Browse Documents (269 total)
«...чтобы впредь неповадно было им совать свое свиное рыло в наш советский огород». И. Сталин « keep them from poking their pig snout in our Soviet garden again».
By K. Cheprakov
Russian and Uzbek text (Latin script) Moscow–Tashkent. Association of State Publishers. 1934
Print run: 5000 copies
Paper, printing.103×70 cm
Russian and Uzbek text (Latin script) Moscow–Tashkent. Association of State Publishers. 1934
Print run: 5000 copies
Paper, printing.103×70 cm
«Мы должны научиться торговать культурно» (Ленин) “We must learn to trade in a civil manner” (Lenin)
By Yu. G. Fedotov
Russian and Uzbek text (Latin script) Tashkent. Published by the Republican Sanitary Culture House of the UzSSR People’s Commissariat for Healthcare. 1935
Print run: 8000 copies
Paper, printing. 104×34.5 cm
Russian and Uzbek text (Latin script) Tashkent. Published by the Republican Sanitary Culture House of the UzSSR People’s Commissariat for Healthcare. 1935
Print run: 8000 copies
Paper, printing. 104×34.5 cm
«Переходящее красное знамя», «Выполним производственный план вовремя, качественно и на 100%!», «Все – в ударные бригады!» “Transferable red banner”; “Let’s fulfill the production plan on schedule, properly and fully!”; “Everyone join shock brigades!”
By А. Gerasimov
Uzbek text (Latin script)
Tashkent. Uzbek State Publishing House. 1934 4000 copies
Paper, printing. 105×70 cm
Uzbek text (Latin script)
Tashkent. Uzbek State Publishing House. 1934 4000 copies
Paper, printing. 105×70 cm
1 мая! 1 May!
By Petrarka
Turkmen language (Arabic script)
Ashkhabad. Turkmen State Publishing House. 1931 Print run: 2100 copies
Paper, printing. 86.2×61 cm
Turkmen language (Arabic script)
Ashkhabad. Turkmen State Publishing House. 1931 Print run: 2100 copies
Paper, printing. 86.2×61 cm
10 лет женотделов 10 years of zhenotdels [women’s departments]
Unknown artist
Russian text
Moscow. Published by the Central Publishing House as ordered by the Central Committee of the AUCP(B) Female Section. 1920s
Print run: 2000 copies
Paper, printing. 72×108.5 cm
Russian text
Moscow. Published by the Central Publishing House as ordered by the Central Committee of the AUCP(B) Female Section. 1920s
Print run: 2000 copies
Paper, printing. 72×108.5 cm
10 лет пути к социализму 10 years on the path to socialism
Unknown artist
Russian, Uzbek, Tajik, Kazakh and Turkmen text (Arabic script)
Tashkent. Published by the Central Asian Bureau of the Agriculture Workers Union Central Committee. 1927
Print run: 2000 copies
Paper, printing. 72×108 cm
Russian, Uzbek, Tajik, Kazakh and Turkmen text (Arabic script)
Tashkent. Published by the Central Asian Bureau of the Agriculture Workers Union Central Committee. 1927
Print run: 2000 copies
Paper, printing. 72×108 cm
3ря рискуешь головой,
ведь сейчас придет другой
There’s no reason to risk your life since someone else will come in right away
Unknown artist
Russian and Tatar text (Arabic script)
Kazan. Published by the City Railway Office. 1931 Print run: 500 copies
Paper, printing. 36×50.3 cm
Russian and Tatar text (Arabic script)
Kazan. Published by the City Railway Office. 1931 Print run: 500 copies
Paper, printing. 36×50.3 cm
8 марта – Международный женский день 8 March is International Woman’s Day
By Abd al-Mumin (one letter missing)
Russian, Uzbek and Kyrgyz text (Arabic script) Tashkent. Print shop No. 1, Uzbek State Publishing House. 1930s
Print run: 1030 copies
Paper, printing. 83×65.5 cm
Russian, Uzbek and Kyrgyz text (Arabic script) Tashkent. Print shop No. 1, Uzbek State Publishing House. 1930s
Print run: 1030 copies
Paper, printing. 83×65.5 cm
