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Приказ Туркестанского генерал-губернатора и командующего войсками Туркестанского военного округа генерал-адъютанта А.Н. Куропаткина о призыве «туземцев» на работы в тыловых районах действующих армий с приложениями: 1. Порядок организации и снаряжения рабочих партий, отправляемых в тыловые районы действующих армий; 2. Порядок освобождения от наряда отдельных лиц по ходатайствам различных учреждений; 3а. Ведомость распределения наряда рабочих на тыловые работы по уездам и волостям Сыр-Дарьинской области (ошибочно датирована 28 августа 1916 г.); 3б. Ведомость распределения наряда рабочих на тыловые работы по уездам и волостям Самаркандской области; 3в. Ведомость распределения наряда рабочих на тыловые работы по уездам и волостям Ферганской области; 3г. Ведомость распределения наряда рабочих по уездам и аульным обществам Закаспийской области; 4. План перевозки первых 30 эшелонов рабочих Туркестанского края с 18 сентября по 18 октября 1916 г. Приложение 1 к рапорту генерал-губернатора Туркестанского края А.Н. Куропаткина императору Николаю II от 22 февраля 1917 г. Order by Adjutant-Gen. A. N. Kuropatkin, the governor-general of Turkestan and commander of the troops of the Turkestan Military District, on the conscription of “locals” for work in the rear areas of active armies with annexes: 1. Procedure for organizing and equipping workers parties’ to be sent to the rear areas of active armies; 2. Procedure for exempting specific individuals from a detail based on petitions from various institutions; 3a. Record of assignment of the workers’ detail to logistical work by uezd and volost in Syr-Darya Oblast (erroneously dated 28 August 1916); 3b. Record of assignments of the workers’ detail to logistical work by uezd and volost in Syr-Darya Oblast (erroneously dated 28 August 1916); 3b. Record of assignments of the workers’ detail to logistical work by uezd and volost in Samarkand Oblast; 3c. Record of assignment of the workers’ detail to logistical work by uezd and volost in Fergana Oblast; 3d. Record of assignment of the workers’ detail to logistical work by uezd and village community in Transcaspian Oblast; 4. Plan for transportation of the first 30 trainloads of workers in Turkestan Krai from 18 September to 18 October 1916. Annex 1 to report from A. N. Kuropatkin, governor-general of Turkestan, to Emperor Nicholas II dated 22 February 1917.
Доклад Туркестанского генерал-губернатора генерала от инфантерии А.Н. Куропаткина военному министру генералу от инфантерии Д.С. Шуваеву о положении в Семиреченской области. Report from Infantry Gen. A. N. Kuropatkin, governor-general of Turkestan, to Infantry Gen. D. S. Shuvaev, the Minister of War, on the situation in Semirechie Oblast.
Доклад Главного управления Генерального штаба императору Николаю II о призыве в Семиреченском казачьем войске казачьего ополчения. Report from the Main Administration of the General Staff to Emperor Nicholas II on the conscription of a Cossack militia for the Semirechie Cossack army.
Отношение начальника Изысканий по устройству водохранилищ в верховьях р. Сырдарьи И.Г. Александрова андижанскому уездному начальнику И.А. Бржезицкому о нападении «киргизов» на Джумгальскую гидрометрическую станцию. Official letter from I. G. Aleksandrov, director of Surveying for the Construction of Reservoirs in the Upper Reaches of the Syr Darya, to Andizhan Uezd commander I. A. Brzhezitsky on the attack by “Kirgiz” on the Dzhumgal hydrometric station.
Переписка Туркестанского генерал-губернатора генерал-адъютанта А.Н. Куропаткина с начальником Главного штаба Военного министерства генералом от инфантерии Н.П. Михневичем о возможности опубликования текста высочайшего повеления от 28 июля 1916 г. о предоставлении Куропаткину прав главнокомандующего войсками Туркестанского военного округа и права освобождения инородцев от наряда на работы или замены его денежными взносами. Correspondence of Adjutant-Gen. A. N. Kuropatkin, the governor-general of Turkestan, with Infantry Gen. N. P. Mikhnevich, chief of the Main Staff of the Ministry of War, on the possibility of publishing the text of the supreme order of 28 July 1916 on granting Kuropatkin the rights of commander-in-chief of the troops of the Turkestan Military District and the right to exempt minority members from work detail or to replace it with monetary contributions.
Доклад Туркестанского генерал-губернатора генерала от инфантерии А.Н. Куропаткина военному министру генералу от инфантерии Д.С. Шуваеву о положении в Семиреченской области. Report from Infantry Gen. A. N. Kuropatkin, governor-general of Turkestan, to Infantry Gen. D. S. Shuvaev, the Minister of War, on the situation in Semirechie Oblast.
Рапорт и.д. начальника штаба Туркестанского военного округа полковника Михайловского начальнику Генерального штаба генерал-лейтенанту П.И. Аверьянову о количестве войск в Семиреченской области до возникновения беспорядков. Report from Colonel Mikhailovsky, acting chief of staff of the Turkestan Military District, to Lieut.-Gen. P. I. Averianov, chief of the General Staff, on the number of troops in Semirechie Oblast before the disorders broke out.
