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The Dam

From the publisher: На протижении почти тридцати лет, от начала стройки до пуска первых электроблоков Нурекской ГЭС, одной из крупнейших электростанций на юге страны, работал автор этой книги – П.И. Горбачев, вначале секретарем парткома на строительстве ГЭС, а затем первым секретарем Нурекского горкома партии. В своей книги он рассказывает об основных этапах становления многонационального коллектива Всесоюзной ударной комсомольской стройки, делится накопленным опытом партийной работы, повествует о людях, нравственно выросших в атмосфере созидательного труда. Книга рассчитана на массового читателя. Pavel Gorbachev was a party official who spent most of his career working on the Nurek Dam in Tajikistan, first as secretary of the party committee and eventually as the first secretary for the city of Nurek. He played an important role coordinating the construction of the dam, the development of Nurek as a city, and relations with the surrounding villages. The memoir covers issues such as city-village relations, mobilization of labor, and the role of party activists on construction site.
Date: 1980 Source: Gorbachev, Pavel. Plotina. Moscow: Politizdat, 1980.

Видный ученый-экономист Средней Азии (К 70-летию со дня рождения И. К. Нарзикулова) A prominent Economist of Central Asia: A 70th Birthday Festschrift for I. K. Narzikulov

From the publisher: В настоящей брошюре публикуются материалы юбилейной научной конференции, посвященной 70-летию со дня рождения академика АН Таджикской ССР, заслуженного деятеля науки республики, профессора ИХ. Нарзикулова. В ней характеризуются роль и значение И.К. Нарзикулова—первого ученого-экономиста Таджикистана, основателя экономической науки в республике, крупного организатора научных исследований, инициатора и организатора подготовки в Таджикистане экономистов высшей квалификации, а также его разносторонняя государственная и общественная деятельность. Брошюра рассчитана на широкий круг читателей. Ibadullo Narzikulov (1909-1974) was a Tajik planner, economist, and academician. Born in Samarqand, he studied at the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute and then worked in a number of planning positions before earning a graduate degree in economics. He played a crucial role in establishing the discipline of economics within Tajikistan and in ensuring that academic economists were consulted on questions of planning. This volume of reminiscences was put together by his colleagues after his death.
Date: 1981 Source: Saidmuradov, Kh.M. (ed.) Vidnyi uccheniy ekonomist srednei azii (K 70 letiu so dnia rozhdenia N.Z Narzikulova). Dushabe: Donish, 1981.

На дипломатической службе On Diplomatic Service

From the publisher: Эта книга - воспоминания бывшего партийного и госсударственного деятеля Мирзо Рахматова, является продолжением вышедшей в издательстве «Ирфон» в 1988 г. его книги «По страницам памяти». В предлагаемом читателям издании автор рассказывает о своей работе послом СССР в Йеменской Арабской Республике и Мавритании. Mirzo Rakhmatov (1914-1998) was a Tajik party and state official. As chairman of the republic's Supreme Soviet, he was the formal head of state for the republic in the 1950s. He later served as ambassador to Yemen and Mauritania. This memoir covers his diplomatic service, including the civil war in Yemen. This is the second volume of a two part memoir, the first of which covers his early career in the party.
Date: 1991 Source: Rakhmatov, Mirzo. Na diplomaticheskoi sluzhbe Dushanbe: Irfon, 1991).

Годы проведенные в Кремле Years in the Kremlin

Nuritdin Mukhitdinov (1917-2008) was the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Uzbek SSR, First Secretary of the Uzbek Communist Party, and then member of the CPSU Politburo in the early 1960s. He later served as Soviet ambassador to a number of countries. This memoir covers his work in various Moscow-based positions, including in the Politburo.
Date: 1994 Source: Mukhitdinov, N. A. Gody provedennye v Kremle (Tashkent, 1994).

Арзи дил The Heart's Desire

From the publisher: Sulton Mirzoshoev (1932-2016) was a Tajikistani politician and cultural official active in the Soviet and post-Soviet era. Originally from the Danghara region, he was educated at the teacher's college in Kulob and later at the Higher Party School in Moscow. This collection inculdes his account of the case against Tajikistan's First Secretary Tursun Uljaboev, which Mirzoshoev witnessed as a leader of the republic's Komsomol, and various episodes from the history of the republic's film industry, including an essay on the director Boris Kimegerov.
Date: 1996 Source: Sulton Mirzoshoev, Arzi dil (Dushanbe: Adib,1996).

Жизнь отданная народу A life devoted to the people

From the publisher: Автор этой историко-энциклопедической и автобиографической книги на основе документов, анализа материалов, воспоминаний саратников, ученников и воспитанников Джаббора Расулова, раскрывает его деятельность на посту первого секретаря ЦК Компартии Таджикистана и Председателя Совета Министров ТаджикскойССР. Показывает образ Джаббора Расулова, как стойкого, принципиального коммуниста, талантливого, умелого организатора и воспитателя масс, выдающегося партийного деятеля Таджикистана, человека, посвятившего полностью свою сознательную жизнь служению трудовому народу, развитию и преобразованию республики. Jabbor Rasulov (1913-1982) was a Tajik party and government official, and first secretary of the Tajik SSR Communist Party from 1961 until his death in 1982. An agronomist by training, he worked in the Komsomol and was briefly (1960-61) the USSR's ambassador to Togo. This volume includes an essay by the historian and former party official Iskandar Kalandarov as well as shorter reminiscences from former colleagues and friends, including Sulton Mirzoshoev, Rustam Yusufbekov.
Date: 2000 Source: I.K. Kalandarov, Zhizn' otdannaia narodu (Dushanbe: Institut Politicheskih Issledovanii Kompartii Tadzhikistana, 2000).