Bсем этим нельзя кормить грудного ребенка Don’t feed any of this to your baby
By G. Arslanov
Russian and Tatar text (Arabic script)
Kazan. Published by the Tatar People’s Committee for Healthcare and the Tatar Region Red Cross Committee. Tatpoligraph, Proletarskoye Slovo print shop. 1927
Print run: 3000 copies
Paper, printing. 35.5×53 cm
Russian and Tatar text (Arabic script)
Kazan. Published by the Tatar People’s Committee for Healthcare and the Tatar Region Red Cross Committee. Tatpoligraph, Proletarskoye Slovo print shop. 1927
Print run: 3000 copies
Paper, printing. 35.5×53 cm
I съезд Советов Азербайджана 1st Congress of Azerbaidzhani Soviets
Unknown artist
Russian text
Baku. State Print Shop No.6. 1921 Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 63.2×50 cm
Russian text
Baku. State Print Shop No.6. 1921 Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 63.2×50 cm
n/a n/a
Unknown artist
Tashkent. Tashkent Region Print House. Print shop No 1, Uzbek State Publishing House. 1930s Print run: 1030 copies
Paper, printing. 90×69.5 cm
Tashkent. Tashkent Region Print House. Print shop No 1, Uzbek State Publishing House. 1930s Print run: 1030 copies
Paper, printing. 90×69.5 cm
n/a n/a
By N. Husseinov
Baku. Printed by the Azerbaijan Publishing House 1938
Print run: 10 000 copies
Paper, printing. 58.4×82 cm
Baku. Printed by the Azerbaijan Publishing House 1938
Print run: 10 000 copies
Paper, printing. 58.4×82 cm
Концертное турне по Средней Азии Тамары Ханум
Advertisement 201.Tamara Khanum concert tour around Central Asia
Russian and Uzbek text (Arabic script) Paper, printing. 43×97 cm
Афиша Гастроли узбекского Гос. музыкального театра Наркомпроса Уз ССР Advertisement.Tour by the Uzbek State Musical Theatre of the Uzbek SSR People’s Commissariat for Public Education
Russian text
Moscow–Leningrad. Summer of 1930 Paper, printing. 55×109 cm
Moscow–Leningrad. Summer of 1930 Paper, printing. 55×109 cm
Афиша Госцирка.
Госцирк. Тамара Брок
State Circus advertisement.State Circus. Tamara Brok
By Е. G.
Russian and Uzbek text (Arabic script)
Moscow Region Literature and Publishing Office, dated 29/XI. Published by the State Circus. 1936 Print run: 3000 copies
Paper, printing. 83.4×56.4 cm
Russian and Uzbek text (Arabic script)
Moscow Region Literature and Publishing Office, dated 29/XI. Published by the State Circus. 1936 Print run: 3000 copies
Paper, printing. 83.4×56.4 cm
Бабка калечит твое здоровье A midwife harms your health
By G. Arslanov
Russian and Tatar text (Arabic script)
Kazan. Published by the Tatar People’s Committee for Healthcare and the Tatar Region Red Cross Committee. Tatpoligraph, Proletarskoye Slovo print shop. 1927
Print run: 3000 copies
Paper, printing 35×54 cm
Russian and Tatar text (Arabic script)
Kazan. Published by the Tatar People’s Committee for Healthcare and the Tatar Region Red Cross Committee. Tatpoligraph, Proletarskoye Slovo print shop. 1927
Print run: 3000 copies
Paper, printing 35×54 cm
Без активного участия женщины
в производственном союзе и производстве не может быть восстановлено хозяйство республики
The republic’s economy cannot be rebuilt without the active involvement of women in the production alliance and in production
Unknown artist
Russian and Uzbek text (Arabic script) Tashkent. Turkestan State Publishing House Print shop No. 1. 1920s
Print run: 5000 copies
Paper, printing. 71.5×55 cm
Russian and Uzbek text (Arabic script) Tashkent. Turkestan State Publishing House Print shop No. 1. 1920s
Print run: 5000 copies
Paper, printing. 71.5×55 cm
Была медлительна жизнь на Востоке... Life in the East was slow...