Рапорт управляющего канцелярией Туркестанского генерал-губернатора в Главный штаб о восстановлении свободного проезда местного населения по железным дорогам края. Report from the manager of the office of the Turkestan governor-general to the Main Staff on the restoration of free travel for the local population on the krai’s railroads.
Доклад Туркестанского генерал-губернатора генерала от инфантерии А.Н. Куропаткина военному министру генералу от инфантерии Д.С. Шуваеву о положении в Семиреченской области. Report from Infantry Gen. A. N. Kuropatkin, governor-general of Turkestan, to Infantry Gen. D. S. Shuvaev, the Minister of War, on the situation in Semirechie Oblast.
Доклад Туркестанского управления земледелия и государственных имуществ министру земледелия А.А. Бобринскому о восстании «киргизов» в Семиреченской области. Report from the Turkestan Administration of Agriculture and State Properties to Minister of Agriculture A. A. Bobrinsky on the uprising of “Kirgiz” in Semirechie Oblast.
Доклад Туркестанского генерал-губернатора генерала от инфантерии А.Н. Куропаткина военному министру генералу от инфантерии Д.С. Шуваеву о причинах восстания и положении в Семиреченской области. Report from Infantry Gen. A. N. Kuropatkin, governor-general of Turkestan, to Infantry Gen. D. S. Shuvaev, the Minister of War, on the causes of the uprising and the situation in Semirechie Oblast
Доклады начальника Туркестанского почтово-телеграфного округа С.П. Орлова начальнику Главного управления почт и телеграфов МВД В.Б. Похвисневу о нападениях «киргизов» на почтовые отделения, повреждении телеграфных линий и уничтожении станций. Август–сентябрь 1916 г. Reports from S. P. Orlov, director of the Turkestan Postal and Telegraph District, to V. B. Pokhvisnev, director of the Main Administration of Post and Telegraph Offices of the MVD, on attacks by “Kirgiz” on post offices, damage to telegraph lines and destruction of stations. August-September 1916.
Доклад Туркестанского генерал-губернатора генерала от инфантерии А.Н. Куропаткина военному министру генералу от инфантерии Д.С. Шуваеву о положении в Семиреченской области. Report from Infantry Gen. A. N. Kuropatkin, governor-general of Turkestan, to Infantry Gen. D. S. Shuvaev, the Minister of War, on the situation in Semirechie Oblast
Доклад Туркестанского генерал-губернатора генерала от инфантерии А.Н. Куропаткина военному министру генералу от инфантерии Д.С. Шуваеву о положении в Семиреченской области. Report from Infantry Gen. A. N. Kuropatkin, governor-general of Turkestan, to Infantry Gen. D. S. Shuvaev, the Minister of War, on the situation in Semirechie Oblast
Доклад Туркестанского генерал-губернатора генерала от инфантерии А.Н. Куропаткина военному министру генералу от инфантерии Д.С. Шуваеву о положении в Семиреченской области. Report from Infantry Gen. A. N. Kuropatkin, governor-general of Turkestan, to Infantry Gen. D. S. Shuvaev, the Minister of War, on the situation in Semirechie Oblast
Доклад Туркестанского генерал-губернатора генерала от инфантерии А.Н. Куропаткина военному министру генералу от инфантерии Д.С. Шуваеву о положении в Семиреченской области. Report from Infantry Gen. A. N. Kuropatkin, governor-general of Turkestan, to Infantry Gen. D. S. Shuvaev, the Minister of War, on the situation in Semirechie Oblast.
Донесение военного губернатора Семиреченской области генерал-лейтенанта М.А. Фольбаума и. о. помощника командующего войсками Туркестанского военного округа генералу от инфантерии М.Р. Ерофееву о перехваченном военной цензурой письме о подстрекательстве китайцами «киргизов» к восстанию. Dispatch from Lieut.-Gen. M. A. Folbaum, military governor of Semirechie Oblast, to Infantry Gen. M. R. Yerofeev, acting aide to the troop commander of the Turkestan Military District, on a letter intercepted by military censors regarding Chinese incitement of the “Kirgiz” to uprising.
Доклад начальника Семиреченского отделения жандармского полицейского управления Ташкентской железной дороги подполковника Косоротова начальнику Туркестанского районного охранного отделения полковнику М.Н. Волкову (?) о положении в Семиречье. Report from Lieut.-Col. Kosorotov, commander of the Semirechie division of the gendarme police administration of the Tashkent Railroad, to Col. M. N. Volkov (?), commander of the Turkestan District Security Division, on the situation in Semirechie.
Доклад Туркестанского генерал-губернатора генерала от инфантерии А.Н. Куропаткина военному министру генералу от инфантерии Д.С. Шуваеву о положении в Семиреченской области. Report from Infantry Gen. A. N. Kuropatkin, governor-general of Turkestan, to Infantry Gen. D. S. Shuvaev, the Minister of War, on the situation in Semirechie Oblast.
Рапорт ротмистра Отдельного корпуса жандармов Железнякова директору департамента полиции Е.К. Климовичу о положении в Семиреченской области. Report from Zhelezniakov, captain of the Separate Gendarme Corps, to Ye. K. Klimovich, director of the police department, on the situation in Semirechie Oblast.
