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Ёди ёри мехрубон Memories of dear friends

From the publisher: Дар китоб хотира ва қайдҳои Шоири халқии Тоҷикистон, лауреати Мукофоти давлатӣ Мирсаид Миршакар аз ҳаёт ва эҷодиёти ходимони барҷастаи адабиёти советӣ гирд оварда шудааст. Mirsaid Mirshakar (1912-1993) was a Soviet Tajik poet, writer, and government official. He was particularly known for his stories and poems for children, while his film work included Children of the Pamirs (1963). He was a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Tajikistan, Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Tajik SSR (1961-1975), and chairman of the Tajik branch of Society for Solidarity with the Countries of Asia and Africa. This volumes includes reminiscences about other Tajik writers, among them Ayni, Lahuti, and Tursunzoda, as well as Russian writers like Kornei Chukovskii and Nikolai Tikhonov, and foreign writers such as the Punjabi novelist Gurbaksh Singh.
Date: 1993 Source: M.Mirshakar, Edi eri mehrubon (Dushanbe: Adib, 2003)

Ёди Ёри Меҳрубон
(Ёдномае аз устоди шаҳир Абдуқодир Маниёзов)
Memory of a beloved friend (recollections about the great teacher Abduqodir Maniyozov)

From the publisher: Калами донишмандону фархехтагони тоҷик тааллук дорад ва онхо ба шинохам яке аз чехраҳои азиз ва мӯьтабари Тоҷикистон, фарзанди хирадманд, устоди донишманду ровии нотакрор, узви вобастаи Академиям илмхои Ҷумҳури Тоҷикистон, узви пайвасгаи Фарҳангистони забои ва адаби форсим Ҷумхурии Исломии Эрон, сарвари фахрии Пажӯҳишюхи забои ва адабиёги баноми Рӯдакии Академиям илмхои Ҷумхурии Тоҷикистон, раиси Кумитан иҷроияи «Пайванд» Абдукодир Маниёзов бахшида шудаанд. Муаллифон зимни хотирот ва аидепгарони аз бехтарин сифатҳои инсонй ва халокияг, озодкорй ва озодандешии ин озодмарди ҷомеа, чехраи инсонй ва шарофати азалии устоди зиндаёд. кобилияти ташкилогчигии илмй ва хислатҳои огмфаи рохбарй ва шеьршиносиву сухандонии ровии забони тоҷикӣ ёд овардаанд. Ҳамчунин дар китоб аз хотироту ёддошт, таълифот ва тарҷумаи бадей, ки аз шуглхои пайвасгаи устод Абдукодир Маниёзов буданд, ба хонандаи азиз як-ду намуна пешкаш мешавад. «Ёди ёри мехрубои» бо ташаббус ва сарпарастии Сафорати Ҷумҳурии Исломии Эрон дар Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикисгон, шахсан бо дасттирии Сафири Кабири Ҷумхурии Исломии Эрон дар Ҷумхурии Тоҷикистон, ҷаноби окои доктор Алиасгар Амири Шсърдӯст ба нашр расидааст. Abduqodir Maniyozov (1930-2008) was a Tajik philologist. Maniyozov was among the first graduates of the State University in Stalinabad (Dushanbe); from 1972-2000 he was the Director of the Rudaki Institue of Language and Literature. Maniyozov was also the deputy editor of the Tajik Soviet Encyclopedia. This volume collects reminiscences from colleagues and writers, including Ali Bobojon, Horsheda Otahonova, and Ibrohim Usmonov. It also includes short sketches from Maniezov’s unfinished memoirs, covering his childhood during the Great Patriotic War.

Date: 2008 Source: Davronov, Abduvash (ed). Yodi Yori Mehrubon. Yodnomae az ustodi shahir Abduqodir Maniyozov. Dushanbe: Pazhuhishgohi farkhangi forsi-tojiki, 2008.