Unknown artist
Russian and Azerbaijani text (Arabic script). Baku. BWAA RTACRB. State Publishing House ‘Azerbaijani Republican Print Center’. 1920s Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 71.2×51 cm
Russian and Azerbaijani text (Arabic script). Baku. BWAA RTACRB. State Publishing House ‘Azerbaijani Republican Print Center’. 1920s Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 71.2×51 cm
В безграмотной стране коммунизм построить нельзя Communism cannot be built in an illiterate country
Unknown artist
Uzbek text (Latin script)
Tashkent. Print shop No. 2 of the Uzbek Printing Trust. 1931
Print run: 2000 copies
Paper, printing. 74.5×105 cm
Uzbek text (Latin script)
Tashkent. Print shop No. 2 of the Uzbek Printing Trust. 1931
Print run: 2000 copies
Paper, printing. 74.5×105 cm
В день выборов в Верховный Совет УзССР! Day of elections to the Uzbek SSR Supreme Soviet!
By V. Kaidalov
Russian and Uzbek text (Latin script)
Tashkent. UzSSR State Publishing House. 1938 Print run: 20 000 copies
Paper, printing. 86×62 cm
Russian and Uzbek text (Latin script)
Tashkent. UzSSR State Publishing House. 1938 Print run: 20 000 copies
Paper, printing. 86×62 cm
В июне 1918 г. тов. Сталин организовал отправку в Туркестан 2 миллионов патронов, 10 тыс. бомб, большого отряда красноармейцев In June 1918 Comrade Stalin arranged to send 2 million cartridges, 10 thousand bombs and a big Red Army detachment to Turkestan
Poster sketch
By S. Redkin
Russian text
Stencil. Paper on canvas, gouache, whitewash 62×62.5 cm
By S. Redkin
Russian text
Stencil. Paper on canvas, gouache, whitewash 62×62.5 cm
В каждом колхозе у колхозников имеются приусадебные участки All collective-farm members have land plots of their own
By S. Malt
Uzbek text (Latin script)
Tashkent. Uzbek State Publishing House. 1933 Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 71×105.1 cm
Uzbek text (Latin script)
Tashkent. Uzbek State Publishing House. 1933 Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 71×105.1 cm
В мухаррам! To Muharram
Unknown artist
Azerbaijani text (Arabic script) Publisher and print run unknown. 1920s Paper, printing. 88.5×58 cm
Azerbaijani text (Arabic script) Publisher and print run unknown. 1920s Paper, printing. 88.5×58 cm
В республике Советов нет места национальной розни!
Все трудящиеся – на перевыборы Советов!
There is no place for nationality-based enmity in a Soviet republic! All working people, take part in the re-election of Soviets!
Unknown artist
Russian and Uzbek text (Arabic script)
Tashkent. Print shop No. 1 of the Uzbek Printing Trust. 1930s
Print run: 15 000 copies
Paper, printing. 109.5×71,9 cm
Russian and Uzbek text (Arabic script)
Tashkent. Print shop No. 1 of the Uzbek Printing Trust. 1930s
Print run: 15 000 copies
Paper, printing. 109.5×71,9 cm
В увеличении засева полей залог победы над разрухой и голодом Increased sowing of fields is a guarantee of victory over devastation and famine
By Medvedeva
Russian text
Kazan. State Publishing House, Kazan branch. 1921
Print run: 5000 copies
Paper, printing. 45.5×71 cm
Russian text
Kazan. State Publishing House, Kazan branch. 1921
Print run: 5000 copies
Paper, printing. 45.5×71 cm
Великий трудовой союз рабочего, трудармейца и крестьянина приведет Советскую Россию в царство всеобщего счастья The great labor alliance of the worker, the labor-army soldier and the peasant will lead Soviet Russia to the kingdom of universal happiness
Unknown artist
Russian text
Kazan. Published by the Kazan Province Printing Section. 1920
Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 52×36 cm
Russian text
Kazan. Published by the Kazan Province Printing Section. 1920
Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 52×36 cm
Владыкой мира будет труд Labor will rule the world
Unknown artist
Russian text
Kazan. State Publishing House. 1920 Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 35×27.8 cm
Russian text
Kazan. State Publishing House. 1920 Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 35×27.8 cm
Вместе дружно на выборы и на работу в Советы! Let’s go all together to elect and work in Soviets!
