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Письмо военного министра М.А. Беляева Туркестанскому генерал-губернатору А.Н. Куропаткину об одобрении Советом министров кредита в 50 000 руб. на оказание продовольственной помощи «киргизам», бежавшим из Семиреченской области в пограничные китайские владения. Letter from Minister of War M. A. Beliaev to Turkestan governor-general A. N. Kuropatkin on the approval by the Council of Ministers of a loan of 50,000 rubles to provide food assistance to the “Kirgiz” who fled from Semirechie Oblast to Chinese border possessions.

Date: 1917-03-16 Source: RGVIA,f.400,op.1,d.4639,l.37

Письмо военного министра М.А. Беляева А.Н. Куропаткину о вынесении вопроса об оказании помощи бежавшим в Китай «киргизам» на рассмотрение Совета министров. Letter from Minister of War M. A. Beliaev to A. N. Kuropatkin on the submission of the question of providing assistance to the “Kirgiz” who fled to China for consideration by the Council of Ministers.

Date: 1917-02-13 Source: RGVIA,f.400,op.1,d.4639,l.22

Пантуркизм ва сарнавишти таръихии Тоҷикистон
Panturkism and the Rewriting of Tajik History

From the publisher: Китоби нави олими маъруф, академик Муҳаммадҷони Шакурии Бухороӣ «Пантуркизм ва сарнавишти таърихии тоҷикон» рисолаи «Фитнаи инқилоб дар Бухоро» ва силсиланигоштаҳои солҳои гуногуни муаллифро дар бар мегирад, ки посухест ба даъвоҳои бузургманишии олимону адибон, сиёсатмадорону фарҳангиёни туркгаро ва таҳрифгарони забону адабиёт ва таърихи фарҳанги тољик дар давраҳои гуногуни замони шуравӣ. Muhammadjon Shakuri (Shakurov) (1924-2012) was a Tajik philologist and academician. He studied at the pedagogical institute in Dushanbe and later earned his kandidatskaia and doktorskaia degrees at the Institute of World Literature in Moscow. His professional home, however, remained the Rudaki Institute of Language and Literature in Dushanbe. In the late 1980s he became a leading figure in the campaign for the primacy of the Tajik language. This memoir revisits episodes from the late Soviet period related to perestroika and the reconsideration of the Soviet past, including the status of Samarqand and Bukhara. It also reproduces contemporary documents.
Date: 2010 Source: Shakuri, Muhammadjoni. Panturkizm va sarnavishti tar''ikhii Tojikiston. Dushanbe: Adib, 2011.

Падидаҳои худшиноси ё саҳифаҳо аз дафтари хотира The ways of self knowing, or, pages from my journal

Mirboboi Mirrahim (Mirbobo MIrrahimov) is a translator and expert in pre-Islamic religions. During perestroika, he became famous for his writings on the Tajik language and was one of the first writers to publicly discuss the status of Samarqand and Bukhara. In this Tajik-language volume written during perestroika, Mirrahim presents events related to the publication and reception of his journalistic works based on his journal entries.
Date: 1990 Source: Mirrahim, Mirboboi. Padidahoi khudshinosi yo sahifaho az daftari khotira. Dushanbe, 1990.

Отчет о состоянии Туркестанской епархии за 1916 г., представленный епископом Туркестанским и Ташкентским Иннокентием Св. Синоду. Report on the state of the Turkestan Eparchy in 1916, presented by Bishop Innokenty of Turkestan and Tashkent to the Holy Synod.

Date: 1917-07-14 Source: RGIA,f.796,op.442,d.2767,l.1-58ob

Отношение управляющего министерством земледелия сенатора А.А. Риттиха Туркестанскому генерал-губернатору А.Н. Куропаткину по вопросу о переселении «киргиз» из охваченных восстанием волостей (Приложение 3 к рапорту Туркестанского генерал-губернатора и командующего войсками Туркестанского военного округа генерал-адъютанта А.Н. Куропаткина императору Николаю II от 22 февраля 1917 г.) Official letter from Senator A. A. Rittikh, manager of the Ministry of Agriculture, to Turkestan governor-general A. N. Kuropatkin on the question of the resettlement of the “Kirgiz” from the volosts enveloped in the uprising (Annex 3 to the report of Adjutant-Gen. A. N. Kuropatkin, the Turkestan governor-general and troop commander of the Turkestan military district, to Emperor Nicholas II dated 22 February 1917.)