Доклад Туркестанского генерал-губернатора генерала от инфантерии А.Н. Куропаткина военному министру генералу от инфантерии Д.С. Шуваеву о положении в Семиреченской области. Report from Infantry Gen. A. N. Kuropatkin, governor-general of Turkestan, to Infantry Gen. D. S. Shuvaev, the Minister of War, on the situation in Semirechie Oblast.
Доклад Туркестанского генерал-губернатора генерала от инфантерии А.Н. Куропаткина начальнику Главного штаба генералу от инфантерии Н.П. Михневичу в о положении в Туркестанском крае. Report from Infantry Gen. A. N. Kuropatkin, governor-general of Turkestan, to Infantry Gen. N. P. Mikhnevich, chief of the Main Staff, on the situation in Turkestan Krai.
Отношение Туркестанского генерал-губернатора А.Н. Куропаткина в Третий политический отдел МИД о положении в Туркестане. Official letter from Turkestan Governor-General A. N. Kuropatkin to the Third Political Department of the Foreign Ministry on the situation in Turkestan.
Доклад начальника Семиреченского отделения жандармского полицейского управления Ташкентской железной дороги подполковника Косоротова начальнику Туркестанского районного охранного отделения полковнику М.Н. Волкову(?) о положении в Семиречье. Report from Lieut.-Col. Kosorotov, commander of the Semirechie division of the gendarme police administration of the Tashkent Railroad, to Col. M. N. Volkov (?), commander of the Turkestan District Security Division, on the situation in Semirechie.
Доклад Туркестанского генерал-губернатора генерала от инфантерии А.Н. Куропаткина военному министру генералу от инфантерии Д.С. Шуваеву о положении в Туркестанском крае. Report from Infantry Gen. A. N. Kuropatkin, governor-general of Turkestan, to Infantry Gen. D. S. Shuvaev, the Minister of War on the situation in Turkestan Krai.
Доклад Туркестанского генерал-губернатора генерала от инфантерии А.Н. Куропаткина военному министру генералу от инфантерии Д.С. Шуваеву о положении в Туркестанском крае. Report from Infantry Gen. A. N. Kuropatkin, governor-general of Turkestan, to Infantry Gen. D. S. Shuvaev, the Minister of War on the situation in Turkestan Krai.
Рапорт военного губернатора Семиреченской области генерал-лейтенанта М.А. Фольбаума в штаб Туркестанского военного округа о восстании в Семиреченской области. Report from Lieut.-Gen. M. A. Folbaum, military governor of Semirechie Oblast, to the staff of the Turkestan Military District on the uprising in Semirechie Oblast.
Доклад Туркестанского генерал-губернатора генерала от инфантерии А.Н. Куропаткина военному министру генералу от инфантерии Д.С. Шуваеву о беспорядках в Семиреченской области. Report from Infantry Gen. A. N. Kuropatkin, governor-general of Turkestan, to Infantry Gen. D. S. Shuvaev, the Minister of War, on the disturbances in Semirechie Oblast.
Донесение и.д. Туркестанского генерал-губернатора М.Р. Ерофеева министру внутренних дел А.А. Хвостову о беспорядках среди «киргиз» Семиреченской области. Dipatch from acting governor-general M. R. Yerofeev to Minister of Internal Affairs A. A. Khvostov on disturbances among the “Kirgiz” in Semirechie Oblast.
Проект формирования 3 особых казачьих сотен в Семиреченском казачьем войске в связи с волнениями «туземного» населения с приложением штата. Plan for the formation of three special Cossack sotnias in the Semirechie Cossack army in connection with disorders among the “indigenous” population, with a list of personnel attached.
Донесение помощника Туркестанского генерал-губернатора генерала от инфантерии М.Р. Ерофеева военному министру Д.С. Шуваеву и министру внутренних дел о начале беспорядков среди «киргиз». Dispatch from Infantry Gen. M. R. Yerofeev, aide to the Turkestan governor-general, to Infantry Gen. D. S. Shuvaev, the Minister of War, and to the Minister of Internal Affairs, on the start of disturbances among “Kirgiz.”
Доклад ротмистра Отдельного корпуса жандармов Железнякова директору департамента полиции Е.К. Климовичу о восстании в Семиреченской области. Report from Zhelezniakov, captain of the Separate Gendarme Corps, to Ye. K. Klimovich, director of the police department, on the uprising in Semirechie Oblast.
Доклад ротмистра Отдельного корпуса жандармов Железнякова директору департамента полиции Е.К. Климовичу о начале вооруженного восстания в Семиреченской области. Report from Zhelezniakov, captain of the Separate Gendarme Corps, to Ye. K. Klimovich, director of the police department, on the start of an armed uprising in Semirechie Oblast.
Доклад помощника Туркестанского генерал-губернатора генерала от инфантерии М.Р. Ерофеева военному министру генералу от инфантерии Д.С. Шуваеву о беспорядках в Семиреченской области. Report from Infantry Gen. M. R. Yerofeev, aide to the Turkestan governor-general, to Infantry Gen. D. S. Shuvaev, the Minister of War, on disturbances in Semirechie Oblast.
