Browse Documents (242 total)

  • Collection: Soviet Muslim Posters, 1918-1940

Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь! Proletarians of all countries, unite!

Unknown artist
Azerbaijani text (Arabic script)
Baku. BWAA RTACRB. Azerbaijani Republican Print Center. 1920s
Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 71×51.5 cm
Date: 1920 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-89

Пролетарии всех стран соединяйтесь! Proletarians of all countries, unite!

Unknown artist
Russian and Azerbaijani text (Arabic script) Baku. BWAA RTACRB. Azerbaijani Republican Print Center. 1920s
Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 71×112 cm
Date: 1920 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-84

Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь! Proletarians of all countries, unite!

Unknown artist
Russian and Azerbaijani text (Arabic script) Baku. BWAA RTACRB. Azerbaijani Republican Print Center. 1920s
Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 71×102 cm
Date: 1920 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-93

Красный Азербайджан – факел на пути исламских народов к суверенитету! Red Azerbaidzhan is a torch on the path of Islamic peoples to sovereignty!

Unknown artist
Azerbaijani text (Arabic script)
Publisher and print run unknown. 1920s Paper, printing. 45×31.6 cm
Date: 1920 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-87

Да здравствует братский союз всех трудящихся Кавказа! Long live the fraternal alliance of all working people in the Caucasus!

Unknown artist
Azerbaijani text (Arabic script)
Publisher and print run unknown. 1920s Paper, printing. 45×31.6 cm
Date: 1920 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-85

Трудящиеся России поздравляют Красный Азербайджан! Да здравствует союз Азербайджана с Россией! Russia’s working people congratulate Red Azerbaidzhan! Long live the alliance of Azerbaidzhan and Russia!

Unknown artist
Azerbaijani text (Arabic script) Publisher and print run unknown. 1920s Paper, printing. 45×31.6 cm
Date: 1920 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-86

Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь! Proletarians of all countries, unite!

Unknown artist
Russian and Azerbaijani text (Arabic script) Baku. BWAA RTACRB. Azerbaijani Republican Print Center. 1920s
Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 92×71.2 cm
Date: 1920 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-92

Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь! Proletarians of all countries, unite!

Unknown artist
Russian and Azerbaijani text (Arabic script) Baku. BWAA RTACRB. Azerbaijani Republican Print Center. 1920s
Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 92×70 cm
Date: 1920 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-123

В мухаррам! To Muharram

Unknown artist
Azerbaijani text (Arabic script) Publisher and print run unknown. 1920s Paper, printing. 88.5×58 cm
Date: 1920 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-150

Национально-освободительное движение народов Востока колониальные гегемоны подавляют огнем и мечом The colonial hegemons are crushing the national liberation movement of Eastern peoples by fire and sword

Unknown artist
Azerbaijani, Turkmen, Uzbek text (Arabic script) Moscow. Published by the CC USSR IRA. 1927 Print run: 3000 copies
Paper, printing. 72.5×52.5 cm
Date: 1927 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-65

Профсоюзы – опора Советской власти Trade unions are a pillar of Soviet rule

Unknown artist
Russian and Azerbaijani text (Latin script) Baku. State Print Shop of the SNEC Azerbaijan Printing Trust. ATUC Culture Section. 1930s Print run: 1000 copies
Paper, printing. 56.9×71 cm
Date: 1930 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 30124/467


Unknown artist
Baku. BWAA RTACRB. Azerbaijani Republican Print Center. 1920s
Paper, printing. 74×105 cm
Date: 1920 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-101

Рабочие и крестьяне своим крепким союзом уничтожили всех притеснителей Workers and peasants have destroyed all oppressors with their strong alliance

Unknown artist
Azerbaijani text (Arabic script)
Baku. State print shop of the Azerbaijani Printing Trust. ‘Bakinsky Rabochiy’ cooperative publishing house. 1920s
Print run: 1000 copies
Paper, printing. 50×72 cm
Date: 1920 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-226

Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь! Proletarians of all countries, unite!

Unknown artist
Russian and Azerbaijani text (Arabic script) Baku. BWAA RTACRB. Azerbaijani Republican Print Center. 1920s
Paper, printing. 71×51.5 cm
Date: 1920 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-90

Работницы-мусульманки! Царь, беки и ханы лишали тебя прав... Female Muslim workers! The tsar, beys and khans took your rights away...