Date: 1916-12-11 Source: RGVIA,f.165,op.1,d.1553,l.17-17ob

Отношение Туркестанского генерал-губернатора генерала от инфантерии А.Н. Куропаткина министру земледелия А.А. Бобринскому о количестве пострадавших во время беспорядков в Семиречье. Official letter from Infantry Gen. A. N. Kuropatkin, governor-general of Turkestan, to Agriculture Minister A. A. Bobrinsky, on the number of casualties during the disorders in Semirechie.

Date: 1916-11-05 Source: RGVIA,f.400,op.1,d.4546,ch.1,l.397-397ob

Отношение Туркестанского генерал-губернатора А.Н. Куропаткина в Третий политический отдел МИД о положении в Туркестане. Official letter from Turkestan Governor-General A. N. Kuropatkin to the Third Political Department of the Foreign Ministry on the situation in Turkestan.

Date: 1916-08-11 Source: AVPRI,f.Sredneaziatskii stol,op.486,d.247,l.28, 29

Отношение товарища министра внутренних дел России В.М. Волконского товарищу министра иностранных дел А.А. Нератову об отсрочке исполнения высочайшего повеления 25 июня 1916 г. до 15 сентября и роспуске ранее собранного для привлечения к работам в тылу армии местного населения. Official letter from Russian Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs V. M. Volkonsky to Deputy Foreign Minister A. A. Neratov on a postponement of the fulfillment of the supreme order of 25 June 1916 until 15 September and the disbanding of the local population who had previously been assembled to be recruited for army logistical work.

Date: 1916-08-02 Source: AVPRI,f.Sredneaziatskii stol,op.486,d.340b,l.37

Отношение председателя Туркестанского комитета Временного правительства Н.Н. Щепкина в Азиатскую часть Главного штаба о ликвидации последствий беспорядков в Семиречье. Official letter from N. N. Shchepkin, chairman of the Turkestan Committee of the Provisional Government, to the Asian Section of the Main Staff on the recovery from the disorders in Semirechie.

Date: 1917-04-22 Source: RGVIA,f.400,op.1,d.4639,l.91-91ob

Отношение начальника Изысканий по устройству водохранилищ в верховьях р. Сырдарьи И.Г. Александрова андижанскому уездному начальнику И.А. Бржезицкому о нападении «киргизов» на Джумгальскую гидрометрическую станцию. Official letter from I. G. Aleksandrov, director of Surveying for the Construction of Reservoirs in the Upper Reaches of the Syr Darya, to Andizhan Uezd commander I. A. Brzhezitsky on the attack by “Kirgiz” on the Dzhumgal hydrometric station.

Date: 1916-08-20 Source: RGIA,f.432,op.1,d.422,l.26

Отношение начальника Главного штаба Военного министерства генерала от инфантерии Н.П. Михневича министру иностранных дел С.Д. Сазонову с просьбой сообщить замечания МИД к переработанному и измененному законопроекту о привлечении к отбыванию воинской повинности освобожденных до настоящего времени от нее частей населения. Official letter from Infantry Gen. N. P. Mikhnevich, chief of the Main Staff of the Ministry of War, to Minister of Foreign Affairs S. D. Sazonov, reqiuesting comments from the Foreign Ministry regarding the redone and revised draft law on the conscription for military service of heretofore exempt segments of the population.

Date: 1915-11-26 Source: AVPRI,f.Sredneaziatskii stol,op.486,d.340,l.1-1ob

Отношение начальника Главного штаба Военного министерства генерала от инфантерии Н.П. Михневича министру иностранных дел С.Д. Сазонову с предложением высказать мнение МИД о прилагаемом законопроекте «О привлечении к отбыванию воинской повинности некоторых частей населения, освобожденного от нее до настоящего времени». Official letter from Infantry Gen. N. P. Mikhnevich, chief of the Main Staff of the Ministry of War, to Minister of Foreign Affairs S. D. Sazonov, suggesting that the Foreign Ministry state its view of the attached draft law “On the Conscription for Military Service of Certain Segments of the Population that Heretofore Have Been Exempt.”

Date: 1915-09-21 Source: AVPRI,f.Sredneaziatskii stol,op.486,d.340b,l.5-5ob,1-4,8-13,31-33

Отношение министерства финансов Временного правительства в министерство земледелия об отпуске средств в размере 1 000 000 рублей на восстановление разрушенных хозяйств и зданий в Семиреченской области во время «киргизских» волнений. Official letter from the Ministry of Finance of the Provisional Government to the Ministry of Agriculture on the release of funds in the amount of 1,000,000 rubles for the recovery of devastated farms and buildings in Semirechie Oblast during the “Kirgiz” disturbances.