Арбоби барчастаи давлати. J Rasulov: An Outstanding Government Official

Jabbor Rasulov (1913-1982) was a Tajik party and government official, and first secretary of the Tajik SSR Communist Party from 1961 until his death in 1982. An agronomist by training, he worked in the Komsomol and was briefly (1960-61) the USSR's ambassador to Togo. This volume includes reminscences and essays by historians and party officials, including Shodi Shabdolov, the head of Tajikistan's communist party after independence.
Date: 2003 Source: Masov, R.M., ed. Arbobi barjastai davlati. Dushanbe: Irfon, 2003.

Ахтарон. Маҷмӯи ёддоштҳо Stars. Collected memoirs

From the publisher: Китоби нависанда Холмурод Шарифов “Ахтарон" асари ёддоштӣ буда, дар он муаллиф маҳорати нигорандагии худро бо нозукиҳояш намоиш додааст. “Ахтарон" нусхаи такмилёфтаи ёддоштҳои мусанниф “Оламафрӯзон" (Душанбе, “Маориф" 1992 ва “Ахтарони фарҳанг" (Душанбе, “Ирфон” 2002) буда, дар он иловаҳои зиёд ворид гардидаанд. Бахшҳои ёддоштӣ роҷеъ ба Суҳайлӣ Ҷавҳаризода, Мирсаид Миршакар, Раҳим Ҷалил ва Одина Ҳошим иловаҳои тозаанд. Ёддоштнависӣ аз жанрҳои душвори адабиёт маҳсуб ёфта, он диди хос, дарки амиқи матлаб, маҳорати фавқулоддаро дар масоили доги умдаи рӯз талаб мекунад. Омӯхтаву андӯхтаҳои муаллиф дар шакли ёддоштҳои ҷолибу хотирнишин ва латифу ҳикматангез рӯи когаз омадаву дар ҳамин китоби пурмӯҳтаво манзури хонандагони сершумор, хусусан омӯзгорон мегардад. Holmurod Sharifov (1927-2017) was a Tajik-Soviet party and government official. Originally from the area of Panjikent, he and his family were resettled in the Vaksh valley in 1937; after 1946 he embarked on a career in the Komsomol and later in the Party. He eventually earned a kandidatskaia degree from the Academy of Social Sciences of the CPSU. He served as Deputy Minister of Culture and Central Committee Secretary for Culture of the Communist Party of Tajikistan from 1968-1979. He was also a member of the Soviet Committee for Solidarity with the Countries of Asia and Africa. This book collects previously published recollections about Soviet-Tajik cultural figures, including those he traveled with as part of official trips to Afghanistan, the USA, Canada, Bulgaria, and beyond. Among the many figures discussed in the book are Sadriddin Ayni, Mirzo Tursunzoda, the film director Boris Kimergerov, and Bobojon Gafurov.
Date: 2004 Source: Sharifov, Holmurod. Akhtaron. Majmui eddoshtho. Dushanbe: Sharqi ozod, 2004.

По зову времени Answering the call of time

From the publisher: М.Бекматов - личность в нашей республике известная. Он участник Великой Отечественной войны, долгое время проработавший на ответственных должностях в различных партийных и хозяйственных органов г.Куляба и Кулябской области. Сейчас он на пенсии. Но несмотря на это продолжает активную жизненную позицию. На суд читателя он представляет свою документальную повесть, в которой подробно рассказывает о тех русских людях, которые в трудные для Таджикистана годы приехали в Таджикистан и помогали в его становлении и развитии. Многие из них также как и автор повести трудились в высших партийных и хозяйственных органах власти. Mirzo Bekmatov was born in 1924 in Shurabad district. He worked as a teacher and joined the Red Army in 1943, earning a commission as an officer. He later made a career as a party official, serving as First Secretary of the Kulyab Oblast from 1965-1974. This book is meant to honor Russians who came to Tajikistan during the Soviet period as party officials, engineers, or other specialists.
Date: 2010 Source: Bekmatov, Mirzo. Po zovu vremeni. Dushanbe: Irfon, 2010.

Маткаби ман My School

From the publisher: Дар китоб мақола, очерк ва дигар эҷодҳои солҳои гуногуни муаллиф ҷамьоварӣ шудаанд. Асарҳои саргузашт ва мутоибоз бори аввал чоп мешаванд. Munzifa Gafforova (1924-2013) was a philosopher and educator who served as rector of the Pedagogical Institute in Dushanbe from 1977-1988. Gafforova studied chemistry at the Kirov Pedagogical Institute in Leninabad, and by 18 was already working as an instructor there. She became a Komsomol activist, and by 1947, at the age of 23, was named head of women’s section of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Tajikistan. Later she completed two graduate degrees, becoming a Doctor of Sciences in Philosophy. This volume includes her recollections of study, graduate work in Moscow, her reflections on gender (in)equality in the Soviet period and after, and her experience as rector.
Date: 2014 Source: Gafforova, M. K. Maktabi man (Dushanbe: Irfon, 2014).