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Телеграмма в ВЧК, ЦК о действих чекистов в отношении Кирревкома Telegram to VChK, CC on the chekist's actions towards Kirgiz revolutionary committee

Date: 1920-05- Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.65,d.270,l.1
Transcription Translation

Телеграмма бакинскому губернатору от Сальянского мусульманского общества о верноподданических чувствах Telegram to the Baku Governor from the Salyan Muslim Society confirming their loyalty

Date: 1914-08-11 Source: GIAAR,f.45,op.2,d.416,l.13

Телеграмма А. Соколова Сталину о басмачестве в Бухаре

Date: 1922-06-23 Source: RGASPI,f.62,op.2,d.26,l.38

Телеграмма А. Соколова Сталину о басмачестве в Бухаре

Date: 1922-06-16 Source: RGASPI,f.62,op.2,d.26,l.39

Телеграмма Б.Н. Ельцину от уроженки Крыма Лисиной

Date: 1990-06-30 Source: GARF,f.10026,op.4,d.759,l.10

Телеграмма Б.Н. Ельцину от группы крымских татар

Date: 1990-05-20 Source: GARF,f.A-664,op.1,d.176,l.16-17

Телеграмма Б.Н. Ельцину из Татарстана о крымских татарах

Date: 1990-09-4 Source: GARF,f.10026,op.4,d.759,l.14

Телеграмма Б.Н. Ельцину из Коканда о крымских татарах

Date: 1990-11-26 Source: GARF,f.10026,op.4,d.759,l.43

Текст проповеди имама Московской мечети Салихова против использования ядерного оружия и агрессии англичан Sermon by the Moscow Mosque's Imam Salikhov against the use of the atomic weapons and the British aggression

Date: [1957] Source: GARF,f.6991,op.4,d.86,l.175-176ob
Transcription Translation

Текст проповеди имама Московской мечети Салихова по случаю приезда в мечеть Президента ОАР Гамаля Абдель Насера A preaching delivered by Imam Khatib Salikhov Kamaretdin at the Moscow Cathedral Mosque on Friday, 2 May 1958 in honor of the arrival of the President of the UAE, Gamal Abdel Naser

Date: 1958-05-02 Source: GARF,f.6991,op.4,d.99,l.54-59
Transcription Translation

Текст приветственной речи представителя СРК на съезде мусульманского духовенства и верующих Сибири и европейской части СССР (Проект). Октябрь 1948 г. Content of the greeting speech from the SRK representative at the congress of the Muslim clergy and believers of Siberia and the European part of the USSR (draft). October 1948

Date: 1948-10 Source: GARF,f.R6991,op.3,d.54,l.210-211

Тезисы Сталина о работе среди мусульман Востока Stalin's ideas about communist work among the workers and peasants of the Muslim East / CC Politburo Meeting Protocol

Date: 1920-01-27 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.3,d.59,l.1
Transcription Translation

Тезисы о правовом положении женщин Востока

Date: 1923? Source: GARF,f.R1318,op.1,d.148,l.21-21ob

Тезисы к докладу о духовенстве

Date: 1927 Source: RGASPI,f.62,op.1,d.221,l.124-130

Таркиш The Explosion

From the publisher: Яке аз ходимони барҷастаи сиёсӣ ва давлатӣ Ҳоҷи Ҳикматулло Насреддин (Насреддинов) китоби хотироти худро “Таркиш” номгузорӣ кардааст. Китоб марҳалаҳои гуногуни кору мушоҳидаҳои муаллифро дар сохтори ҳизбию давлатӣ ва тариқи роҳбариро дар ҷумҳурӣ дарбар мегирад. Hikmatullo Nasreddinov (1939-) was a leading Tajik politician in the early 1980s and a protege of Rahmon Nabiev, the First Secretary of the Communist Party of Tajikistan from 1982 to 1985. Nasreddinov's memoir touches on the 1970s and early 1980s, but is largely focused on the final years of the USSR and the start of the Tajik Civil War in 1992, which he blames on the political course taken by Kahhor Mahkamov in the late 1980s.
Date: 1995 Source: Nasreddinov, Hikmatullo. Tarkish. Dushanbe: Afsona, 1995.