Date: 1917-04-08 Source: GARF,f.1797,op.1,d.307,l.1

Отношение директора дипломатической канцелярии при Штабе верховного главнокомандующего Н.А. Базили в Третий политический отдел МИД по поводу мнения Начальника Штаба насчет осложняющейся обстановки в Средней Азии. Official letter from N. A. Bazili, director of the diplomatic office attached to the Staff of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, to the Third Political Department of the Foreign Ministry on the view of the Chief of Staff regarding the increasingly complicated situation in Central Asia.

Date: 1916-07-09 Source: AVPRI,f.Sredneaziatskii stol,op.486,d.185,l.70

Отношение дипломатического чиновника при туркестанском генерал-губернаторе С.В. Чиркина советнику Третьего политического отдела МИД России В.О. фон Клемму по вопросу о распространении воинской повинности на все население Туркестанского края и мнении военных губернаторов по этому поводу. Official letter from S. V. Chirkin, a diplomatic official under the Turkestan governor-general, to V. O. von Klemm, a counselor in the Third Political Department of the Foreign Ministry on the question of extending the military obligfation to the entire population of Turkestan Krai and the view of the military governors in this regard.

Date: 1916-01-10 Source: AVPRI,f.Sredneaziatskii stol,op.486,d.340,l.9-16

Отношение генерал-адъютанта А.Н. Куропаткина в департамент полиции о подавлении сопротивления мятежных «киргиз» в Семиреченской области. Official letter from Adjutant-Gen. A. N. Kuropatkin to the Police Department on the suppression of resistance among rebellious “Kirgiz” in Semirechie Oblast

Date: 1916-10-17 Source: GARF,f.1467,op.1,d.764,l.13-14

Отзывы делопроизводителя Азиатской части генерал-майора А.-А.А. Давлетшина и начальника Азиатской части Главного штаба генерал-лейтенанта М.М. Манакина на проект создания Семиреченского «киргизского» конного дивизиона и наделения служивших в нем «киргиз» земельным участками. 28 июля, 3 августа 1916 г. Responses from Maj.-Gen. A.-A. A. Davletshin, clerk of the Asian Section, and Lieut.-Gen. M. M. Manakin, commander of the Asian Section of the Main Staff, to the plan for creating a Semirechie “Kirgiz” cavalry division and allotting land plots to the “Kirgiz” serving in it. 28 July, 3 August 1916.

Date: 1916-08-03/ 07-28 Source: RGVIA,f.400,op.1,d.4521,l.28-30ob

Особый журнал Совета министров об отпуске из казны средств на «удовлетворение жилищной нужды» и оказание продовольственной помощи русскому населению Туркестанского края. Special journal of the Council of Ministers on the release from the treasury of funds to “satisfy housing needs” and provide food assistance to the Russian population of Turkestan Krai.

Date: 1917-01-09 Source: RGIA,f.1276,op.20,d.124,l.44-46

Описание беспорядков в Туркестанском крае в 1916 г., составленное уроженцем Семиреченской области Гавриловым. Не позднее 15 апреля 1917 г. Description of the disorders in Turkestan Krai in 1916, compiled by Gavrilov, a native of Semirechie Oblast. Not later than 15 April 1917.

Date: 1917-04-15 Source: RGVIA,f.400,op.1,d.4546,ch.1,l.444,446-460

Он чӣ аз саргузашт
The stuff of memoirs

From the publisher: Ин китоби охирини Ҷалол Икромӣ мебошад. Нависанда дар бораи солҳои наврасиаш, хешу табораш, революсияи сосиалистии Бухоро ва сарнагун шудани республикаи сосиалистии Бухоро, тараққиёт ва сабзиши республикаи сосиалистии Тоҷикистон сухан меронад. Саҳифаҳои зиёде ба солҳои мудҳиши 1937-39 бахшида шудааст. Jalol Ikromi (1909-1993) was one of Soviet Tajikistan's most famous writers. This memoir covers his childhood in Bukhara as well his eventual move to Stalinabad (Dushanbe). A substantial portion of the memoir is devoted to the effect of the great terror on his own family and on the intelligentsia more generally. The final pages contain his reflections on Perestroika and the collapse of the USSR.
Date: 2009 Source: Ikromi, Jalol. On chi az sarguzasht. Dushanbe, 2009.