Unknown artist
Russian and Azerbaijani text (Arabic script) Baku. BWAA RTACRB. 1921
Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 74×47 cm
Date: 1921 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-94

С трудящимися массами вместе
Родовым массам (тейповым отрядам) развалиться
Together with the working people’s masses. The clan-based masses (teip detachments) will fall apart

Unknown artist
Chechen text (Latin script)
Москва. Published by the ARA. 1920s Print run: 10 000 copies
Paper, printing. 43×71 cm
Date: 1920 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-130

I съезд Советов Азербайджана 1st Congress of Azerbaidzhani Soviets

Unknown artist
Russian text
Baku. State Print Shop No.6. 1921 Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 63.2×50 cm
Date: 1921 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-120

Да здравствует I съезд Советов Азербайджана! Long live the 1st Congress of Azerbaidzhani Soviets!

Azerbaijani text (Arabic script)
Baku. State Print Shop No. 4. 1921
Print run: 1700 copies
Paper, printing. 65.8×50 cm
Date: 1921 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-83

На хозяйственный фронт. Революция – бакинскому рабочему Go to the economic front. Bring the Revolution to Baku workers

Unknown artist
Russian text
Baku. Published by the Industrial Propaganda CB ‘Kommunist’ print shop. 1921
Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 51×71.5 cm
Date: 1921 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 37991/4

Подписка на газету «Труд» Trud newspaper subscription

Unknown artist
Russian text
Baku. State Print Shop of the SNEC Azerbaijani Printing Trust. 1925
Print run: 1000 copies
Paper, printing. 68×48 cm
Date: 1925 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-201

Комсомол на защите интересов рабочей молодежи Komsomol protects young workers’ interests

Unknown artist
Russian and Azerbaijani text (Latin script) Baku. Baku Print House Trust. 1920s Print run: 1000 copies
Paper, printing. 106×70.6 cm
Date: 1920 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 30124/271

Рабочая и крестьянская молодежь Азербайджана! Ближе к строительству социализма, теснее в ряды в борьбе за культуру Young Azerbaidzhani workers and peasants! Get closer to the construction of socialism, close ranks in the struggle for culture

Unknown artist
Russian, Azerbaijani (Latin script) and Armenian script
Baku. Published by the 10th October Revolution Anniversary Central Committee of the Azerbaijani Central Executive Committee. Baku Print House Trust. 1927
Print run: 3000 copies
Paper, printing. 72×54.5 cm
Date: 1927 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 30486/74

На борьбу за выполнение плана по хлопку Let’s fight to fulfill the cotton [harvest] plan

Unknown artist
Russian text
Azerbaijani State Publishing House. Baku Baku Print House. 1932
Print run: 1000 copies
Paper, printing. 76×54.5 cm
Date: 1932 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-35

Сбор хлопка Picking cotton

By К. Kazymov
Baku. Printed by the Azerbaijan Publishing House. 1938
Print run: 5000 copies
Paper, printing. 60×62 cm
Date: 1938 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-50

n/a n/a

By N. Husseinov
Baku. Printed by the Azerbaijan Publishing House 1938
Print run: 10 000 copies
Paper, printing. 58.4×82 cm
Date: 1938 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-125

Не продувши не зажигай форсунок и становись сбоку Don’t light burners without blowing it down, and stand aside

By Mirzoyev
Russian and Azerbaijani text (Latin script) Baku. Azerbaijani Republican Print Center. 1937 Print run: 3000 copies
Paper, printing. 94×62 cm
Date: 1937 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-33

Посыпай песком лестницу и площадку Scatter sand over the stairs and landing

By А. Verevkin
Azerbaijani text (Latin script)
Baku. Designed by the Oil Safety Institute of the USSR PCL. AzSSR PCL Publisher Baku Print House. 1932
Print run: 1000 copies
Paper, printing. 72×49 cm
Date: 1932 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-34

Не проходи под хвостом балансира Don’t walk under the end of the balance beam

By А. Verevkin
Russian text
Baku. Designed by the Oil Safety Institute of the USSR PCL. AzSSR PCL Publisher Baku Print House. 1932
Print run: 1000 copies
Paper, printing. 71.7×49.7 cm
Date: 1932 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 30124/751