Отношение помощника Туркестанского генерал-губернатора генерала от инфантерии М.Р. Ерофеева начальнику Генерального штаба генералу от инфантерии М.А. Беляеву о необходимости формирования запасных сотен Семиреченского казачьего войска. Official letter from Infantry Gen. M. R. Yerofeev, aide to the Turkestan governor-general, to Infantry Gen. M. A. Beliaev, chief of the General Staff, on the necessity of forming reserve sotnias in the Semirechie Cossack army.
Донесение Туркестанского управления земледелия и государственных имуществ в Отдел земельных улучшений министерства земледелия о народных волнениях в регионе. Dispatch from the Turkestan Administration of Agriculture and State Properties to the Department of Land Improvements of the Ministry of Agriculture on popular unrest in the region.
Отношение товарища министра внутренних дел России В.М. Волконского товарищу министра иностранных дел А.А. Нератову об отсрочке исполнения высочайшего повеления 25 июня 1916 г. до 15 сентября и роспуске ранее собранного для привлечения к работам в тылу армии местного населения. Official letter from Russian Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs V. M. Volkonsky to Deputy Foreign Minister A. A. Neratov on a postponement of the fulfillment of the supreme order of 25 June 1916 until 15 September and the disbanding of the local population who had previously been assembled to be recruited for army logistical work.
Сношение начальника жандармского полицейского управления Ташкентской железной дороги полковника И.В. Татаринова начальнику штаба Казанского военного округа генерал-лейтенанту Ф.Н. Добрышину об отмене ранее вышедшего распоряжения ввиду преждевременности снятия охраны с железной дороги. Message from Col. I. V. Tatarinov, chief of the gendarme police administration of the Tashkent Railroad, to Lieut.-Gen. F. N. Dobryshin, chief of staff of the Kazan Military District, on the cancellation of the previously issued directive due to the prematureness of removing security guards from the railroad.
Доклад помощника Туркестанского генерал-губернатора генерала от инфантерии М.Р. Ерофеева военному министру генералу от инфантерии Д.С. Шуваеву об обстановке в Лепсинском уезде Семиреченской области. Report from Infantry Gen. M. R. Yerofeev, aide to the Turkestan governor-general, to Infantry Gen. D. S. Shuvaev, the Minister of War, on the situation in Lepsinsk Uezd, Semirechie Oblast.
Доклад помощника Туркестанского генерал-губернатора генерала от инфантерии М.Р. Ерофеева военному министру генералу от инфантерии Д.С. Шуваеву о постепенном прекращении беспорядков. Report from Infantry Gen. M. R. Yerofeev, aide to the Turkestan governor-general, to Infantry Gen. D. S. Shuvaev, the Minister of War, on the gradual cessation of disturbances.
Отзывы делопроизводителя Азиатской части генерал-майора А.-А.А. Давлетшина и начальника Азиатской части Главного штаба генерал-лейтенанта М.М. Манакина на проект создания Семиреченского «киргизского» конного дивизиона и наделения служивших в нем «киргиз» земельным участками. 28 июля, 3 августа 1916 г. Responses from Maj.-Gen. A.-A. A. Davletshin, clerk of the Asian Section, and Lieut.-Gen. M. M. Manakin, commander of the Asian Section of the Main Staff, to the plan for creating a Semirechie “Kirgiz” cavalry division and allotting land plots to the “Kirgiz” serving in it. 28 July, 3 August 1916.
Докладная записка начальника Генерального штаба генерала от инфантерии М.А. Беляева временно управляющему военным министерством генералу от инфантерии П.А. Фролову о количестве войск в Семиреченской области и необходимости формирования ополченческих казачьих сотен. Memorandum from Infantry Gen. M. A. Beliaev, chief of the General Staff, to Infantry Gen. P. A. Frolov, provisional head of the ministry of war, on the number of troops in Semirechie Oblast and on the necessity of forming Cossack militia sotnias [hundred-man squadrons].
Доклад временно управляющего военным министерством генерала от инфантерии П.А. Фролова императору Николаю II о мерах по выполнению высочайшего повеления от 25 июня 1916 г. и о предоставлении Туркестанскому генерал-губернатору генерал-адъютанту А.Н. Куропаткину прав главнокомандующего войсками Туркестанского военного округа и права освобождения инородцев от наряда на работы или замены его денежными взносами. Report from Infantry Gen. P. A. Frolov, provisional head of the ministry of war, to Emperor Nicholas II, on measures to carry out the supreme order of 25 June 1916 and on granting Adjutant Gen. A. N. Kuropatkin, the governor-general of Turkestan, the rights of commander-in-chief of the troops of the Turkestan Military District and the right to exempt minorities from work detail or to replace it with cash contributions.
Письмо уполномоченных от татар г. Андижана М. Сафарова, Х. Енгулатова, А. Нурмухамедова председателю Совета министров Б.В. Штюрмеру с просьбой о снятии запрета на продажу железнодорожных билетов для татар. Letter from authorized representatives of the city of Andizhan, M. Safarov, Kh. Yengulatov and A. Nurmukhamedov, to B. V. Shtiurmer, chairman of the Council of Ministers, requesting that the ban on the sale of railway tickets for Tatars be lifted.