Мусиқӣ дар ҳаёти ман Music in my life

From the publisher: Китоби «Мусиқӣ дар ҳаёти ман» доир ба мафҳуми мусиқӣ, таъсиру хосиятҳои он, роҷеъ ба фаъолияти бастакорони тоҷик ва марҳилаҳои инкишофи он маълумот медиҳад.
Ziyodullo Shahidi (1914-1985) was a Tajik musician, conductor, and composer. Originally trained in the Maqom tradition, Shahidi was recruited to the Moscow conservatory, where he studied with Aleksandr Lensky, Vladimir Fere, and Sergey Balasanyan - all of whom were involved in the project of "modernizing" indigenous musical traditions across the USSR. The volume collects Shahidi's essays on the music of other composers, as well as accounts of his initial recruitment, studies, work with the poet A. Dehoti, and other episodes from his career.
Date: 1986 Source: Shakhidi, Ziyodullo. Musiqi dar haeti man. Dushanbe: Irfon, 1986.

Мукотибаи Садриддин Айнӣ ва Абулқосим Лоҳутй. The correspondence of Sadriddin Ayni and Abdulqosem Lahuti

From the publisher: Ин китоб аз мактубҳои ду устоди бузург, Қаҳрамони Тоҷикистон Садриддин Айнӣ ва Абулқосим Лоҳутӣ фароҳам омадааст. Мактубҳо қимати илмиву адабӣ ва таърихӣ доранд.
This is a collection of correspondence between two of Soviet Tajikistan’s most prominent writers: Sadriddin Ayni (1878–1954) and Abdulqosim Lahuti (1887-1957). While both became part of the Tajik literary pantheon, neither had their primary residence in the republic. Ayni spent most of his life in Samarqand, while Lahuti lived in Moscow with his wife, Cecilia Bonu. These letters, held at the Archive of the Rudaki Institute of Literature in Dushanbe, were first published during the Soviet era. This second, more complete edition, includes additional letters from the period of the terror, when Ayni in particular was put under a great deal of pressure. The publication was prepared and edited by Khursheda Otahonova.
Date: 2003 Source: Otakhonova, Khursheda, (ed). Mukotibai Sadriddin Aini va Abulqosim Luhuti. Dushanbe: Devashtich, 2003.

Миёни обу оташ Between Water and Fire

From the publisher: Ин китоб хотироти муҷаз ва мухтасари Қозидомулло‐Ҳоҷӣ Акбари Тураҷонзода фақат аз боби воқеаҳои асосии пойиз (тирамоҳ)‐и соли 1991 ва баҳори соли 1992 то таъсиси Ҳукумати Муросои Миллӣ дар Тоҷикистон мебошад. Муаллиф бо самимият ва ошкоро аз ҳаводиси шуми он солҳо ва чеҳраҳои ҳақиқии коргардонҳои аслии гирдиҳамоиҳои Майдонҳои Шаҳидон ва Озодӣ парда бармедорад. Hoji Akbar Turajonzoda (1954- ) was the influential "Qazi Kalon" or Chief Mufti of the Tajik SSR during perestroika. In 1991 and 1992 he sided with the opposition forces challenging Rahmon Nabiev's government; this short memoir covers the period of time between fall 1991 and the spring of 1992.
Date: 1998 Source: Turajonzoda, Hoji Akbari. Miyoni obu otash.

Меъмори истиқлоли Тоҷикистон Architect of Tajikistan's Independence

From the publisher: Хонандаи гиромӣ, китобе, ки дар даст дорӣ, маҷмӯаест, аз навиштаҳои донишмандон ва журналистони шинохтаи кишвар аз рӯзгор ва пайкори шахсияти мубориз ва донишманду маорифпарвари машҳур Тоҳири Абдуцаббор, ки ба ҳангоми беморӣ ва даргузашти ин абармарди Тоҷикистон бунёдгузори эҳёи истиқлол ва мақоми расмии забони форсим тоҷикй дар замони нав ба табъ расидааст. Хамчунин дар ин маҷмӯа чанде аз навиштаҳои ин донишманд барои нахустин бор дар шакли маҷмӯа ба дам оварда шудааст. Tohir Abdujabbor (1946-2009) is best known as the founder of Rastokhez (Rebirth), the first independent political organization in Tajikistan, which campaigned for the primacy of the Taiik language, greater political and economic autonomy and, eventually, independence. Abdujabbor trained as an economist, earning his kandidatskaia degree at the Institute of Oriental Studies in Moscow with a dissertation on Pakistan; he later served as an economic adviser and translator in Afghanistan. During the civil war he fled first to Tehran, later settling in Bishkek before returning to Tajikistan in 2005. Unfortunately, he did not leave behind any memoirs. This volume includes some insightful reminiscences about Abdujabbor by his former colleagues and associates, as well as some his key writings from the late Soviet period and beyond.
Date: 2010 Source: Kamilzoda, Ahmadsho (ed). Me''mori istiqloli Tojikiston. Dushanbe, 2010.