Unknown artist
Russian text
Publisher and print run: unknown. 1920s Paper, printing. 92×71 cm
Russian text
Publisher and print run: unknown. 1920s Paper, printing. 92×71 cm
Врангель еще жив. Добей его без пощады Wrangel is still alive. Finish him off without mercy
By D. Moor
Russian text
Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 100×75.4cm
Russian text
Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 100×75.4cm
Все – на сбор хлопка Everyone join the cotton harvest
By B. Kaidalov
Russian and Uzbek text (Latin script) Tashkent. Uzbek State Publishing House. 1934 Print run: 5120 copies
Paper, printing. 69.6×104.5 cm
Russian and Uzbek text (Latin script) Tashkent. Uzbek State Publishing House. 1934 Print run: 5120 copies
Paper, printing. 69.6×104.5 cm
Все на помощь голодающим!
Everyone help thе starving!
Unknown artist
Russian and Tatar text (Arabic script) Kazan. Tatar State Publishing House War on Famine Agitation Commission of the Tatar Regional Committee. 1921 Print run: 5000 copies
Paper, printing. 54×71 cm
Russian and Tatar text (Arabic script) Kazan. Tatar State Publishing House War on Famine Agitation Commission of the Tatar Regional Committee. 1921 Print run: 5000 copies
Paper, printing. 54×71 cm
Все найдешь в газете «Красная Татария» You will find everything in the newspaper Krasnaya Tataria
Unknown artist
Russian text
Kazan. Published by the Krasnaya Tataria and Novaya Derevnya newspapers. N. Aleksandrov print shop
Print run: 5000 copies
Paper, printing. 67.5×47.5 cm
Russian text
Kazan. Published by the Krasnaya Tataria and Novaya Derevnya newspapers. N. Aleksandrov print shop
Print run: 5000 copies
Paper, printing. 67.5×47.5 cm
Все неграмотные, в школу All illiterate people, go to school!
Unknown artist
Russian text
Kazan. Published by the Political Education Section. 2nd State Print Shop. 1921
Print run: 1000 copies
Paper, printing. 74×63.5 cm
Russian text
Kazan. Published by the Political Education Section. 2nd State Print Shop. 1921
Print run: 1000 copies
Paper, printing. 74×63.5 cm
ВСЕВОБУЧ – надежда пролетариата VSEVOBUCH [Universal military training] is the hope of the proletariat
Unknown artist
Russian and Uzbek text (Arabic script) Tashkent. Turkestan State Publishing House 1920s
Print run: 3000 copies Paper, printing. 107×71 cm
Russian and Uzbek text (Arabic script) Tashkent. Turkestan State Publishing House 1920s
Print run: 3000 copies Paper, printing. 107×71 cm
Всесоюзная выигрышная лотерея
для оказания помощи больным и раненым красноармейцам
The all-Union lottery to help sick and wounded Red Army soldiers
Unknown artist
Uzbek text (Latin script)
Print shop No. 2 of the Uzbek Printing Trust 1920s
Print run: 2000 copies
Paper, printing. 70×49.5 cm
Uzbek text (Latin script)
Print shop No. 2 of the Uzbek Printing Trust 1920s
Print run: 2000 copies
Paper, printing. 70×49.5 cm
Всесоюзная Нижегородская ярмарка All-Union fair in Nizhny Novgorod
Unknown artist
Russian text
Moscow. Published by the Nizhny Novgorod Fair Committee. Krasny Proletariy print shop. 1928 Print run: 2500 copies
Paper, printing. 108.5×72 cm
Russian text
Moscow. Published by the Nizhny Novgorod Fair Committee. Krasny Proletariy print shop. 1928 Print run: 2500 copies
Paper, printing. 108.5×72 cm
Выполнил ли ты разверстку? Have you supplied the required grain?
Unknown artist
Russian text
Kazan. Kazan Branch of the State Publishing House. 1920
Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 63×38.5 cm
Russian text
Kazan. Kazan Branch of the State Publishing House. 1920
Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 63×38.5 cm
Выполним в срок хлопкозаготовки Let’s fulfill cotton procurements on schedule
By S. Malt
Russian and Uzbek text (Latin script) Uzbek text on the right: 1st cotton harvest. 2nd cotton harvest. 3rd cotton harvest.
