. V. Polianskii to the CPSU Central Committee, May 7, 1955; GARF, f.6991, o.3, d.113, l.168.

[34]  L. A. Prikhod'ko, Conversation with leader of the Central Asian pilgrims, Alikariev Sapokari, August 24, 1955; with the physician who accompanied the delegation and performed the hajj, Dalimov Ziyad Aminovich, August 23, 1955; with Mirza Mahmud Bahramov, imam of Tashkent's Tillia-Shaykh Mosque, August 25, 1955; with Muhammad Rahimov, a member of DUMES, August 30,1955; GARF, f.6991, o.4, d.41, ll.48-61, 29-34, 21 – 28, 63-67. Memo of conversation of SDRK Inspector P.S. Basis with two Uzbek hajjis, neither of them a religious personage, who had no Russian, Rustamov Mamatkhan from Namangan and Gafurov Ibragim who headed the executive organ of a kolkhoz mazar, August 24, 1955, with Fatih Khatipov, August 23, 1955, with Kulumbay Muzhekanov, an unregistered Kazakh imam from a sovkhoz near Magnitogorsk, August 23, 1955, and with Abdulkarim Abdukayumov and Abit Akhunjan, August 25, 1955; ibid., ll.15 – 18, 68-69, 79-86 and 73-75

[35]  Mukhatar Mukhamedov to Kh. N. Iskanderov [before June 2, 1955]; GARF, f.6991, o.4, d. 41, l.141.

[36]  Draft of speech of I. Sattiev at the Tashkent Conference of Soviet Muslims, October 30-31, 1962; GARF, f.6991, o.3s, d.1400, l.236.

[37]  I. V. Polianskii to the CPSU Central Committee, the Council of Ministers and V. M. Molotov, September 17, 1955; GARF, f.6991, o.3, d.114, ll.50-59.

[38]  I. V. Polianskii to D. M. Kukin, June 4, 1954; GARF f.6991, o.3, d.114, l.52.

[39]  I. V. Gostev to Kh. N. Iskanderov, February 25, 1956; TsGARUz f.2456, o.1, d.191, l.58.

[40]  I. V. Polianskii to Kh. N. Iskanderov, March 24, 1956; TsGARUz f.2456, o.1, d.191, l.136.

[41]  I. V. Polianskii, Address, Moscow conference of SDRK upolnomochennye, [May] 11, 1946; Polianskii to K. E. Voroshilov and D. T. Shepilov, January 29, 1949; and A. A. Puzin, Circular, September 14, 1960 – GARF f.6991, o.3, d.39, ll.69-70; d.61, ll.2-3; and d.211, ll.82-110 passim.

[42]  Its establishment was announced in October 1962 – TASS in English, October 31, 1962 – BBC/SWBI, November 2, 1962.

[43]  G. F. Frolov, Information, February 22, 1957; GARF f.6991, o.3, d.132, ll.76-80.

[44]  Minutes, SDRK session No.28a, Instructional convention, December 23-24, 1949; GARF f.6991, o.3, d.60, l.170.

[45]  I. V. Polianskii to Kh. N. Iskandserov, August 17, 1955; TsGARUz f.2456, o.1, d.175, l.25.

[46]  A. Ahadoc, Report, n.d. (apparently November 1969); GARF f.6991, o.6, d.220, ll.15-22.

[47]  The upolnomochennyi for Kazakhstan advised the SDR in 1970 that it simply remove from the form the question regarding the dimensions of circumcision on the grounds that it was performed by unregistered clergy – K. Kulumbekov to V. Kuroedov, December 16, 1970; GARF f.60991, o.6, d.290, l.39-41.

[48]  Minutes, SDRK session No.13, July 10-11, 1947; GARF f.6991, o.4, d.19, l.423.

[49]  Minutes, Conference of SDRK upolnomochennye, Rostov-on-Don, [June] 14, 1946; GARF f.6001, o.3, d.38, l.170.

[50]  D. Shepilov to M. A. Suslov, n.d., and to A. A. Zhdanov, n.d.; RGASPI f.17, o.125, .d506, ll.134-135 and 164-165.

[51]  Minutes, SDRK session No.4, February 25-26, 1959; GARF f.6991, o.3, d.183, l.118.

[52]  Minutes, SDRK session No.4, February 25-26, 1959; GARF f.6991, o.3, d.183, l.122.

[53]  For example, Minutes, SDRK instructional convention, December 23-24, 1949; GARF f.6991, o.3, d.207, ll.39-40, and SDRK session No.33, October 26-27, 1960; GARF f.6991, o.3, d.207, ll.39-40.