Правильно укладывай кольца каната Lay rope coils properly

By S. Vlasov
Azerbaijani text (Latin script)
Designed by the Oil Safety Institute of the USSR PCL. AzSSR PCL Publisher. Baku. Baku Print House. 1932
Print run: 1000 copies
Paper, printing. 71.4×52 cm
Date: 1932 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-95

Работая за бортом, проверяй лопарь
у подвесок и пользуйся предохранительным поясом
Check the suspension cables and use a safety belt when working along the side

Unknown artist
Russian and Azerbaijani text (Latin script)
Baku. Baku Print House. 1937 Paper, printing. 93×62.2 cm
Date: 1937 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-44

Да здравствует ленинско-сталинский комсомол! 20 лет Long live the Leninist-Stalinist Komsomol! 20 years old

By М. Gazimov
Azerbaijani text (Latin script)
Baku. Baku Print House. 1938 Print run: 5000 copies
Paper, printing. 89×62 cm
Date: 1938 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-32

Х лет борьбы бакинского пролетариата. 1917–1927 10 years of Baku proletarian struggle. 1917–1927

Russian and Azerbaijani text (Latin script) Baku. Baku Print House Trust. 1927
Print run: 1500 copies Paper, printing. 72×90 cm
Date: 1927 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 13365/89

Ленин – знамя, ленинизм – оружие, путь – мировая революция Lenin is the banner, Leninism is the weapon, the road is world revolution

Unknown artist
Russian text
Baku. ‘Bakinsky Rabochiy’ cooperative publishing house. 1920s
Print run: 2000 copies
Paper, printing. 72.5×107 cm
Date: 1920 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 30124/458

Комсомол, крепи военную мощь СССР Komsomol, strengthen the military might of the USSR

Unknown artist
Russian text
Baku. Baku Print House Trust. 1924–1926 Print run: 1000 copies
Paper, printing. 107×72 cm
Date: 1924-1926 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 29064/1

Октябрь. Х лет.
Лучший стрелок надежный защитник завоеваний Октября...
October Revolution. 10 years old. The best sharpshooter is a reliable protector of October’s achievements...

Unknown artist
Russian and Azerbaijani text (Arabic script) Baku. Baku Print House Trust. 1927
Print run: 2000 copies
Paper, printing. 72×54.5 cm
Date: 1927 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 13365/78

На страже социалистической Родины! Guarding our socialist Motherland!

By B. Gasymov
Azerbaijani text (Latin script) Unknown publisher. 1939
Print run: 5000 copies
Paper, printing. 86×57.5 cm
Date: 1939 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-31

Лучших коней в Красную армию! Get the best horses for the Red Army!

By О. Orudzhev
Azerbaijani text (Latin script)
Baku. Azerbaijan Publishing House print shop 1930
Print run: 1000 copies
Paper, printing. 42×60.2 cm
Date: 1930 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-192

Film advertisement. Ismet

Unknown artist
Russian text
By the Azerbaijani State Film Industry Trust
2nd State Print Shop, Moscow Region Print House Print run 5000 copies
118.4×83.7 cm
Date: n/d Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-79

Контрольные цифры сельского хозяйства Key agricultural figures

Unknown artist
Bashkir text (Latin script)
Ufa. Published by the Education Section of the Bashkir Trade Union Council. October Impact print shop. Approved by the Countryside Cooperation Section of the AUCP(B) Bashkir Region Committee and the Agitation and Propaganda (Section)
Print run: 1000 copies
Paper, printing. 104.7×74 cm
Date: n/a Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM-8

Вместе дружно на выборы и на работу в Советы! Let’s go all together to elect and work in Soviets!

Unknown artist
Russian text
Publisher and print run: unknown. 1920s Paper, printing. 92×71 cm
Date: 1920 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 6900/10

Книгу – в массы! Bring books to the masses!

Unknown artist
Russian and Turkmen text (Arabic script)
Print shop of the Turkmen State Publishing House 1930s
Print run: 5000 copies
Paper, printing. 46.7×31.2 cm
Date: 1930 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-195/196

Белое солнце пустыни

Date: Source: