Browse Documents (4 total)
Трудный путь к знанию
The Long Road to Knowledge
From the publisher: Воспоминания крупнейшего советского востоковедад, академика АН Таджикистана Б.И. Искандарова - повествование о жизненном пути ученого, неустанном поиске знания и освоении "белых пятен" в истории Средней Азии, Памира и Гиндукуша. Автор рассказывает о трудной жизни в памирских кишлаках в 20-е годы, учебе в знаменитон ЛИФЛИ, участии в Великой Отечственной войне, многолетней работе в Институте истории АН Таджикистана (директором его Б.И. Исканадров был с 1962 по 1994 г.), встречах со многими замечательными учеными.
Bahodur Iskandarov (1912-2014) was a historian and head of the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Tajik SSR from 1962 to 1994. These memoirs cover his childhood in the Pamirs, his education in Leningrad, service during the Great Patriotic War, and epsidoes from his career as a researcher.
Годы проведенные в Кремле Years in the Kremlin
Nuritdin Mukhitdinov (1917-2008) was the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Uzbek SSR, First Secretary of the Uzbek Communist Party, and then member of the CPSU Politburo in the early 1960s. He later served as Soviet ambassador to a number of countries. This memoir covers his work in various Moscow-based positions, including in the Politburo.
Ёди Ёри Меҳрубон
(Ёдномае аз устоди шаҳир Абдуқодир Маниёзов)
Memory of a beloved friend (recollections about the great teacher Abduqodir Maniyozov)
From the publisher: Калами донишмандону фархехтагони тоҷик тааллук дорад ва онхо ба шинохам яке аз чехраҳои азиз ва мӯьтабари Тоҷикистон, фарзанди хирадманд, устоди донишманду ровии нотакрор, узви вобастаи Академиям илмхои Ҷумҳури Тоҷикистон, узви пайвасгаи Фарҳангистони забои ва адаби форсим Ҷумхурии Исломии Эрон, сарвари фахрии Пажӯҳишюхи забои ва адабиёги баноми Рӯдакии Академиям илмхои Ҷумхурии Тоҷикистон, раиси Кумитан иҷроияи «Пайванд» Абдукодир Маниёзов бахшида шудаанд. Муаллифон зимни хотирот ва аидепгарони аз бехтарин сифатҳои инсонй ва халокияг, озодкорй ва озодандешии ин озодмарди ҷомеа, чехраи инсонй ва шарофати азалии устоди зиндаёд. кобилияти ташкилогчигии илмй ва хислатҳои огмфаи рохбарй ва шеьршиносиву сухандонии ровии забони тоҷикӣ ёд овардаанд. Ҳамчунин дар китоб аз хотироту ёддошт, таълифот ва тарҷумаи бадей, ки аз шуглхои пайвасгаи устод Абдукодир Маниёзов буданд, ба хонандаи азиз як-ду намуна пешкаш мешавад. «Ёди ёри мехрубои» бо ташаббус ва сарпарастии Сафорати Ҷумҳурии Исломии Эрон дар Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикисгон, шахсан бо дасттирии Сафири Кабири Ҷумхурии Исломии Эрон дар Ҷумхурии Тоҷикистон, ҷаноби окои доктор Алиасгар Амири Шсърдӯст ба нашр расидааст.
Abduqodir Maniyozov (1930-2008) was a Tajik philologist. Maniyozov was among the first graduates of the State University in Stalinabad (Dushanbe); from 1972-2000 he was the Director of the Rudaki Institue of Language and Literature. Maniyozov was also the deputy editor of the Tajik Soviet Encyclopedia. This volume collects reminiscences from colleagues and writers, including Ali Bobojon, Horsheda Otahonova, and Ibrohim Usmonov. It also includes short sketches from Maniezov’s unfinished memoirs, covering his childhood during the Great Patriotic War.
Жизнь в искусстве A Life in Art
Ashur Haydarov (1916-1988) was a Tajik artist. Born in Samarqand, he studied with Pavel Benkov, then went to work at the newspaper Lenin Yuli, where one of his colleagues was future First Secretary of Uzbekistan Sharof Rashidov. After the outbreak of war in 1941, Haydarov volunteered for service and was comissioned as a Second Liutenant. He was taken prisoner but escaped and joined partisan forces, eventually joining an NKVD detachment. After the war in 1949 Haydarov was arrested for supposed collaboration and imprisoned until 1955. He subsequently made a succesful aristic career but was not formally rehabilitated until 1989. The volume includes his (unfinished) memoirs, focusing on his youth, wartime service, and imprisonment, as well as articles from colleagues and friends.