Мактаби одамият: Баъзе масъалаҳои адабиёт
ва маънавият.
The School of humaneness: some questions of literature and spirituality

Muhammadjon Shakuri (Shakurov) (1924-2012) was a Tajik philologist and academician. He studied at the pedagogical institute in Dushanbe and later earned his kandidatskaia and doktorskaia degrees at the Institute of World Literature in Moscow. His professional home, however, remained the Rudaki Institute of Language and Literature in Dushanbe. In the late 1980s he became a leading figure in the campaign for the primacy of the Tajik language. This volume collects a number of his articles on the relationship between literature, spirituality, and morality. It also includes several pieces recounting experiences with Sadriddin Ayni, Mirzo Tursonzoda, A. Dehoti, and Mirsaid Mirshakar.
Date: 1991 Source: Shakurov, Muhammadjon. Maktabi odamiiat: ba''ze mas''alahoi adabiet va ma''naviiat. Dushanbe: Adib, 1991.

Курбонии дузахма
Victim of the Double Blow

From the publisher: Бӯрӣ Каримови на факат дар Точикистон, балки дар собиқ Иттиҳоди Шӯравй машҳур дар ин китоб дойр ба сабабу окибатқои ҳодисаҳои баҳманмоқ, дасисабозию нотавонбинии баъзе аз хукуматдорон, чй туна сурат гирифтанн се пленуми хизби коммунист дар он рӯзҳо бо дарду алам ва дар айни замон бо мухокимаронии мантикан солим кисса пардохтааст. Балки ин китоб сарнавишти пурмочарои худи ӯ ва халқи ӯст. Buri Karimov (1958-) was a government minister in the Tajik SSR in the mid to late 1980s, reaching the post of Chairman of the State Planning Committee (Gosplan Tajik SSR) by 1989. Famous for becoming the youngest minister in the USSR at age 28 in 1987, Buri Karimov was an ambitious and charismatic late Soviet Tajik politician. He reached the post of republican Gosplan chairman in 1989, but fell out of favor and lost his Party and government positions in 1990 as a result of the February 1990 riots in Dushanbe. This memoir partly describes his political career before and after 1990, but is largely focused on the riots themselves.
Date: 1992 Source: Karimov, Buri. Kurbonii duzakhma. Dushanbe: Oriyono, 1992.

Кровавый февраль
Bloody February

From the publisher: В этой книге речь пойдет о причинах и последствиях кровавых событий февраля 1990 года в Душанбе, о трех пленумах ЦК Компартии Таджикистана, которые прошли один за другим и не ответили на вопросы народа, и о том, как тяжело расставался с властью триумвират таджикских руководителей и как подстрелили они на взлете одного молодого и перспективного члена правительства. Автор попытался максимально достоверно исследовать причины, приведшие к чудовищной народной трагедии, и понять, почему все-таки случилось так, что ее кровавые плоды не стали уроком для будущего. Книга приурочена к 25-летию трагических событий и посвящена невинно погибшим в этой необъявленной войне с собственным населением. Buri Karimov (1958-) was a government minister in the Tajik SSR in the mid to late 1980s, reaching the post of Chairman of the State Planning Committee (Gosplan Tajik SSR) by 1989. Famous for becoming the youngest minister in the USSR at age 28 in 1987, Buri Karimov was an ambitious and charismatic late Soviet Tajik politician. He reached the post of republican Gosplan chairman in 1989, but fell out of favor and lost his Party and government positions in 1990 as a result of the February 1990 riots in Dushanbe. He became famous for his involvement in the "February riots," which almost toppled the leadership of the republic. This memoir is exclusively focused on those events and provides extensive detail on Karimov's side of the story.
Date: 2015 Source: Karimov, Buri. Krovavyi Fevral'. Moscow: Intransdornauka, 2015.

Карта Семиреченской области с обозначением районов, охваченных восстанием. Масштаб: в 1 дюйме 40 верст. Map of Semirechie Oblast labeling the areas enveloped in the uprising. Scale: 1 inch = 40 versts.

Date: 1917-02-22 Source: RGVIA,f.165,op.1,d.5105,l.4

Исповедь Confessions

Dr. Masud Rasuli (1925 - 1996) was an important Tajik and Uzbek literary scholar, who lived and worked in Samarkand and Tashkent, Uzbekistan. He worked as the Head of the Russian Literature Department of the Institute of Language and Literature at the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences.  These memoirs cover the majority of the Soviet period, including his childhood. The book offers an insight into Central Asia's reformist jadid movement, many members of which were repressed during the Stalinist period.
Date: 2000 Source: Rasuli, Ma''sud. Ispoved. Tashkent: O'Qituvchi, 2000.