Browse Documents (3 total)
Кровавый февраль
Bloody February
From the publisher: В этой книге речь пойдет о причинах и последствиях кровавых событий февраля 1990 года в Душанбе, о трех пленумах ЦК Компартии Таджикистана, которые прошли один за другим и не ответили на вопросы народа, и о том, как тяжело расставался с властью триумвират таджикских руководителей и как подстрелили они на взлете одного молодого и перспективного члена правительства. Автор попытался максимально достоверно исследовать причины, приведшие к чудовищной народной трагедии, и понять, почему все-таки случилось так, что ее кровавые плоды не стали уроком для будущего. Книга приурочена к 25-летию трагических событий и посвящена невинно погибшим в этой необъявленной войне с собственным населением.
Buri Karimov (1958-) was a government minister in the Tajik SSR in the mid to late 1980s, reaching the post of Chairman of the State Planning Committee (Gosplan Tajik SSR) by 1989. Famous for becoming the youngest minister in the USSR at age 28 in 1987, Buri Karimov was an ambitious and charismatic late Soviet Tajik politician. He reached the post of republican Gosplan chairman in 1989, but fell out of favor and lost his Party and government positions in 1990 as a result of the February 1990 riots in Dushanbe. He became famous for his involvement in the "February riots," which almost toppled the leadership of the republic. This memoir is exclusively focused on those events and provides extensive detail on Karimov's side of the story.
Вақте амр қонунро иваз мекунад. The Times When Life Changes Law
From the publisher: Дар ин китоб мақола ва мусоҳибаҳои матбуотии Ҳабибов Абдулло Ҳабибович гирд омадаанд, ки хонандаро бо воқеияти таърихи на чандон дури ҳаёти ҷомеаи Тоҷикистон ошно мекунанд.
Abdullo Habibov (1940-) was a Soviet Party worker, educated in Tajikistan and in Moscow, where he attended the Academy of Social Sciences of the CC CPSU and received the degree of Candidate of Historical Sciences. In the 1980s he was appointed the head of the "Political Section" of the Tajik Ministry of the Interior. He later came to prominence during the February 1990 riots in Dushanbe, when he supported Buri Karimov and the massed protestors. This volume collects a series of his writings about the late Soviet period and a number of explicatory interviews.
Курбонии дузахма
Victim of the Double Blow
From the publisher: Бӯрӣ Каримови на факат дар Точикистон, балки дар собиқ Иттиҳоди Шӯравй машҳур дар ин китоб дойр ба сабабу окибатқои ҳодисаҳои баҳманмоқ, дасисабозию нотавонбинии баъзе аз хукуматдорон, чй туна сурат гирифтанн се пленуми хизби коммунист дар он рӯзҳо бо дарду алам ва дар айни замон бо мухокимаронии мантикан солим кисса пардохтааст. Балки ин китоб сарнавишти пурмочарои худи ӯ ва халқи ӯст.
Buri Karimov (1958-) was a government minister in the Tajik SSR in the mid to late 1980s, reaching the post of Chairman of the State Planning Committee (Gosplan Tajik SSR) by 1989. Famous for becoming the youngest minister in the USSR at age 28 in 1987, Buri Karimov was an ambitious and charismatic late Soviet Tajik politician. He reached the post of republican Gosplan chairman in 1989, but fell out of favor and lost his Party and government positions in 1990 as a result of the February 1990 riots in Dushanbe. This memoir partly describes his political career before and after 1990, but is largely focused on the riots themselves.