Тақдир (хотира ва
Fate (memoirs)

From the publisher: «Такдир» хотира ва ёддоштҳои ходими маъруфи ҳизбиву ҷамиятӣ Камоли Суфиён буда, аз талху шириниҳои рӯзгор ва лаҳзаҳои хотирмону нотакрор ҳикоят мекунад. Роҳи паймуда ва қисмати қаҳрамони марказй ибратбахшу пандомӯз аст, махсусан, барои ҷавонон. Kamol Sufiyon (Sufiev) 1931–? was a Communist Party official who rose to be Minister of Horticulture of the Tajik SSR and continued his political career after the Soviet collapse. This memoir covers his childhood near Nurek in the 1930s, his time in the Komsomol, the war years, the building of the Danghara canal in the post-war years, military service in Ashkhabad (Turkmenistan) and his Party career in a number of districts, including Ordzhonikidzeabad (Vahdat).
Date: 2011 Source: Sufiyon, Kamoli. Taqdir (khotira va yoddoshtho). Dushanbe: Adib, 2011.

Табаддулоти Тоҷикистон: Иборат аз се китоб (қ. 2)
A Coup in Tajikistan (3 vols.)

Safarali Kenjaev (1942-1999) was a Soviet-era lawyer and prosecutor who rose to prominence in 1990-1991 as a critical voice in the Tajik Supreme Soviet and later as Chairman of the Supreme Soviet in 1991-1992. During the Tajik Civil War, Kenjaev became a leader of the pro-government "People's Front" that retook Dushanbe from the opposition in October-December 1992. This is volume two of Safarali Kenjaev's extended memoir about the collapse of the USSR and the Tajik Civil War.
Date: 1993 Source: Kenjaev, Safarali. Tabadduloti Tojikiston: Iborat az se kitob (q. 2). Dushanbe: Fondi Kenjaev, 1993.

Табаддулоти Тоҷикистон: Иборат аз се китоб
A Coup in Tajikistan (3 vols.)

From the publisher: Китоби Табаддулоти Тоҷикистон бозгуйи бисёр талхи қисматсӯзи давлату миллати тоҷикон аст, ки аз назари собиқ Раиси Шурои Олӣ ба риштаи тасвир расида.
Safarali Kenjaev (1942-1999) was a Soviet-era lawyer and prosecutor who rose to prominence in 1990-1991 as a critical voice in the Tajik Supreme Soviet and later as Chairman of the Supreme Soviet in 1991-1992. During the Tajik Civil War, Kenjaev became a leader of the pro-government "People's Front" that retook Dushanbe from the opposition in October-December 1992. This is an expanded 3 volume edition of the memoirs of Safarali Kenjaev (1942-1995), a Soviet-era prosecutor who rose to prominence and the position of Chairman of the Tajik Supreme Soviet during the Soviet collapse. In 1992 he became one of the leaders of the pro-government "People's Front" during the Tajik Civil War. This expanded memoir is focused on the civil war, although it includes events preceding the war as well.
Date: 1993 Source: Kenjaev, Safarali. Tabadduloti Tojikiston: Iborat az se kitob. Dushanbe: Fondi Kenjaev, 1993.

Субҳи ситоракуш The Dawn That Puts Out the Stars

From the publisher: Хулоса, таҳлил ва натиҷабардориҳои муаллиф аз воқеъаҳои охири Тоҷикистон. Ин китоб барои оммаи васеъи хонандагон, хусусан сиёсат-мадорон, таърихнависон ва барои онҳое, ки дар роҳи маърифати худшиносии милиӣ мекушанд, навишта шудааст. Asliddin Sohibnazar (1939 - ?) was a Soviet-era economist who worked in the Tajik SSR's planning agencies. During perestroika he became an opposition politician, and in 1991 was Davlat Khudonazarov's vice-presidential candidate. This memoir describes the last years of the USSR and Sohibnazar's time in politics, as well asides that extend forward and backwards in time.
Date: 1997 Source: Sohibnazar, Asliddin. Subhi Sitorakush. Dushanbe: Donish, 1997.

Стихи в честь издания фетвы об искоренении ишанизма

Date: 1952-09-20 Source: TsGARUz,f.2456,op.1,d.144,l.84