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О прошлом с гордостью, о будущем с оптимизмом With pride about the past and optimism about the future.

Rashid Karimov (1932-) is a Tajik economist who spent 30 years as the head of the Institute of Economics of the Tajik SSR Academy of Sciences in Dushanbe. He played a leading role in the key economic debates of that period, as well as in organizing the research behind policy proposals adopted at the state level. This memoir covers his childhood outside of Leninobod (Khujand), his education in the post-war years, eventual graduate work in Moscow, and time in the institute. It also recounts stories about his family, including his sister I. R. Rakhimova, a leading party official.
Date: 1997 Source: Rakhimov, R. K. O proshlom s gordost'iu, o budushchem s optimizmom Dushanbe: NPITsenter, 1997.

Меъмори истиқлоли Тоҷикистон Architect of Tajikistan's Independence

From the publisher: Хонандаи гиромӣ, китобе, ки дар даст дорӣ, маҷмӯаест, аз навиштаҳои донишмандон ва журналистони шинохтаи кишвар аз рӯзгор ва пайкори шахсияти мубориз ва донишманду маорифпарвари машҳур Тоҳири Абдуцаббор, ки ба ҳангоми беморӣ ва даргузашти ин абармарди Тоҷикистон бунёдгузори эҳёи истиқлол ва мақоми расмии забони форсим тоҷикй дар замони нав ба табъ расидааст. Хамчунин дар ин маҷмӯа чанде аз навиштаҳои ин донишманд барои нахустин бор дар шакли маҷмӯа ба дам оварда шудааст. Tohir Abdujabbor (1946-2009) is best known as the founder of Rastokhez (Rebirth), the first independent political organization in Tajikistan, which campaigned for the primacy of the Taiik language, greater political and economic autonomy and, eventually, independence. Abdujabbor trained as an economist, earning his kandidatskaia degree at the Institute of Oriental Studies in Moscow with a dissertation on Pakistan; he later served as an economic adviser and translator in Afghanistan. During the civil war he fled first to Tehran, later settling in Bishkek before returning to Tajikistan in 2005. Unfortunately, he did not leave behind any memoirs. This volume includes some insightful reminiscences about Abdujabbor by his former colleagues and associates, as well as some his key writings from the late Soviet period and beyond.
Date: 2010 Source: Kamilzoda, Ahmadsho (ed). Me''mori istiqloli Tojikiston. Dushanbe, 2010.

Видный ученый-экономист Средней Азии (К 70-летию со дня рождения И. К. Нарзикулова) A prominent Economist of Central Asia: A 70th Birthday Festschrift for I. K. Narzikulov

From the publisher: В настоящей брошюре публикуются материалы юбилейной научной конференции, посвященной 70-летию со дня рождения академика АН Таджикской ССР, заслуженного деятеля науки республики, профессора ИХ. Нарзикулова. В ней характеризуются роль и значение И.К. Нарзикулова—первого ученого-экономиста Таджикистана, основателя экономической науки в республике, крупного организатора научных исследований, инициатора и организатора подготовки в Таджикистане экономистов высшей квалификации, а также его разносторонняя государственная и общественная деятельность. Брошюра рассчитана на широкий круг читателей. Ibadullo Narzikulov (1909-1974) was a Tajik planner, economist, and academician. Born in Samarqand, he studied at the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute and then worked in a number of planning positions before earning a graduate degree in economics. He played a crucial role in establishing the discipline of economics within Tajikistan and in ensuring that academic economists were consulted on questions of planning. This volume of reminiscences was put together by his colleagues after his death.
Date: 1981 Source: Saidmuradov, Kh.M. (ed.) Vidnyi uccheniy ekonomist srednei azii (K 70 letiu so dnia rozhdenia N.Z Narzikulova). Dushabe: Donish, 1981.