Ёдномаи Маҳмуд Воҳидов Memories of Mahmud Vohidov

From the publisher: Ин маҷмӯа — ёдномэи шоирон, нависандагон ва дӯстони шодра- вон Маҳмуд Воҳидов буда, аз ҳаёт ва эҷодиёти ин ҳунарпешаи номии тоҷик ҳикоят мекунад. Mahmud (Mahmudjon) Vahidov (1939-1977) was a Tajik film and stage actor, who also toured internationally. A graduate of GITIS in Moscow, his profesional home was the Lahuti theater in Dushanbe. This volume is a collection of Vahidov's own reflections, as well reminiscences from fellow actors and other artists and intellectuals, including Loik Sherali, the historian Nizom Nurjanov, the writer Fazluddin Muhamadiev, and the film director Bension Kimegerov.
Date: 1982 Source: Sayfulloev, A. (ed.) Ednomai Mahmud Vohidov. Dushanbe: Irfon, 1982.

Жизнь в искусстве A Life in Art

Ashur Haydarov (1916-1988) was a Tajik artist. Born in Samarqand, he studied with Pavel Benkov, then went to work at the newspaper Lenin Yuli, where one of his colleagues was future First Secretary of Uzbekistan Sharof Rashidov. After the outbreak of war in 1941, Haydarov volunteered for service and was comissioned as a Second Liutenant. He was taken prisoner but escaped and joined partisan forces, eventually joining an NKVD detachment. After the war in 1949 Haydarov was arrested for supposed collaboration and imprisoned until 1955. He subsequently made a succesful aristic career but was not formally rehabilitated until 1989. The volume includes his (unfinished) memoirs, focusing on his youth, wartime service, and imprisonment, as well as articles from colleagues and friends.
Date: 2001 Source: Haydarov, Ashur. Zhizn' v iskusstve. Dushanbe, 2001.

Жизнь отданная народу A life devoted to the people

From the publisher: Автор этой историко-энциклопедической и автобиографической книги на основе документов, анализа материалов, воспоминаний саратников, ученников и воспитанников Джаббора Расулова, раскрывает его деятельность на посту первого секретаря ЦК Компартии Таджикистана и Председателя Совета Министров ТаджикскойССР. Показывает образ Джаббора Расулова, как стойкого, принципиального коммуниста, талантливого, умелого организатора и воспитателя масс, выдающегося партийного деятеля Таджикистана, человека, посвятившего полностью свою сознательную жизнь служению трудовому народу, развитию и преобразованию республики. Jabbor Rasulov (1913-1982) was a Tajik party and government official, and first secretary of the Tajik SSR Communist Party from 1961 until his death in 1982. An agronomist by training, he worked in the Komsomol and was briefly (1960-61) the USSR's ambassador to Togo. This volume includes an essay by the historian and former party official Iskandar Kalandarov as well as shorter reminiscences from former colleagues and friends, including Sulton Mirzoshoev, Rustam Yusufbekov.
Date: 2000 Source: I.K. Kalandarov, Zhizn' otdannaia narodu (Dushanbe: Institut Politicheskih Issledovanii Kompartii Tadzhikistana, 2000).

Журнал Межведомственного совещания для рассмотрения проектов ассигнования чрезвычайных сверхсметных кредитов на расходы военного времени по вопросу об отпуске 1 млн. рублей на восстановление жилищ переселенцев в Семиреченской области, разрушенных во время «киргизского» восстания. Journal of the Interagency Conference for consideration of plans for the appropriation of emergency above-estimate loans for wartime expenditures on the question of releasing 1 million rubles for the restoration of resettlers’ dwellings in Semirechie Oblast that were destroyed during the “Kirgiz” uprising.