No publisher is shown (the poster is cut off at the bottom). 1933
Paper, printing. 70.5×105 cm
Russian and Uzbek text (Latin script) Uzbek text on the right: 1st cotton harvest. 2nd cotton harvest. 3rd cotton harvest.
No publisher is shown (the poster is cut off at the bottom). 1933
Paper, printing. 70.5×105 cm
Выходит далее, что невозможно больше по-старому обходиться тем минимумом старых инженерно-технических сил, который мы наследовали от буржуазной России... It also turns out to be impossible to continue to get by with the minimal old engineering and technical resources that we inherited from bourgeois Russia...
By V. Ufimtsev
Russian and Uzbek text (Latin script)
Tashkent. Print shop No. 2 of the Uzbek Printing Trust. 1932
Print run: 3000 copies
Paper, printing. 106×68.4 cm
Russian and Uzbek text (Latin script)
Tashkent. Print shop No. 2 of the Uzbek Printing Trust. 1932
Print run: 3000 copies
Paper, printing. 106×68.4 cm
Выходит, дальше, что нельзя больше терпеть обезличку в производстве... It also turns out that we can’t tolerate a lack of personal responsibility in production anymore...
Unknown artist
Russian and Uzbek text (Latin script).
Tashkent. Print shop No. 2 of the Uzbek Printing Trust. 1932
Print run: 3000 copies
Paper, printing. 105×68.3 cm
Russian and Uzbek text (Latin script).
Tashkent. Print shop No. 2 of the Uzbek Printing Trust. 1932
Print run: 3000 copies
Paper, printing. 105×68.3 cm
Выходит, наконец, что нельзя по-старому оборачиваться на старых источниках накопления... It turns out, finally, that we can’t continue to get by with the old sources of savings...
Unknown artist
Russian and Uzbek text (Latin script)
Tashkent. Print shop No. 2 of the Uzbek Printing Trust. 1932
Print run: 6000 copies
Paper, printing. 105×68 cm
Russian and Uzbek text (Latin script)
Tashkent. Print shop No. 2 of the Uzbek Printing Trust. 1932
Print run: 6000 copies
Paper, printing. 105×68 cm
Где самолет пролетает часы –
караваны идут дни, недели, месяцы
It takes just hours for a plane to fly to places that caravans take days, weeks and months to get to
By А. Stran
Russian and Uzbek text (Latin script)
Published by the Central Asian Civil Aviation Territorial Division. Tashkent. Uzbek lithography shop. ‘Pravda Vostoka’ print shop. 1930s
Print run: 1500 copies
Paper, printing. 89×62 cm
Russian and Uzbek text (Latin script)
Published by the Central Asian Civil Aviation Territorial Division. Tashkent. Uzbek lithography shop. ‘Pravda Vostoka’ print shop. 1930s
Print run: 1500 copies
Paper, printing. 89×62 cm
Голодающему Поволжью –
Красный Туркестан
To the starving Volga Region from Red Turkestan
Unknown artist
Russian and Kazakh text (Arabic script)
Tashkent. Turkestan State Publishing House. 1921 Print run: 2500 copies
Paper, printing. 71.5×53 cm
Russian and Kazakh text (Arabic script)
Tashkent. Turkestan State Publishing House. 1921 Print run: 2500 copies
Paper, printing. 71.5×53 cm
Голодный труженик! Знай, что пролетариат всего мира спешит к тебе с помощью! Hungry toiler! Know that the proletariat of the whole world are rushing to help you!
Unknown artist
Russian and Tatar text (Arabic script)
Kazan. Published by the Main Politic and Education Committee. 1922 Print run: 2500 copies
Paper, printing. 59×71 cm
Russian and Tatar text (Arabic script)
Kazan. Published by the Main Politic and Education Committee. 1922 Print run: 2500 copies
Paper, printing. 59×71 cm
Горско мусульманский конный дивизион полковника Пуковского приглашает добровольцев – мусульман и горцев Colonel Pukovsky’s Muslim Highlander Cavalry Division invites Muslim and mountain-dwelling volunteers
White Guard poster
Unknown artist
Arabic, Adygei , Karachai-Balkar (Arabic script) text
Publisher, year and print run unknown
Paper, printing. 85×62 cm
Unknown artist
Arabic, Adygei , Karachai-Balkar (Arabic script) text
Publisher, year and print run unknown
Paper, printing. 85×62 cm
Гражданин! Неси книгу красноармейцу... Citizens! Bring a book to a Red Army soldier...