Секретное донесение управляющего Политическим агентством в Бухаре Н.А. Шульги в Третий политический отдел МИД о переговорах с вр.и.д. Туркестанского генерал-губернатора генералом М.Р. Ерофеевым о порядке официального приветствия местным населением русских офицеров и чиновников всех ведомств. Secret dispatch from N. A. Shulga, manager of the Political Agency in Bukhara, to the Third Political Department of the Foreign Ministry, on the negotiations with Gen. M. R. Yerofeev, the acting governor-general of Turkestan, on the rules for official salutations by the local population to Russian officers and officials of all agencies.
Донесение врид Туркестанского генерал-губернатора М.Р. Ерофеева военному министру Д.С. Шуваеву о массовых побегах «киргиз» в Китай. Dispatch from M. R. Yerofeev, acting governor-general of Turkestan, to Minister of War D. S. Shuvaev on the mass exodus of “Kirgiz” to China.
Экстренное отношение начальника Изысканий по устройству водохранилищ в верховьях р. Сырдарьи И.Г. Александрова туркестанскому генерал-губернатору Ф.В. Мартсону о назначении воинских команд для охраны технического персонала и казенного имущества гидрометрических станций в Пишпекском и Наманганском уездах. Urgent official letter from I. G. Aleksandrov, director of Surveying for the Construction of Reservoirs in the Upper Reaches of the Syr Darya, to F. V. Martson, governor-general of Turkestan, on the appointment of military squads to protect technical personnel and the state property of hydrometric stations in Pishpek and Namangan uezds.
Предписание военного министра генерала от инфантерии Д.С. Шуваева Туркестанскому генерал-губернатору генералу от инфантерии А.Н. Куропаткину о создании особого временного военного суда для рассмотрения дел восставших. Order of Infantry Gen. D. S. Shuvaev, the Minister of War, to Infantry Gen. A. N. Kuropatkin, governor-general of Turkestan, on the creation of a special provisional military court to hear cases involving insurgents.
Письмо управляющего Третьим политическим отделом В.О. фон Клемма политическому агенту в Бухаре А.К. Беляеву о введении на территории Туркестана и других окраин трудовой повинности без ведома и участия Министерства иностранных дел, Главного штаба и Туркестанского генерал-губернатора с указанием оповестить население Бухарского ханства, что оно призыву на трудовые работы не подлежит. Letter from V. O. von Klemm, a manager of the Third Political Department, to A. K. Beliaev, the Foreign Ministry's political agent in Bukhara, on the imposition in Turkestan and other outlying regions of labor conscription without the knowledge or participation of the Foreign Ministry, the Main Staff or the Turkestan governor-general, instructing him to inform the populace of the Khanate of Bukhara that it is not subject to be conscripted for work projects.
Отношение директора дипломатической канцелярии при Штабе верховного главнокомандующего Н.А. Базили в Третий политический отдел МИД по поводу мнения Начальника Штаба насчет осложняющейся обстановки в Средней Азии. Official letter from N. A. Bazili, director of the diplomatic office attached to the Staff of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, to the Third Political Department of the Foreign Ministry on the view of the Chief of Staff regarding the increasingly complicated situation in Central Asia.
Высочайшее повеление о привлечении мужского инородческого населения империи для работ по устройству оборонительных сооружений и военных сообщений в районе действующей армии и иных работ, необходимых для государственной обороны. Supreme Order on conscription of male minority members of the empire for work in the construction of defensive facilities and military transportation lines in the area of the active army and other work required for national defense.
Из дневника командующего войсками Туркестанского военного округа А.Н. Куропаткина за 22 мая – 9 сентября и 18 сентября 1916 г. From the journal of A. N. Kuropatkin, troop commander of the Turkestan Military District, for 22 May-9 September and 18 September 1916.
Отношение дипломатического чиновника при туркестанском генерал-губернаторе С.В. Чиркина советнику Третьего политического отдела МИД России В.О. фон Клемму по вопросу о распространении воинской повинности на все население Туркестанского края и мнении военных губернаторов по этому поводу. Official letter from S. V. Chirkin, a diplomatic official under the Turkestan governor-general, to V. O. von Klemm, a counselor in the Third Political Department of the Foreign Ministry on the question of extending the military obligfation to the entire population of Turkestan Krai and the view of the military governors in this regard.
Отношение начальника Главного штаба Военного министерства генерала от инфантерии Н.П. Михневича министру иностранных дел С.Д. Сазонову с просьбой сообщить замечания МИД к переработанному и измененному законопроекту о привлечении к отбыванию воинской повинности освобожденных до настоящего времени от нее частей населения. Official letter from Infantry Gen. N. P. Mikhnevich, chief of the Main Staff of the Ministry of War, to Minister of Foreign Affairs S. D. Sazonov, reqiuesting comments from the Foreign Ministry regarding the redone and revised draft law on the conscription for military service of heretofore exempt segments of the population.
