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Уполномоченный СДРК по Казахстану Сабитов Председателю СДРК Полянскому Kazakhstan Plenipotentiary for the Council for the Affairs of Religious Cults N. Sabitov to the SDRK chairman Polyansky

Date: 1945-07-20 Source: GARF,f.6991,op.3,d.21,l.49-51
Transcription Translation

Уничтожим фашизм! Let’s destroy fascism!

By B. Rezanov
Russian and Uzbek text (Latin script) Tashkent. Uzbek SSR State Publishing House 1937
Print run: 10 000 copies
Paper, printing 102.8×71 cm
Date: 1937 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 30124/981

Ультиматум А. Акушинского представителю Добровольческой армии в Дагестане Ultimatum from A. Akushinsky to the representative of the Volunteer Army in Dagestan

Date: 1919-07-16 Source: Azerbaijan (Baku)
Transcription Translation

Укрепляй рабочую дисциплину в колхозах Strengthen labor discipline on collective farms

By V. Yeremyan
Uzbek text (Latin script) Tashkent. Uzbek lithography shop 1st UPCLI print shop. 1933
Print run: 5000 copies
Paper, printing. 72×105.6 cm
Date: 1933 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 39021/10

Укрепим союз рабочих и крестьян – основу мощи Советской страны Let’s strengthen the alliance of workers and peasants, the power base of the Soviet country

Unknown artist
Russian text
Kazan. Published by the May 1 celebration commission of the TCEC. 1922
Print run: 500 copies
Paper, printing. 70.8×44.8 cm
Date: 1922 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 27851/35

Указания Совета по делам религий по поводу сбора информации о прохождении мусульманских праздников, направленные местным уполномоченным СДР. 1976 г. Guidelines from the Council for the Affairs of Religions regarding collecting information on the origins of Muslim holidays, addressed to local SDR plenipotentiaries. 1976

Date: 1976-08-24 Source: GARF,f.R6991,op.6,d.305,l.23-24,34-35

Указания по организации борьбы с басмачеством командующего фронтом Шорина и члена РВС Баранова Guidelines from the front commander Shoring and the Revolutionary Military Council member Baranov for organizing the struggle against the basmachi

Date: 1922-06-9 Source: RGVA,f.40712,op.1,d.33,l.65-67ob
Transcription Translation

Указ императора Николая II об объявлении Туркестанского военного округа на военном положении. Decree of Emperor Nicholas II declaring martial law in the Turkestan Military District.

Date: 1916-08-25 Source: RGVIA,f.165,op.1,d.1554,l.1

Указ императора Николая II о разделении Сибири и Среднеазиатских областей на военные округа с соответственными изменениями в устройстве их высшего гражданского управления. Decree of Emperor Nicholas II on the division of Siberia and the Central Asian obklasts into military districts with the relevant changes in the structure of their top-level civilian administration.

Date: 1897-12-26 Source: Polnoe sobraniie zakonov Rossiiskoi imperii. Sobraniie 3, t. XVII

Узбекская ССР Uzbek SSR

By I. Bograd
Russian text
Moscow–Leningrad. SPHFA and ASBMP. 1932 Print run: 12 000 copies
Paper, printing. 104×71 cm
Date: 1932 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 8860/7, 10, 30124/623

Удостоверение Ю.Х. Музафарова

Date: 1919-02-28 Source: GARF,f.446,op.2,d.97,l.88

Удостоверение военного муллы Дж. Цахилова

Date: 1920-07-13 Source: RGVA,f.39693,op.1,d.73,l.93

Уголок Ленина Серия No3 Lenin corner Series No. 3

Unknown artist
Turkic text (Arabic script)
Moscow. Comrade Dunaev VTU print shop. 1920s Paper, printing. 105×132 cm
Date: 1920 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-1

Уголок Ленина Lenin corner

Participation of women in work is a guarantee of successful formation of socialism Unknown artist
Turkic text (Arabic script)
Moscow. Lenin Corner publication. Book factory of the Central Publishing House of USSR Nations 1920s
Print run: 2000 copies
Paper, printing. 108.4×70 cm
Date: 1920 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-136

Уведомление канцелярии Уфимского губернатора об отсутствии неблагоприятных сведений о Мухамедмагсуме Мусине Notification by the office of the Ufa governor about the absence of negative information about Mukhamedmagsum Musin

