Browse Documents (242 total)
- Collection: Soviet Muslim Posters, 1918-1940
Стой, товарищ! Когда ты проходишь мимо инвалида, отдавшего свое здоровье за укрепление Советской власти... Stop, comrade! When you see a disabled man who gave up his health to strengthen Soviet rule...
Unknown artist
Russian and Tatar text (Arabic script) Kazan. Tatar print shop ‘Vostok’. 1920s Print run: 300 copies
Paper, printing. 68×42 cm
Russian and Tatar text (Arabic script) Kazan. Tatar print shop ‘Vostok’. 1920s Print run: 300 copies
Paper, printing. 68×42 cm
За дело, товарищ! На фронт трудовой. Пусть каждый из нас выступает! Let’s get down to work, comrade! To the labor front…
By А. Trofimovsky
Russian text
Ufa. State Publishing House, Ufa branch. Province National Economy Council print shop 1921
Print run: 3000 copies
Paper, printing. 72.5×45 cm
Russian text
Ufa. State Publishing House, Ufa branch. Province National Economy Council print shop 1921
Print run: 3000 copies
Paper, printing. 72.5×45 cm
Рабочие Советской России смыкают ряды для борьбы с капиталом Workers in Soviet Russia are closing ranks to fight capital
Unknown artist
Russian text
Kazan. State Art Studio Print Shop. 1921 Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 44×32.5 cm
Russian text
Kazan. State Art Studio Print Shop. 1921 Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 44×32.5 cm
Владыкой мира будет труд Labor will rule the world
Unknown artist
Russian text
Kazan. State Publishing House. 1920 Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 35×27.8 cm
Russian text
Kazan. State Publishing House. 1920 Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 35×27.8 cm
Только в свободном государстве может быть свободен труд Labor can only be free in a free state
By А. K.
Russian text
Kazan. Umid Partnership print shop. 1918 Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 88×63 cm
Russian text
Kazan. Umid Partnership print shop. 1918 Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 88×63 cm
Голодный труженик! Знай, что пролетариат всего мира спешит к тебе с помощью! Hungry toiler! Know that the proletariat of the whole world are rushing to help you!
Unknown artist
Russian and Tatar text (Arabic script)
Kazan. Published by the Main Politic and Education Committee. 1922 Print run: 2500 copies
Paper, printing. 59×71 cm
Russian and Tatar text (Arabic script)
Kazan. Published by the Main Politic and Education Committee. 1922 Print run: 2500 copies
Paper, printing. 59×71 cm
Хлебороб! В твоих руках жизнь рабочих, красноармейцев и детей, которые не должны голодать Grain grower! The life of workers, Red Army soldiers and children who must not starve is in your hands
Russian text
Unknown artist
Tashkent. Turkestan State Publishing House. 1920 Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 27×35.3 cm
Unknown artist
Tashkent. Turkestan State Publishing House. 1920 Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 27×35.3 cm
Десять сытых! Давая каждый три фунта муки в месяц, вы спасете от голодной смерти одного пахаря и тем спасете себя от той же участи в будущем. Calling ten well-fed people! By giving three pounds of flour a month each, you will save one plowman from dying hungry...
Unknown artist
Russian and Tatar text (Arabic script) Kazan. Published by the CAFC. 1921 Print run: 4000 copies
Paper, printing. 53.8×7 cm1
Russian and Tatar text (Arabic script) Kazan. Published by the CAFC. 1921 Print run: 4000 copies
Paper, printing. 53.8×7 cm1
Десять сытых накормят одного голодного – по 3 ф. хлеба 30 ф. хлеба Ten well-fed people will feed one hungry person -- giving 3 pounds of grain each will yield 30 pounds of grain
Unknown artist
Russian and Tatar text (Arabic script) Kazan. Published by the CAFC. 1921
Print run: 5000 copies
Paper, printing. 48×71.5 cm
Russian and Tatar text (Arabic script) Kazan. Published by the CAFC. 1921
Print run: 5000 copies
Paper, printing. 48×71.5 cm
В увеличении засева полей залог победы над разрухой и голодом Increased sowing of fields is a guarantee of victory over devastation and famine
By Medvedeva
Russian text
Kazan. State Publishing House, Kazan branch. 1921
Print run: 5000 copies
Paper, printing. 45.5×71 cm
Russian text
Kazan. State Publishing House, Kazan branch. 1921
Print run: 5000 copies
Paper, printing. 45.5×71 cm
Как превратить железо в хлеб How to make bread out of iron
Unknown artist
Russian text
Kazan. State Publishing House Kazan branch. Umid print shop. 1920 Print run unknown
Russian text
Kazan. State Publishing House Kazan branch. Umid print shop. 1920 Print run unknown
Все на помощь голодающим!