Отношение начальника Главного штаба Военного министерства генерала от инфантерии Н.П. Михневича министру иностранных дел С.Д. Сазонову с предложением высказать мнение МИД о прилагаемом законопроекте «О привлечении к отбыванию воинской повинности некоторых частей населения, освобожденного от нее до настоящего времени». Official letter from Infantry Gen. N. P. Mikhnevich, chief of the Main Staff of the Ministry of War, to Minister of Foreign Affairs S. D. Sazonov, suggesting that the Foreign Ministry state its view of the attached draft law “On the Conscription for Military Service of Certain Segments of the Population that Heretofore Have Been Exempt.”
Доклад Туркестанского генерал-губернатора генерала от инфантерии А.Н. Куропаткина военному министру генералу от инфантерии Д.С. Шуваеву о положении в Семиреченской области. Report by Infantry Gen. A. N. Kuropatkin, governor-general of Turkestan, to Infantry Gen. D. S. Shuvaev, the Minister of War, on the situation in Semirechie Oblast
Правила о призыве войск для содействия гражданским властям. Rules on the call-up of troops to assist the civilian authorities
Указ императора Николая II о разделении Сибири и Среднеазиатских областей на военные округа с соответственными изменениями в устройстве их высшего гражданского управления. Decree of Emperor Nicholas II on the division of Siberia and the Central Asian obklasts into military districts with the relevant changes in the structure of their top-level civilian administration.
Положение об управлении областей Акмолинской, Семипалатинской, Семиреченской, Уральской и Тургайской и об изменении некоторых статей Положения об управлении Туркестанского края. Statute on administration of the Akmolinsk, Semipalatinsk, Semirechie, Uralsk and Turgai oblasts and the revision of certain clauses of the Statute on Administration of Turkestan Krai.
Положение об управлении Туркестанского края. Правила о введении поземельно-податного устройства в Туркестанском крае. Statute on Administration of Turkestan Krai. Rules on the imposition of a land-based tax system in Turkestan Krai.
Едномаи Мухаммад Осими Memories of Osimi
From the publisher: Едномаи шодравон Мухаммад Осимиро ашхоси гуногун—хешу ақрабо, дӯстону шогирдон, хамкорону ҳаммаслакон—олимони варзидаву шииохтаи тоҷик нигоштааид. Осимӣ солҳои тӯлонӣ сарварии яке аз фарҳангистонҳои бонуфуз — Акадеиияи илмҳои Чумхурии Тоҷикистонро бар ӯҳда дошт, аз ни рӯ, табиист, ки бештари муаллифони хотирот кормаидон ва аъзоёни ин боргоҳи илм мебошанд. Еддоштҳои олнмони арчманд лахлаҳои номаълуми хаст ва фаъолияти Осимиро ба хонанда равшанӣ сохта, барои тарҳрезии симои ин абармарди нотакрор ва фардн сарсурпурдаи роҳи илму фарҳанг кӯмак мерасоианд.
Muhammad Osimi (Osimov) 1920-1996, was a Tajik philosopher, educator, and government official. Born in Khujand, he was a graduate of the State University of Uzbekistan in Tashkent and saw service in Leningrad during the Great Patriotic War. He was the first rector of the Polytechnic Institute in Stalinabad (Dushanbe), and also served as Minister of Education. This volume is a collection of essays about Muhammad Osimi published by colleagues, students, and family members, including Rashid Rahimov and Iusufbek Rustambekov
Ёдномаи устод Осими (бо истикболи 85 солагии зодруз) Memories of Osimi
Muhammad Osimi (Osimov) 1920-1996, was a Tajik philosopher, educator, and government official. Born in Khujand, he was a graduate of the State University of Uzbekistan in Tashkent and saw service in Leningrad during the Great Patriotic War. He was the first rector of the Polytechnic Institute in Stalinabad (Dushanbe), and also served as Minister of Education. This selection is from a volume published on the 85th anniversary of his birth, but the scan only includes Osimi's own recollections about Sadriddin Ayni.
Видный ученый-экономист Средней Азии (К 70-летию со дня рождения И. К. Нарзикулова) A prominent Economist of Central Asia: A 70th Birthday Festschrift for I. K. Narzikulov
From the publisher: В настоящей брошюре публикуются материалы юбилейной научной конференции, посвященной 70-летию со дня рождения академика АН Таджикской ССР, заслуженного деятеля науки республики, профессора ИХ. Нарзикулова. В ней характеризуются роль и значение И.К. Нарзикулова—первого ученого-экономиста Таджикистана, основателя экономической науки в республике, крупного организатора научных исследований, инициатора и организатора подготовки в Таджикистане экономистов высшей квалификации, а также его разносторонняя государственная и общественная деятельность. Брошюра рассчитана на широкий круг читателей.
Ibadullo Narzikulov (1909-1974) was a Tajik planner, economist, and academician. Born in Samarqand, he studied at the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute and then worked in a number of planning positions before earning a graduate degree in economics. He played a crucial role in establishing the discipline of economics within Tajikistan and in ensuring that academic economists were consulted on questions of planning. This volume of reminiscences was put together by his colleagues after his death.
Арбоби барчастаи давлати. J Rasulov: An Outstanding Government Official
Jabbor Rasulov (1913-1982) was a Tajik party and government official, and first secretary of the Tajik SSR Communist Party from 1961 until his death in 1982. An agronomist by training, he worked in the Komsomol and was briefly (1960-61) the USSR's ambassador to Togo. This volume includes reminscences and essays by historians and party officials, including Shodi Shabdolov, the head of Tajikistan's communist party after independence.