Date: 1916-11-08 Source: TsIARB,f.I-295,op.10,d.567,l.217

Уведомление Канцелярии Наместника Е.И.В. на Кавказе об отказе в направлении Терегулова военным муллой в армию Report of the Office of the Viceroy In the Caucasus refusing to appoint Teregulov as a military mullah in the army

Date: 1914-10-09 Source: GIAAR,f.291,op.2,d.4867,l.2

Уведомление Департамента Духовных Дел в Штаб Петроградского военного округа Notification from the Department of Spiritual Affairs to the headquarters of the Petrograd Military District

Поддержка Департаментом Духовных Дел назначения Ф. Девлекамова военным муллой Петроградского округа Supporting the appointment of F. Devlakamov as a military mullah of the Petrograd Military District
Date: 1916-07-07 Source: RGIA,f.821,op.133,d.599,l.33

Турсунзода дар ёдҳо Recollections about Tursunzoda

From the publisher: Мунодии сулҳу вассофи Ватан, шоири тавонову мураббии аҳли сухан ва яке аз муборизони фаьоли дӯстии халқхои олам Мирзо Турсунзода бо хислатхои наҷибонаю ашъори рангини хеш дар дили хамватанону хамкаламон абадан маскан гирифтааст. «Турсунзода дар ёдхо» дастагулест аз хотироти адибони бузурги олам ва дӯсзону аҳли қалам, ки ба муносибати 100-солагии ин сухансолори бузург пешкашатон мегардад.
Mirzo Tursunzoda (1911-1977) was a Tajik poet and writer, still recognized as one of the most important figures in 20th century Tajik literature. Many of his poems focused on anti-colonial themes. Tursunzoda held a number of important government posts, including chairman of the Soviet Committee for Solidarity with the Countries of Asia and Africa (SKSSAA), member of the Committee for Peace, chairman of the Union of Writers of the Tajik SSR, and a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Tajik SSR. This volume collects recollections from dozens of writers and colleagues, including Loiq Sherali, Aleksandr Dzasohov, Iosif Braginskiy, Gulnazar, and Rasul Gamzatov.
Date: 2011 Source: Safar, Gulanazar and Gurez Safar (eds). Tursunzoda dar yodho. Dushanbe: Adib, 2011.

Туркестан. Дела хивинские и киргизские Turkestan. Khivan and Kirgiz affairs.

Date: 1917-07-23 (1917-08-05) Source: NART,f.186,op.1,d.77,l.196

Туркестан. Бухара. Заседание ПБ

Date: 1920-05-22 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.3,d.81,l.1

Труженица Востока! Становись в ряды строителей социализма Female toilers of the East! Join the ranks of socialism builders

By V. Korotkova, M. Voron
Moscow. ARA Artistic Publishing Joint-Stock Company. 1930
Paper, printing. 103×70 cm
Date: 1930 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 5735/1, 5907/5 (а, b) 13340/2 (а, b)

Трудящиеся России поздравляют Красный Азербайджан! Да здравствует союз Азербайджана с Россией! Russia’s working people congratulate Red Azerbaidzhan! Long live the alliance of Azerbaidzhan and Russia!

Unknown artist
Azerbaijani text (Arabic script) Publisher and print run unknown. 1920s Paper, printing. 45×31.6 cm
Date: 1920 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-86

Трудовая повинность – залог победы на трудовом фронте Labor conscription is a guarantee of victory at the labor front

By I. Tullya
Russian text
Tashkent. Turkomtrud Turkestan State Publishing House. 1921
Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 34.5×53 cm
Date: 1921 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 13342/3

Трудный путь к знанию
The Long Road to Knowledge

From the publisher: Воспоминания крупнейшего советского востоковедад, академика АН Таджикистана Б.И. Искандарова - повествование о жизненном пути ученого, неустанном поиске знания и освоении "белых пятен" в истории Средней Азии, Памира и Гиндукуша. Автор рассказывает о трудной жизни в памирских кишлаках в 20-е годы, учебе в знаменитон ЛИФЛИ, участии в Великой Отечственной войне, многолетней работе в Институте истории АН Таджикистана (директором его Б.И. Исканадров был с 1962 по 1994 г.), встречах со многими замечательными учеными. Bahodur Iskandarov (1912-2014) was a historian and head of the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Tajik SSR from 1962 to 1994. These memoirs cover his childhood in the Pamirs, his education in Leningrad, service during the Great Patriotic War, and epsidoes from his career as a researcher.
Date: 1999 Source: Iskandarov, Bahodur. Trudnyi put' k znaniu. Moscow: Izdatel'stvo Moskovskogo universiteta, 2000.