Unknown artist
Russian text
Kazan. Republican Reserve Army Political Section Political Section of the MRC Eastern Section. 1919 Print run unknown
Paper, screen printing. 90.5×60.7 cm
Russian text
Kazan. Republican Reserve Army Political Section Political Section of the MRC Eastern Section. 1919 Print run unknown
Paper, screen printing. 90.5×60.7 cm
Грамотный, твой долг обучать неграмотных! Literate people, it is your duty to teach those who are illiterate!
Unknown artist
Russian and Uzbek text (Arabic script) Tashkent. Turkestan State Publishing House 1920s
Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 62.7×44 cm
Russian and Uzbek text (Arabic script) Tashkent. Turkestan State Publishing House 1920s
Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 62.7×44 cm
Грудные дети умирают чаще всего летом Babies die most often in the summer
Unknown artist
Russian and Tatar text (Arabic script)
Kazan. Published by the Tatar People’s Committee for Healthcare and the Tatar Region Red Cross Committee. Tatpoligraph, Proletarskoye Slovo
print shop. 1927
Print run: 3000 copies
Paper, printing 36×53.5 cm
Russian and Tatar text (Arabic script)
Kazan. Published by the Tatar People’s Committee for Healthcare and the Tatar Region Red Cross Committee. Tatpoligraph, Proletarskoye Slovo
print shop. 1927
Print run: 3000 copies
Paper, printing 36×53.5 cm
Да здравствует I съезд Советов Азербайджана! Long live the 1st Congress of Azerbaidzhani Soviets!
Azerbaijani text (Arabic script)
Baku. State Print Shop No. 4. 1921
Print run: 1700 copies
Paper, printing. 65.8×50 cm
Baku. State Print Shop No. 4. 1921
Print run: 1700 copies
Paper, printing. 65.8×50 cm
Да здравствует XXI Октябрь Long live the 21st anniversary of October [Revolution]
By B. Rezanov
Russian and Uzbek text (Latin script)
Tashkent. UzSSR State Publishing House. 1938 Print run: 10 000 copies
Paper, printing. 92×59.5 cm
Russian and Uzbek text (Latin script)
Tashkent. UzSSR State Publishing House. 1938 Print run: 10 000 copies
Paper, printing. 92×59.5 cm
Да здравствует братский союз всех трудящихся Кавказа! Long live the fraternal alliance of all working people in the Caucasus!
Unknown artist
Azerbaijani text (Arabic script)
Publisher and print run unknown. 1920s Paper, printing. 45×31.6 cm
Azerbaijani text (Arabic script)
Publisher and print run unknown. 1920s Paper, printing. 45×31.6 cm
Да здравствует земельная реформа! Long live the land reform!
Unknown artist
Uzbek text (Arabic script)
Tashkent Region print shop ‘Nauka i Trud’. 1920s Print run: 2000 copies
Paper, printing. 65.7×97.5 cm
Uzbek text (Arabic script)
Tashkent Region print shop ‘Nauka i Trud’. 1920s Print run: 2000 copies
Paper, printing. 65.7×97.5 cm
Да здравствует Ленинско-Сталинский комсомол – шеф военно-воздушного флота! Long live the Leninist-Stalinist Komsomol, a patron of the air force!
By K. Cheprakov
Uzbek text (Latin script).
Tashkent. Detyunizdat Publishers, Uzbek Printing Complex print shop. 1938
Print run: 5000 copies
Paper, printing. 91.5×57.5 cm
Uzbek text (Latin script).