Ёдномаи Маҳмуд Воҳидов Memories of Mahmud Vohidov
From the publisher: Ин маҷмӯа — ёдномэи шоирон, нависандагон ва дӯстони шодра- вон Маҳмуд Воҳидов буда, аз ҳаёт ва эҷодиёти ин ҳунарпешаи номии тоҷик ҳикоят мекунад.
Mahmud (Mahmudjon) Vahidov (1939-1977) was a Tajik film and stage actor, who also toured internationally. A graduate of GITIS in Moscow, his profesional home was the Lahuti theater in Dushanbe. This volume is a collection of Vahidov's own reflections, as well reminiscences from fellow actors and other artists and intellectuals, including Loik Sherali, the historian Nizom Nurjanov, the writer Fazluddin Muhamadiev, and the film director Bension Kimegerov.
Исповедь Confessions
Dr. Masud Rasuli (1925 - 1996) was an important Tajik and Uzbek literary scholar, who lived and worked in Samarkand and Tashkent, Uzbekistan. He worked as the Head of the Russian Literature Department of the Institute of Language and Literature at the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences. These memoirs cover the majority of the Soviet period, including his childhood. The book offers an insight into Central Asia's reformist jadid movement, many members of which were repressed during the Stalinist period.
Падидаҳои худшиноси ё саҳифаҳо аз дафтари хотира The ways of self knowing, or, pages from my journal
Mirboboi Mirrahim (Mirbobo MIrrahimov) is a translator and expert in pre-Islamic religions. During perestroika, he became famous for his writings on the Tajik language and was one of the first writers to publicly discuss the status of Samarqand and Bukhara. In this Tajik-language volume written during perestroika, Mirrahim presents events related to the publication and reception of his journalistic works based on his journal entries.
Самый молодой министр Советского союза и председатель Госплана в СССР The youngest minister and Gosplan chairman in the USSR
From the publisher: В этом томе серии «Хокирох» дано описание не только жизни и трудовой деятельности героя книги — самого молодого министра в Советском Союзе и Председателя Госплана в СССР, но и деятельности Министерства строительства и эксплуатации автомобильных дорог, а также Госплана Таджикистана. Серьезное внимание уделено вопросам развития инфраструктуры, в том числе дорог, а самое главное — экономики и перспектив развития Таджикистана. Специалисты и профессионалы с интересом прочтут о том, что планировал и собирался создать молодой руководитель, а также смогут сравнить основные народно-хозяйственные показатели 90-годов прошлого века и темпы развития сегодняшней экономики Республики Таджикистан. Книга рассчитана на широкий круг читателей.
Buri Karimov (1958-) was a government minister in the Tajik SSR in the mid to late 1980s, reaching the post of Chairman of the State Planning Committee (Gosplan Tajik SSR) by 1989. Famous for becoming the youngest minister in the USSR at age 28 in 1987, Buri Karimov was an ambitious and charismatic late Soviet Tajik politician. He reached the post of republican Gosplan chairman in 1989, but fell out of favor and lost his Party and government positions in 1990 as a result of the February 1990 riots in Dushanbe. This memoir is focused on his work as Minister of Automobile Roads and later as Gosplan chairman in the late 1980s.
Захм бар ҷисми ватан A Wound in the Body of the Nation
From the publisher: Ноиби собик, раиси чумхур Нарзулло Дӯстов яке аз рохбарони содиқ, хирадманд ва фидокори Тоҷикистон аст, ки барон муҳофизати хукумати копунии чумҳуриамон чонбозихои зиёд кардааст. Даврае буд, ки Н. Дӯстов хамчун фарди дарачаи авпали давлат бо зумрае аз хамсафони бовафои худ барон оримию осудагии чомиа ва халк кору пайкор ме намуд. Хафтуми майи соли 1992 байни рохбарони оппозиция ва хукумати конунй ду протоколи «созиш» ба имзо расид, ки дар асоси он хукумати ба ном муросои милли таъсис ёфт. Хамин тавр дар Точикистон табаддулоти давлатй ба амал омад. Депутати халки чумҳурӣ Н. Дӯстов дар бораи ин вокеахо дар китоби худ «Захм бар чисми Ватан» батафсил накл кардааст.
Narzullo Dustov (1940 - ) was largely unknown until he was chosen in November 1991 as Rahmon Nabiev's vice-presidential candidate. Dustov remained vice president until May 1992, when he was forced to resign, whereupon he joined the pro-government "People's Front" in the Tajik Civil War. This memoir is focused on the civil war and the events leading up to it, with some comment on Dustov's life before becoming vice president as well.
Власть времени The Power of Time
From the publisher: Публикуемые мемуары выдающегося государственного и общественного деятеля Таджикистана Назаршо Додхудоева (1915—2000) знакомят читателя с отдельными эпизодами и людьми, связанными с жизнью страны в наиболее интересный период новейшей истории Центральной Азии. Эти драгоценные свидетельства складываются в рассказ о судьбе паренька с далекого Памира, сумевшего благодаря несомненным качествам лидера, беззаветной любви к Родине и исключительному уважению к людям оказать влияние на развитие республики в середине XX столетия.