Everyone help thе starving!
Unknown artist
Russian and Tatar text (Arabic script) Kazan. Tatar State Publishing House War on Famine Agitation Commission of the Tatar Regional Committee. 1921 Print run: 5000 copies
Paper, printing. 54×71 cm
Russian and Tatar text (Arabic script) Kazan. Tatar State Publishing House War on Famine Agitation Commission of the Tatar Regional Committee. 1921 Print run: 5000 copies
Paper, printing. 54×71 cm
Проф-союзы. Победа над разрухой в верных руках Trade unions. Victory over devastation is in reliable hands
By I. Makhlis
Russian text
Kazan. Published by the Main Political and Education Committee. Print shop of the Republican Reserve Army Staff. 1921
Print run unknown
Russian text
Kazan. Published by the Main Political and Education Committee. Print shop of the Republican Reserve Army Staff. 1921
Print run unknown
Юный пролетарий! Что ты сделал для голодающих братьев Поволжья? Young proletarian! What did you do for starving brothers in the Volga Region?
By S. Zab
Russian text
Kazan. Published by the Youth Section
of the Tatar State Publishing House. 1921
Print run: 5000 copies
Paper, printing. 54×35.8 cm
Russian text
Kazan. Published by the Youth Section
of the Tatar State Publishing House. 1921
Print run: 5000 copies
Paper, printing. 54×35.8 cm
Для таких входа нет, а этим – двери настежь For those people there is no entry, but for these the doors are wide open
Unknown artist
Russian text
Kazan. Published by the Fine Arts Bureau of the Army Political Section. 1920
Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 29.8×41.5 cm
Russian text
Kazan. Published by the Fine Arts Bureau of the Army Political Section. 1920
Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 29.8×41.5 cm
Кто против народа, тот хочет,
чтоб было так...
Whoever is against the people wants it to be like that...
Unknown artist
Russian text
Kazan. Published by the Fine Arts Bureau of the Army Political Section. 1920
Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 29.8×41.5 cm
Russian text
Kazan. Published by the Fine Arts Bureau of the Army Political Section. 1920
Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 29.8×41.5 cm
Черные тучи капитала, окутывающие фабрики, заводы и поля, рассеиваются пред ярким солнцем социализма The black clouds of capital blanketing factories, plants and fields are dispersed by the bright sun of socialism
Unknown artist
Russian text
Kazan. Published by the Province Printing Office 1919
Print run unknown
Russian text
Kazan. Published by the Province Printing Office 1919
Print run unknown
Уголок Ленина Lenin corner
Participation of women in work is a guarantee of successful formation of socialism Unknown artist
Turkic text (Arabic script)
Moscow. Lenin Corner publication. Book factory of the Central Publishing House of USSR Nations 1920s
Print run: 2000 copies
Paper, printing. 108.4×70 cm
Turkic text (Arabic script)
Moscow. Lenin Corner publication. Book factory of the Central Publishing House of USSR Nations 1920s
Print run: 2000 copies
Paper, printing. 108.4×70 cm
История ВКП(б) в плакатах. No 24 VKP(B) history in posters. No. 24
Design by А. М. Rodchenko
Uzbek text (Arabic script)
Compiled by S. Livshits, a research associate of the Revolution Museum
Moscow. Published by the Communist Academy and the USSR Revolution Museum. Moscow Printing House. 5th print shop. 1923
Print run: 700 copies Paper, printing. 71×53.4 cm
Uzbek text (Arabic script)
Compiled by S. Livshits, a research associate of the Revolution Museum
Moscow. Published by the Communist Academy and the USSR Revolution Museum. Moscow Printing House. 5th print shop. 1923
Print run: 700 copies Paper, printing. 71×53.4 cm
История ВКП(б) в плакатах. No5 VKP(B) history in posters. No. 5
Design by А.М. Rodchenko
Kyrgyz text (Arabic script)
Moscow. Published by the Communist Academy and the USSR Revolution Museum. 1920s
Print run: 700 copies
Paper, printing. 71×53.4 cm
Kyrgyz text (Arabic script)
Moscow. Published by the Communist Academy and the USSR Revolution Museum. 1920s
Print run: 700 copies
Paper, printing. 71×53.4 cm
Уголок Ленина Серия No3 Lenin corner Series No. 3
Unknown artist
Turkic text (Arabic script)
Moscow. Comrade Dunaev VTU print shop. 1920s Paper, printing. 105×132 cm
Turkic text (Arabic script)
Moscow. Comrade Dunaev VTU print shop. 1920s Paper, printing. 105×132 cm
Выполнил ли ты разверстку? Have you supplied the required grain?