Tashkent. Detyunizdat Publishers, Uzbek Printing Complex print shop. 1938
Print run: 5000 copies
Paper, printing. 91.5×57.5 cm
Да здравствует ленинско-сталинский комсомол! 20 лет Long live the Leninist-Stalinist Komsomol! 20 years old
By М. Gazimov
Azerbaijani text (Latin script)
Baku. Baku Print House. 1938 Print run: 5000 copies
Paper, printing. 89×62 cm
Azerbaijani text (Latin script)
Baku. Baku Print House. 1938 Print run: 5000 copies
Paper, printing. 89×62 cm
Да здравствует пролетарская революция во всем мире!!! Long live proletarian revolution all over the world!!!
By V. Kaidalov
Russian and Uzbek text (Latin script) Tashkent. Uzbek State Publishing House ‘Pravda Vostoka’ print shop. 1933
Print run: 5000 copies Paper, printing. 74×104.5 cm
Russian and Uzbek text (Latin script) Tashkent. Uzbek State Publishing House ‘Pravda Vostoka’ print shop. 1933
Print run: 5000 copies Paper, printing. 74×104.5 cm
Да здравствует Татарская Советская Социалистическая Республика
В единении трудящихся –
крепость и мощь «Татреспублики»
Long live the Tatar Soviet Socialist Republic. The strength and might of the Tatar Republic lie in the unity of workers
Unknown artist
Russian and Tatar text (Arabic script)
State Publishing House, Kazan branch. 1921 Print run: 2000 copies
Paper, printing. 60.5×36.2 cm
Russian and Tatar text (Arabic script)
State Publishing House, Kazan branch. 1921 Print run: 2000 copies
Paper, printing. 60.5×36.2 cm
Да здравствуют женщины-червоводки активно участвующие в проведении шелковой пятилетки! Long live female silkworm breeders taking active part in the implementa¬tion of the five-year silk plan!
Russian and Kazakh text (Latin script) Tashkent. Print shop No. 2 of the Uzbek Printing Trust
Paper, printing. 45×53 cm
Paper, printing. 45×53 cm
Дезертир труда и фронта пособник контрреволюции и хозяйственной разрухи... A deserter of labor and the front is an accomplice to counter-revolution and economic devastation...
Unknown artist
Russian text
Ufa. Ufa Province Branch
of the State Publishing House. 1920 Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 44.5×35.5 cm
Russian text
Ufa. Ufa Province Branch
of the State Publishing House. 1920 Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 44.5×35.5 cm
Дезертир! Своим бегством ты радуешь только буржуя – врага рабочих и крестьян Deserter! By fleeing you only make the bourgeoisie happy – the enemy of workers and peasants
By B. I-ch and V. P-k.
Russian text
Ufa. Published by the RTA Bashkir Regional Branch. 1920
Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 53.8×71.4 cm
Russian text
Ufa. Published by the RTA Bashkir Regional Branch. 1920
Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 53.8×71.4 cm
Десять сытых накормят одного голодного – по 3 ф. хлеба 30 ф. хлеба Ten well-fed people will feed one hungry person -- giving 3 pounds of grain each will yield 30 pounds of grain
Unknown artist
Russian and Tatar text (Arabic script) Kazan. Published by the CAFC. 1921
Print run: 5000 copies
Paper, printing. 48×71.5 cm
Russian and Tatar text (Arabic script) Kazan. Published by the CAFC. 1921
Print run: 5000 copies
Paper, printing. 48×71.5 cm
Десять сытых! Давая каждый три фунта муки в месяц, вы спасете от голодной смерти одного пахаря и тем спасете себя от той же участи в будущем. Calling ten well-fed people! By giving three pounds of flour a month each, you will save one plowman from dying hungry...
Unknown artist
Russian and Tatar text (Arabic script) Kazan. Published by the CAFC. 1921 Print run: 4000 copies
Paper, printing. 53.8×7 cm1
Russian and Tatar text (Arabic script) Kazan. Published by the CAFC. 1921 Print run: 4000 copies
Paper, printing. 53.8×7 cm1
Дети – наше будущее.