Только советская власть ведет пролетариев Востока и Запада к освобождению Only Soviet rule leads Western and Eastern proletarians to liberation

Unknown artist
Russian and Tatar text
Kazan. Published by the Literature and Publishing Section of the PORMCR Oriental Section. 1920 Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 70×52 cm
Date: 1920 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 29857/94

Только правильное воспитание и чистый воздух спасут ребенка от рахита Only a proper upbringing and clean air will save your child from rickets

Unknown artist
Russian and Tatar text (Arabic script)
Kazan. Published by the Tatar People’s Committee for Healthcare and the Tatar Region Red Cross Committee. Tatpoligraph, Proletarskoye Slovo print shop. 1927
Print run: 3000 copies Paper, printing. 36×53.8 cm
Date: 1927 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 30124/971

Только в свободном государстве может быть свободен труд Labor can only be free in a free state

By А. K.
Russian text
Kazan. Umid Partnership print shop. 1918 Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 88×63 cm
Date: 1918 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 29713/172

Толей баланд Great Fortune

From the publisher: Автор книги «Счастливая судьба» - ученый, писатель, общественный и государственный деятель Холмурод Шарифов рассказывает в публицистической форме о своих путешествиях во многие страны мира. Holmurod Sharifov (1927-2017) was a Tajik-Soviet party and government official. Originally from the area of Panjikent, he and his family were resettled in the Vaksh valley in 1937; after 1946 he embarked on a career in the Komsomol and later in the Party. He eventually earned a kandidatskaia degree from the Academy of Social Sciences of the CPSU. He served as Deputy Minister of Culture and Central Committee Secretary for Culture of the Communist Party of Tajikistan from 1968-1979. He was also a member of the Soviet Committee for Solidarity with the Countries of Asia and Africa. This volume collects Holmurod Sharifov's travel writings, including his accounts of trips to Iran, Afghanistan, Cuba, Canada, and Bulgaria, as well as destinations within the USSR.
Date: 2010 Source: Sharifov, Kholmurod. Tolei baland. Dushanbe: Pazhuhishgohi farsi-tojiki, 2010.

Товарищи, помните, грамота есть орудие борьбы и освобождения Comrades, remember that literacy is an instrument of struggle and liberation

Unknown artist
Russian text
Samarkand. Published by the Samarkand Region Political Section. 1920s
Print run: 1000 copies
Paper, printing. 80×62 cm
Date: 1920 Source: SCMCHR. SIN 13354/33

Товарищи мусульмане! Враги трудового народа посягают на вашу свободу! Comrade Muslims: Enemies of the working people are encroaching on your freedom!

By N. Kogout
Ottoman Turkish text (Arabic script) Moscow. MCNEC print shop Literature and Publishing Section of the RMCR Political Office. 1920 Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 71×54 cm
Date: 1919 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-58

Товарищи мусульмане!
Под зеленым знаменем Пророка шли вы завоевывать ваши степи, аулы. Враги народа отняли у вас родные поляю Ныне под красным знаменем Рабоче-Крестьянской революции и под звездой армии всех угнетенных собираетесь с востока и запада, с севера и юга. В седла, товарищи! Все -- в полки Всеобуч!
“Comrade Muslims, under the green banner of the Prophet you marched to conquer your steppe and villages. The enemies of the people took away your indigenous fields. Now, under the red banner of the Workers’ and Peasants’ Revolution, under the star of the army of all of the oppressed and working people, come together from the east and west, from the north and south. Saddle up, comrades! Everyone join the VSEOBUCH regiments.”

By D. Moor
Turkic text (Arabic script)
Moscow. Published by the Universal Military Training Central Office. 1919
Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 95×70 cm
Date: 1919 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-53

То ба кай об аз таги ях меравад? How Long will the Water Keep Flowing Under the Ice?