[54]  A. Puzin, Address, Minutes, SDRK session, March 17, 1965; GARF f.6991, o.4, d.168, l.31.

[55]  Minutes, Conference of SDRK upolnomochennye, June 5-6, 19959; GARF f.6991, o.3, d.186, l.41

[56]  E.g., G. Ia Vrachev and I. N. Uzkov to I. V. Poianskii, November 29, 1946; RTsKhIDNI f.17, o.125, d.405, ll. 84-85, 93-98 and 105-122 passim.

[57]  Minutes, SDRK session No.13, July 10-11, 1947; GARF f.6991, o.4, d.19, ll.436-437.

[58]  Minutes, CAARC session No.13, July 10-11, 1947; GARF f.6991, o.4, d.19, ll.444-446.

[59]  Notes for address by N. Sabitov at conference of upolnomochennye, Alma-Ata, September 30, 1946; GARF f.6991,

[60]  S. A. Shamsutdinov to A. A. Puzin, July 11, 1962; GARF f.6991, o.3, d.1388, ll.87-89.

[61]  Minutes, meeting of SDRK inspectors No.17, December 20-22, 1950; GARF f.6991, o.3, d.66, l.130.

[62]  E.g., Kh. N. Iskanderov to Uzbek SSR Finance Minister M. Isametdinov, March 26, 1955; TsGARUz f.2456, o.1, d.178,ll.78-80.

[63]  E.g., Kh. N. Iskanderov to Deputy Chairman of the Uzbek SSR Council of Ministers G. S. Sultanov, Uzbekistan Party Secretary Kh. G. Guliamov and I. V. Polianskii, May 14, `955; TsGARUz f.2456, o.1, d.178, ll.151-152.

[64]  Minutes, Conference of SDRK upolnomochennye, June 5-6, 1959; GARF f.6991, o.3, d.186, ll.136-137.

[65]  H. Akhtiamov, Report, Conference of SDRK upolnomochennye, December 17, 1949; GARF f.6991, o.3, d.67, ll.112-114.

[66]  Draft, January 5, 1951; GARF f.6991, o.3, d.454, l.99.

[67]  Minutes, Instructional meeting of SDRK upolnomochennye in the Uzbek SSR, July 17-18, 1951; TsGARUz f.2456, o.1, d.134, l.60.

[68]  L. Zh. Alisov to the SDR, August 27, 1969; GARF f.6991, o.6, d.220, l.327.

[69]  K. Shabolotov to A. A. Nurullaev, June 23, 1969; GARF f.6991, o.6, d.220, l.151.

[70]  I. Bonchkovskii to E. I. Lisavtsev, March 13, 1973; GARF f.6991, o.6, d.537, l.172.

[71]  V. A. Kuroedov to SDR upolnomochennye, February 2, 1972; GARF f.6991, o.6, d.462, l.4.

[72]  I. Mikhalev to E. I. Lisavtsev, June 2, 1973; GARF f.6991, o.6, d.537, l.181.

[73]  Tajikistan CP CC Presidium resolution, March 20, 1964 and F. S. Eliseeva, V. P. Romanovskikh and L. F. Shapoval, Information, November 1, 1974; GARF f.6991, o.3, d.1740, l.44, and o.6, d.630, ll.287-288.

[74]   L. A. Prikhod'ko, Report, January 31, 1953; GARF f.6991, o.3, d.91, l.6, and oral testimonies.

[75]  Quoted Nugman Ashirov, Evolutsiia islama v SSSR (Moskva: Politizdat, 1972), 148-149.

[76]  Minutes, Conference of SDRK upolnomochennye, June 5-6, 1959; GARF, f.6991, o.3, d.186, ll.214 and 221.

[77]  Minutes, SDRK session No.4, February 25-26, 1959; GARF f.6991, o.3, d.183, l.106.

[78]  A. Barmenkov, Theses of a lecture "The situation of the Muslim faith in the country and measures to strengthen control of observance of legislation on religion," June 19, 1968; GARF f.6991, o.6, d.147, l.44.

[79]  Memorandum, June 2, 1983; RGANI, f.5, o.89, d.82, l.38.

[80]  V. A. Kuroedov to the CPSU CC, September 16, 1983; RGANI f.5, o.89, d.82, ll.62-63.

[81]  Sovremennaia kul'tura i byt islama narodov Dagestana (Moskva: Nauka, 1971), 211.