Unknown artist
Russian text
Kazan. Kazan Branch of the State Publishing House. 1920
Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 63×38.5 cm
Russian text
Kazan. Kazan Branch of the State Publishing House. 1920
Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 63×38.5 cm
К «Неделе фронта».
Все для фронта, все для победы!
For Front Week.
Everything for the front, everything for victory!
Unknown artist
Russian text
Kazan. Published by the Kazan Print Section. 1920 Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 49×31 cm
Russian text
Kazan. Published by the Kazan Print Section. 1920 Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 49×31 cm
Крестьяне, крестьянки!
Фронт ждет вашей помощи!
Male and female peasants! The front is awaiting your help!
Unknown artist
Russian text
Kazan. Kazan Branch of the State Publishing House. 1920
Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 45×74 cm
Russian text
Kazan. Kazan Branch of the State Publishing House. 1920
Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 45×74 cm
Советская власть – для трудящихся, нет места у власти тунеяюцам и эксплуататорам-генералам, помещикам и колонизаторам. Soviet rule is for working people, there is no room in power for loafers or exploiters, generals, landlords or colonialists..
Unknown artist
Russian and Uzbek text (Arabic script) Tashkent. Turkestan State Publishing House – State Art Studios. 1920–21
Print run unknown
Russian and Uzbek text (Arabic script) Tashkent. Turkestan State Publishing House – State Art Studios. 1920–21
Print run unknown
На Урал, на защиту Поволжья! To the Urals! Defend the Volga Region!
Unknown artist
Russian text
Kazan. Culture and Education Office of the Volga Military District. 1919 Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 53.2×35 cm
Russian text
Kazan. Culture and Education Office of the Volga Military District. 1919 Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 53.2×35 cm
Дезертир труда и фронта пособник контрреволюции и хозяйственной разрухи... A deserter of labor and the front is an accomplice to counter-revolution and economic devastation...
Unknown artist
Russian text
Ufa. Ufa Province Branch
of the State Publishing House. 1920 Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 44.5×35.5 cm
Russian text
Ufa. Ufa Province Branch
of the State Publishing House. 1920 Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 44.5×35.5 cm
Дезертир! Своим бегством ты радуешь только буржуя – врага рабочих и крестьян Deserter! By fleeing you only make the bourgeoisie happy – the enemy of workers and peasants
By B. I-ch and V. P-k.
Russian text
Ufa. Published by the RTA Bashkir Regional Branch. 1920
Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 53.8×71.4 cm
Russian text
Ufa. Published by the RTA Bashkir Regional Branch. 1920
Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 53.8×71.4 cm
Мы на горе всем буржуям мировой пожар раздуем! We shall whip up a worldwide fire to the great sorrow of the whole bourgeoisie!
Unknown artist
Russian and Uzbek text (Arabic script) Tashkent. Published by the Literature and Publishing Section of the Turkestan Army Political Office. 1920
Print run 8000 copies Paper, printing. 47×35.5 cm
Russian and Uzbek text (Arabic script) Tashkent. Published by the Literature and Publishing Section of the Turkestan Army Political Office. 1920
Print run 8000 copies Paper, printing. 47×35.5 cm
Красная армия поможет угнетенным Востока совершить свой Октябрь The Red Army will help the oppressed people of the East make their own October [Revolution]
Unknown artist
Russian and Uzbek text (Arabic script) Tashkent. Published by the Literature and Publishing Section of the Turkestan Army Political Office. 1920
Print run 10 000 copies Paper, printing. 47.2×36 cm
Russian and Uzbek text (Arabic script) Tashkent. Published by the Literature and Publishing Section of the Turkestan Army Political Office. 1920
Print run 10 000 copies Paper, printing. 47.2×36 cm
Только советская власть ведет пролетариев Востока и Запада к освобождению Only Soviet rule leads Western and Eastern proletarians to liberation
Unknown artist
Russian and Tatar text
Kazan. Published by the Literature and Publishing Section of the PORMCR Oriental Section. 1920 Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 70×52 cm
Russian and Tatar text
Kazan. Published by the Literature and Publishing Section of the PORMCR Oriental Section. 1920 Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 70×52 cm
Товарищи мусульмане! Враги трудового народа посягают на вашу свободу! Comrade Muslims: Enemies of the working people are encroaching on your freedom!
By N. Kogout
Ottoman Turkish text (Arabic script) Moscow. MCNEC print shop Literature and Publishing Section of the RMCR Political Office. 1920 Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 71×54 cm
Ottoman Turkish text (Arabic script) Moscow. MCNEC print shop Literature and Publishing Section of the RMCR Political Office. 1920 Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 71×54 cm
Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь! Proletarians of all countries, unite!
