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Обращение Курултая крымских татар к крымскотатарскому народу

Date: 1991-06-29 Source: GARF,f.10026,op.4,d.759,l.111-111ob

Номзад ба раиси ҷумҳури Тоҷикистон Candidate for the leader of the Republic of Tajikistan

Rahmon Nabiev (1930-1993) was a Tajik governemnt official and political. This is a campaign brochure produced by the supporters of Rahmon Nabiev as part of his campaign for President of the Republic of Tajikistan in November 1991. It includes a brief biographical sketch, as well as a description of Nabiev's policies.
Date: 1991 Source: Nabiev, Rahmon. Nomzad ba raisi jumhuri Tojikiston. Dushanbe: 1991.

На дипломатической службе On Diplomatic Service

From the publisher: Эта книга - воспоминания бывшего партийного и госсударственного деятеля Мирзо Рахматова, является продолжением вышедшей в издательстве «Ирфон» в 1988 г. его книги «По страницам памяти». В предлагаемом читателям издании автор рассказывает о своей работе послом СССР в Йеменской Арабской Республике и Мавритании. Mirzo Rakhmatov (1914-1998) was a Tajik party and state official. As chairman of the republic's Supreme Soviet, he was the formal head of state for the republic in the 1950s. He later served as ambassador to Yemen and Mauritania. This memoir covers his diplomatic service, including the civil war in Yemen. This is the second volume of a two part memoir, the first of which covers his early career in the party.
Date: 1991 Source: Rakhmatov, Mirzo. Na diplomaticheskoi sluzhbe Dushanbe: Irfon, 1991).

Мактаби одамият: Баъзе масъалаҳои адабиёт
ва маънавият.
The School of humaneness: some questions of literature and spirituality

Muhammadjon Shakuri (Shakurov) (1924-2012) was a Tajik philologist and academician. He studied at the pedagogical institute in Dushanbe and later earned his kandidatskaia and doktorskaia degrees at the Institute of World Literature in Moscow. His professional home, however, remained the Rudaki Institute of Language and Literature in Dushanbe. In the late 1980s he became a leading figure in the campaign for the primacy of the Tajik language. This volume collects a number of his articles on the relationship between literature, spirituality, and morality. It also includes several pieces recounting experiences with Sadriddin Ayni, Mirzo Tursonzoda, A. Dehoti, and Mirsaid Mirshakar.
Date: 1991 Source: Shakurov, Muhammadjon. Maktabi odamiiat: ba''ze mas''alahoi adabiet va ma''naviiat. Dushanbe: Adib, 1991.

Телеграмма Б.Н. Ельцину из Коканда о крымских татарах

Date: 1990-11-26 Source: GARF,f.10026,op.4,d.759,l.43

Письмо Б.Н. Ельцину от крымских татар

Date: 1990-10 Source: GARF,f.10026,op.4,d.759,l.26-27

Телеграмма Б.Н. Ельцину из Татарстана о крымских татарах

Date: 1990-09-4 Source: GARF,f.10026,op.4,d.759,l.14

Телеграмма Б.Н. Ельцину от уроженки Крыма Лисиной

Date: 1990-06-30 Source: GARF,f.10026,op.4,d.759,l.10

Материалы об организации паломничества в Мекку в 1990 г. (по документам Совета по делам религий при СМ СССР). Июнь 1990 г. Information regarding organizing a pilgrimage to Mecca in 1990 (based on documents from the Council for the Affairs of Religions under the USSR CM). June 1990

Date: 1990-06-16 Source: GARF,f.R6991,op.6,d.4250,l.16-18,20-21

Информационная справка Совета по делам религий при СМ РСФСР о V съезде мусульман европейской части России и Сибири. Июнь 1990 г. Informational report from the Council for the Affairs of Religions under the RSFSR CM regarding the 5th conference of Muslims from the European parts of Russia and Siberia. June 1990

Date: 1990-06 Source: GARF,f.A661,op.1,d.19,l.93-98

Телеграмма Б.Н. Ельцину от группы крымских татар

Date: 1990-05-20 Source: GARF,f.A-664,op.1,d.176,l.16-17

Ислам на Северном Кавказе в 1990 г. (по материалам Совета по делам религий при СМ РСФСР). Апрель 1990 г. Islam in the Northern Caucasus in 1990 (based on materials from the Council for the Affairs of Religions under the RSFSR CM). April 1990

Date: 1990-04 Source: GARF,f.A661,op.1,d.19,l.39-42