Радиограмма из Москвы в Ташкент в ТурцЦИК о напциональной политике центра, действиях Валидова



Copy of coded radiogram from Cde. Tobolin in Moscow

No. 1726 of 21/6 1919

To Chairman of the Turkestan C.E.C. Kazakov Tashkent

Currently the center is being intensively indoctrinated against the government of Turkestan, this approach was organized under the pretext of bringing the East closer to the Soviet authorities

Various representatives such as Barakatulla Dzhangildinov the Tatar-Bashkir Validov are providing information about Turkestan’s situation making oral and written reports.

Barakatulla in his report proposed the addition of four Kirgiz oblasts to Turkestan.

The necessity of establishing a Council of Commissars, Turkestan C.E.C. and Commission for Turkestan Affairs on the basis of party half the seats to Muslims. Validov delivered to Lenin a report in which he describes the government of Turkestan as seekers of adventure adventurers who are unconsciously playing into the hands of the British to create normal working conditions in Turkestan. Validov recommends “With one stroke of the pen to disband the current Turkestan Council of Commissars, Turkestan C.E.C., to appoint a revolutionary Committee from the center and assign all asks to it.”

Under the influence of this there is a distrustful attitude toward us, please transmit everything secret in this script.

Orig. signature.

Plenipotentiary representative of Turkestan Iv. Tobolin.

Under the RSFSR

True copy Secretary of the CEC of Soviets of the Turkestan Republic