From the publisher: Ман сулоли "То ба кай об аз таги ях меравад?"-ро баъд аз дахуним сол такрор мекунам ва боз рӯ ба ҷомеа меорам. Ин мақолаҳо натиҷаи заҳматҳои хоксоронаи муаллиф дар роҳи худшиносии милиӣ мебошад. Ҳар яке аз онҳо боиси баҳсу вокунише дар ҷомаи Ҷумҳурӣ қарор гирифтаанд ва гувохи онанд, ки ин талошҳо дар роҳи Озодӣ ва Истиқлоли кишвар фаро расид. Mirboboi Mirrahim (Mirbobo MIrrahimov) is a translator and expert in pre-Islamic religions. During perestroika, he became famous for his writings on the Tajik language and was one of the first writers to publicly discuss the status of Samarqand and Bukhara. He also became one of the cofounders of Rastokhez, Tajikistan's first independent political organization. This memoir, published during Mirrahim's exile in Iran, reprints a series of his articles, along with commentary and critique of the work of others.
Date: 1998 Source: Mirrahim, Mirboboi. To ba kai ob az tagi iakh meravad? Tehran: Atlas, 1998.

Теперь и я свободна! Now [as a woman] I am free too!

Unknown artist
Uzbek text (Arabic script) Moscow. State Publishing House 16th MNEC print shop. 1921
Print run: 10 000 copies
Paper, printing. 62×87.5 cm
Date: 1921 Source: Mardjani Foundation. No. IM/P-54

Телеграммы Сталину о нац. столкновениях в Туркестане

Date: 1922-05-10 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.84,d.356,l.44,45-46

Телеграммы в ЦК о делегации с кораном.

Date: 1923-08-23 Source: RGASPI,f.62,op.2,d.37,l.16,17,33,34

Телеграмма Элиавы в ЦК Telegram from Eliava to the CC on the creation of national republics

Date: 1920-01-28 Source: RGASPI,f.122,op.1,d.31,l.3-3ob
Transcription Translation

Телеграмма членов КирВРК в ЦК РКП о межэтнических отношениях в Киргизской, Туркестанской республиках Telegram from members of the Kirgiz Revolutionary Committee to the CC RKP on inter-ethnic relations in Kirgizia and Turkestan

Date: 1920-03-24 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.65,d.270,l.146-146ob
Transcription Translation

Телеграмма Чичерина Элиаве Radio telegram from Chicherin to Eliava

Date: 1920-04-11 Source: RGASPI,f.122,op.1,d.31,l.20-20ob
Transcription Translation

Телеграмма ЦК о переносе съезда женщин Востока

Date: 1920-4-25 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.10,d.74,l.89ob

Телеграмма ЦК о переносе съезда женщин Востока Telegram on postponing the Congress of Women of the East

Date: 1920 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.10,d.40,l.25
Transcription Translation

Телеграмма ЦК в Туркбюро Telegram from the RKP(b) CC to S.I. Gusev, Turkburo

Date: 1922-4-6 Source: RGASPI,f.558,op.1,d.2279,l.1
Transcription Translation

Телеграмма Фрунзе, Куйбышева, Рыскулова о межэтнических конфликтах в Семиречье

Телеграмма Фрунзе, Куйбышева и Рыскулова работникам советских учреждений Пржевальского уезда Туркестана о необходимости принятия мер в связи с контрреволюционной агитацией кулачества среди крестьянства.
Date: 1920-03-10 Source: RGASPI,f.87,op.1,d.51,l.1

Телеграмма Уратюбинского участкового пристава начальнику Ходжентского уезда Н.Б. Рубаху Cable from the Ura-Tiube District police commission to N., B. Rubakh, chief of Khodzhent Uezd

Date: 1916-08-02 Source: TsGART,f.6,op.2,d.16,l.62

Телеграмма управляющего Третьим политическим отделом МИД В.О. фон Клемма временно исполняющему обязанности дипломатического чиновника при Туркестанском генерал-губернаторе П.П. Секретареву Cable from V. O. von Klemm, manager of the Third Political Department of the Foreign Ministry, to P. P. Sekretarev, the acting diplomatic official under the Turkestan governor-general

Date: 1916-07-17 Source: AVPRI,f.147,op.486,d.247,l.17