By N. Kogout
Osman text (Arabic script) Moscow. MCNEC print shop Literature and Publishing Section of the RMCR Political Office. 1920 Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 71×54 cm
Osman text (Arabic script) Moscow. MCNEC print shop Literature and Publishing Section of the RMCR Political Office. 1920 Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 71×54 cm
Мы, Божьей Милостью, Колчак...
We, by the grace of God, Kolchak...
By V. N. Deni
Russian text
Kazan. Published by the Kazan Print Section. 1919 Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 70.8×51 cm
Russian text
Kazan. Published by the Kazan Print Section. 1919 Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 70.8×51 cm
Жарко солнце, и конь измучен
Передышки на знает нигде,
Ах, овраги холмы и крутины,
Ослепительный путь к звезде.
The sun is hot and the horse is exhausted...
By М. Kogout
Azerbaijani text (Arabic script).
Baku. BWAA RTACRB. Azerbaidzhani Republican Print Center State Publishing House. 1920s
Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 71.3×50 cm
Azerbaijani text (Arabic script).
Baku. BWAA RTACRB. Azerbaidzhani Republican Print Center State Publishing House. 1920s
Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 71.3×50 cm
Призрак бродит по Европе, призрак коммунизма A specter is haunting Europe – the specter of communism
By B. Telingater
Russian and Azerbaijani text (Arabic script) Baku. ‘Bakinsky Rabochiy’ cooperative publishing house. 1920s
Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 23×47.8 cm
Russian and Azerbaijani text (Arabic script) Baku. ‘Bakinsky Rabochiy’ cooperative publishing house. 1920s
Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 23×47.8 cm
Врангель еще жив. Добей его без пощады Wrangel is still alive. Finish him off without mercy
By D. Moor
Russian text
Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 100×75.4cm
Russian text
Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 100×75.4cm
Товарищи мусульмане!
Под зеленым знаменем Пророка шли вы завоевывать ваши степи, аулы. Враги народа отняли у вас родные поляю Ныне под красным знаменем Рабоче-Крестьянской революции и под звездой армии всех угнетенных собираетесь с востока и запада, с севера и юга. В седла, товарищи! Все -- в полки Всеобуч!
“Comrade Muslims, under the green banner of the Prophet you marched to conquer your steppe and villages. The enemies of the people took away your indigenous fields. Now, under the red banner of the Workers’ and Peasants’ Revolution, under the star of the army of all of the oppressed and working people, come together from the east and west, from the north and south. Saddle up, comrades! Everyone join the VSEOBUCH regiments.”
By D. Moor
Turkic text (Arabic script)
Moscow. Published by the Universal Military Training Central Office. 1919
Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 95×70 cm
Turkic text (Arabic script)
Moscow. Published by the Universal Military Training Central Office. 1919
Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 95×70 cm
Народы Кавказа!
Царские генералы, помещики и капиталисты огнем и мечем душили нашу свободу и продавали вашу страну иноземным банкирам.
Красная армия Советской России победила ваших врагов: она принесла вам освобождение от кабалы и богачей.
Да здравствует Советский Кавказ!
Peoples of the Caucasus! Tsarist generals, landowners and capitalists by fire and sword strangled our freedom and sold out your country to foreign bankers. The Red Army of Soviet Russia vanquished your enemies; it brought you liberation from bondage and the rich. Long live the Soviet Caucasus!
Unknown artist
Russian and Tatar text
Kazan. Published by the Literature and Publishing Section of the PORMCR Oriental Section. 1920 Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 70×52 cm
Russian and Tatar text
Kazan. Published by the Literature and Publishing Section of the PORMCR Oriental Section. 1920 Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 70×52 cm
Была медлительна жизнь на Востоке... Life in the East was slow...
Unknown artist
Russian and Azerbaijani text (Arabic script). Baku. BWAA RTACRB. State Publishing House ‘Azerbaijani Republican Print Center’. 1920s Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 71.2×51 cm
Russian and Azerbaijani text (Arabic script). Baku. BWAA RTACRB. State Publishing House ‘Azerbaijani Republican Print Center’. 1920s Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 71.2×51 cm
Горско мусульманский конный дивизион полковника Пуковского приглашает добровольцев – мусульман и горцев Colonel Pukovsky’s Muslim Highlander Cavalry Division invites Muslim and mountain-dwelling volunteers
White Guard poster
Unknown artist
Arabic, Adygei , Karachai-Balkar (Arabic script) text
Publisher, year and print run unknown
Paper, printing. 85×62 cm
Unknown artist
Arabic, Adygei , Karachai-Balkar (Arabic script) text
Publisher, year and print run unknown
Paper, printing. 85×62 cm
Красный Туркмен
Художник Р. Мазель
Red Turkmen
By R. Mazel. Paper, gouache, author printing
70×50 cm
70×50 cm