Для них мы строим новый мир
Children are our future. We are building a new world for them
Unknown artist
Russian and Tatar text (Arabic script) State Publishing House, Kazan branch Umid print shop. 1920
Print run: 2000 copies
Paper, printing. 60.8×38 cm
Russian and Tatar text (Arabic script) State Publishing House, Kazan branch Umid print shop. 1920
Print run: 2000 copies
Paper, printing. 60.8×38 cm
Дети, будьте осторожны, берегитесь трамвая Children, be careful, beware of trams
Unknown artist
Russian and Tatar text (Arabic script)
Kazan. Published by the City Railway Office. 1931 Print run: 500 copies
Paper, printing. 49×68 cm
Russian and Tatar text (Arabic script)
Kazan. Published by the City Railway Office. 1931 Print run: 500 copies
Paper, printing. 49×68 cm
Дехканин – помощник лошади и трактора
Текст на узбекском языке (латинская графика)
The dehkan is a helper of horses and tractors
Uzbek text (Latin script)
Publisher and print run: unknown 1930s
Paper, printing. 41×80 cm
Publisher and print run: unknown 1930s
Paper, printing. 41×80 cm
Дехканин! Не забывай сделать запасы на зиму и починить сельхозинвентарь! Вовремя засевай землю! Dehkan! Don’t forget to store up for the winter and mend farming equipment! Sow seeds on time!
By V. Yeremyan
Uzbek text (Arabic script)
Samarkand. REC print shop. 1920s
Print run: 2000 copies
Paper, printing. 90×68.6 cm
Uzbek text (Arabic script)
Samarkand. REC print shop. 1920s
Print run: 2000 copies
Paper, printing. 90×68.6 cm
Дехканки! Занимайтесь шелководством. Оно увеличит доход вашего хозяйства Female dehkans! Breed silkworms. It will increase your household income
Unknown artist
Russian and Uzbek text (Latin script)
Tashkent, Uzbek lithography shop, published
by the Central Asian Silkworm Breeding Institute of Joint-Stock Company Turkestan Silk Factory. 1930s Print run: 14000 copies
Paper, printing. 103×70 cm
Russian and Uzbek text (Latin script)
Tashkent, Uzbek lithography shop, published
by the Central Asian Silkworm Breeding Institute of Joint-Stock Company Turkestan Silk Factory. 1930s Print run: 14000 copies
Paper, printing. 103×70 cm
Дехканские и батрацкие женщины! Требуйте от правительства Советов проведения земельных реформ! Peasant women and female farmhands! Demand land reforms from the Soviet government!
Unknown artist
Uzbek text (Arabic script)
Samarkand print shop. Early 1920s Print run: 2000 copies
Paper, printing. 96×72 cm
Uzbek text (Arabic script)
Samarkand print shop. Early 1920s Print run: 2000 copies
Paper, printing. 96×72 cm
Для овладения теорией марксизма- ленинизма сеть партийного просвещения
и комсомольского обучения в Узбекистане
Marxist-Leninist theory can be learned through the party-education and Komsomol training network in Uzbekistan
Unknown artist
Uzbek text (Latin script)
Tashkent. 1st UPCLI print shop. 1932 Print run: 7000 copies
Paper, printing. 71×103
Uzbek text (Latin script)
Tashkent. 1st UPCLI print shop. 1932 Print run: 7000 copies
Paper, printing. 71×103
Для таких входа нет, а этим – двери настежь For those people there is no entry, but for these the doors are wide open
Unknown artist
Russian text
Kazan. Published by the Fine Arts Bureau of the Army Political Section. 1920
Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 29.8×41.5 cm
Russian text
Kazan. Published by the Fine Arts Bureau of the Army Political Section. 1920
Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 29.8×41.5 cm
Доклад активиста Activist’s report
By А. Platunova
Russian text
Unknown publisher. 1930 Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 44.5×32.5 cm
Russian text
Unknown publisher. 1930 Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 44.5×32.5 cm
Долой безграмотность и мрак невежества!!! Только через знание путь к истинному коммунизму! Down with illiteracy and the darkness of ignorance!!! The path to the communism runs only through knowledge!
Unknown artist
Russian text
Kazan. Published by the Main Politic
and Education Committee. 1920s
Print run: 400 copies
Paper, printing. 128.5×70.5 cm
Russian text
Kazan. Published by the Main Politic
and Education Committee. 1920s
Print run: 400 copies
Paper, printing. 128.5×70.5 cm