Date: 1917-01-20 Source: RGIA,f.565,op.13,d.1631,l.11-12

Заложники империи Hostages of Empire

From the publisher: Автор документально показывает планомерное уничтожение таджикского этноса, которое достигло необычайного размаха в Узбекистане, населенном, главным образом, таджиками, и в самом Таджикистане в послевоенные годы при негласной поддержке ЦК КПСС и Союзного правительства. Sa''diniso Hakimova (1924-2015) was a Tajik surgeon, professor, and director of the Tajik SSR Ministry of Health Research Institute for the Protection of Mothers and Children. She was one of the first Tajik women to earn a medical degree (in 1943), and later the first to write a dissertation for a Doctorate of Medicine, which she defended in 1958. Her experience working on maternal and child health in Tajikistan led her to be increasingly critical of the public health system. Eventually, she came to subscribe to some of the more nationalistic theories that gained currency on the eve of the Soviet collapse, blaming public health issues on a concerted campaign of genocide carried out by Uzbeks with the tacit support of the Soviet government. This volume nevertheless contains valuable insights into the workings of the health system in the Tajik SSR, as well as documentary sources from the author’s personal archive.
Date: 1998 Source: Hakimova, Sa''diniso. Zalozhniki imperii. Dushanbe, 1998.

Записка помощника Туркестанского генерал-губернатора в канцелярию с приказом выдать справку о численности и распространении православного населения по областям, а также о количестве епархиальных церквей. Memorandum from an aide to the governor-general of Turkestan, to the office with an order for it to provide a fact sheet on the numbers and distribution of the Russian Orthodox population by oblast and on the number of eparchial churches.

Date: 1916-10-07 Source: RGVIA,f.165,op.1,d.1557,l.2

Записка товарища министра иностранных дел гофмейстера А.А. Нератова начальнику Главного штаба Военного министерства генералу от инфантерии Н.П. Михневичу о согласии китайских властей оказать содействие отряду казаков, направляемых для конвоирования захваченных «киргизами» русских пленных, возвращающихся в Россию. Memorandum from A. A. Neratov, a master of the court and deputy foreign minister, to Infantry Gen. N. P. Mikhnevich, chief of the Main Staff of the Ministry of War, on the consent of the Chinese authorities to provide assistance to the detachment of Cossacks to be dispatched to convoy the Russian prisoners captured by the “Kirgiz” who are returning to Russia.

Date: 1916-12-05 Source: RGVIA,f.400,op.1,d.4546,ch.1,l.420

Заявления членов Государственной думы об обращении к председателю Совета министров А.Ф. Трепову и к министрам военному, внутренних дел и юстиции с вопросами по поводу событий, имевших место в Туркестанском и Степном генерал-губернаторстве при выполнении высочайшего повеления о привлечении инородческого населения к работам, необходимым для обороны государства. Statements of members of the State Duma on the submission to A.F. Trepov, chairman of the Council of Ministers, and the ministers of war, internal affairs and justice of questions regarding the events that took place in the governor-generalships of Turkestan and the Steppes during the fulfillment of the supreme order on the recruitment of minorities for work necessary for the defense of the state.

Date: 1916-11-19 Source: GARF,f.1807,op.1,d.296,l.10-13

Из дневника командующего войсками Туркестанского военного округа А.Н. Куропаткина за 22 декабря 1916 г. From the journal of A. N. Kuropatkin, troop commander of the Turkestan Military District, for 22 December 1916.

Date: 1916-12-22 Source: RGVIA,f.165,op.1,d.1967,l.17-24ob

Из дневника командующего войсками Туркестанского военного округа А.Н. Куропаткина за 22 мая – 9 сентября и 18 сентября 1916 г. From the journal of A. N. Kuropatkin, troop commander of the Turkestan Military District, for 22 May-9 September and 18 September 1916.

Date: 1916-09-18 Source: RGVIA,f.165,op.1,d.1968,l.58-68ob,81ob-83ob

Из дневника командующего войсками Туркестанского военного округа А.Н. Куропаткина за 23 сентября – 4 декабря 1916 г. From the journal of A. N. Kuropatkin, troop commander of the Turkestan Military District, for 23 September-4 December 1916.

Date: 1916-10-11-20 Source: RGVIA,f.165,op.1,d.1970,l.17-38

Из кратких сводок сведений о народных волнениях в Семиреченской, Акмолинской и Тургайской областях, поступивших в Департамент полиции МВД. 1 ноября – 15 декабря 1916 г. From brief summaries of information on popular disturbances in Semirechie, Akmolinsk and Turgai oblasts, received by the MVD Police Department. 1 November-15 December 1916.

Date: 1916-12-15 Source: RGIA,f.1292,op.1,d.1933A,l.465-466,471