Nazarsho Dodhudoev (1915-2000) was a party and state official. Born in the Rushan district of what would later become the Gorno Badakshanskaia Avtonomnaia Oblast' (GBAO), he began his career as a teacher before joining the Komsomol and eventually the NKVD before embarking on a state and party career in Stalinabad (Dushanbe) and Moscow. He lost his position in the purge that followed the cotton scandal in Tajikistan in 1961. The memoir covers his childhood, education, the political effects of the purges, and his work under Bobojon Gafurov, Tursun Uljaboev, and others.
Трудный путь к знанию
The Long Road to Knowledge
From the publisher: Воспоминания крупнейшего советского востоковедад, академика АН Таджикистана Б.И. Искандарова - повествование о жизненном пути ученого, неустанном поиске знания и освоении "белых пятен" в истории Средней Азии, Памира и Гиндукуша. Автор рассказывает о трудной жизни в памирских кишлаках в 20-е годы, учебе в знаменитон ЛИФЛИ, участии в Великой Отечственной войне, многолетней работе в Институте истории АН Таджикистана (директором его Б.И. Исканадров был с 1962 по 1994 г.), встречах со многими замечательными учеными.
Bahodur Iskandarov (1912-2014) was a historian and head of the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Tajik SSR from 1962 to 1994. These memoirs cover his childhood in the Pamirs, his education in Leningrad, service during the Great Patriotic War, and epsidoes from his career as a researcher.
Толей баланд Great Fortune
From the publisher: Автор книги «Счастливая судьба» - ученый, писатель, общественный и государственный деятель Холмурод Шарифов рассказывает в публицистической форме о своих путешествиях во многие страны мира.
Holmurod Sharifov (1927-2017) was a Tajik-Soviet party and government official. Originally from the area of Panjikent, he and his family were resettled in the Vaksh valley in 1937; after 1946 he embarked on a career in the Komsomol and later in the Party. He eventually earned a kandidatskaia degree from the Academy of Social Sciences of the CPSU. He served as Deputy Minister of Culture and Central Committee Secretary for Culture of the Communist Party of Tajikistan from 1968-1979. He was also a member of the Soviet Committee for Solidarity with the Countries of Asia and Africa. This volume collects Holmurod Sharifov's travel writings, including his accounts of trips to Iran, Afghanistan, Cuba, Canada, and Bulgaria, as well as destinations within the USSR.
То ба кай об аз таги ях меравад? How Long will the Water Keep Flowing Under the Ice?
From the publisher: Ман сулоли "То ба кай об аз таги ях меравад?"-ро баъд аз дахуним сол такрор мекунам ва боз рӯ ба ҷомеа меорам. Ин мақолаҳо натиҷаи заҳматҳои хоксоронаи муаллиф дар роҳи худшиносии милиӣ мебошад. Ҳар яке аз онҳо боиси баҳсу вокунише дар ҷомаи Ҷумҳурӣ қарор гирифтаанд ва гувохи онанд, ки ин талошҳо дар роҳи Озодӣ ва Истиқлоли кишвар фаро расид.
Mirboboi Mirrahim (Mirbobo MIrrahimov) is a translator and expert in pre-Islamic religions. During perestroika, he became famous for his writings on the Tajik language and was one of the first writers to publicly discuss the status of Samarqand and Bukhara. He also became one of the cofounders of Rastokhez, Tajikistan's first independent political organization. This memoir, published during Mirrahim's exile in Iran, reprints a series of his articles, along with commentary and critique of the work of others.
Табаддулоти Тоҷикистон: Иборат аз се китоб (қ. 2)
A Coup in Tajikistan (3 vols.)
Safarali Kenjaev (1942-1999) was a Soviet-era lawyer and prosecutor who rose to prominence in 1990-1991 as a critical voice in the Tajik Supreme Soviet and later as Chairman of the Supreme Soviet in 1991-1992. During the Tajik Civil War, Kenjaev became a leader of the pro-government "People's Front" that retook Dushanbe from the opposition in October-December 1992. This is volume two of Safarali Kenjaev's extended memoir about the collapse of the USSR and the Tajik Civil War.
Табаддулоти Тоҷикистон: Иборат аз се китоб
A Coup in Tajikistan (3 vols.)
From the publisher: Китоби Табаддулоти Тоҷикистон бозгуйи бисёр талхи қисматсӯзи давлату миллати тоҷикон аст, ки аз назари собиқ Раиси Шурои Олӣ ба риштаи тасвир расида.
Safarali Kenjaev (1942-1999) was a Soviet-era lawyer and prosecutor who rose to prominence in 1990-1991 as a critical voice in the Tajik Supreme Soviet and later as Chairman of the Supreme Soviet in 1991-1992. During the Tajik Civil War, Kenjaev became a leader of the pro-government "People's Front" that retook Dushanbe from the opposition in October-December 1992. This is an expanded 3 volume edition of the memoirs of Safarali Kenjaev (1942-1995), a Soviet-era prosecutor who rose to prominence and the position of Chairman of the Tajik Supreme Soviet during the Soviet collapse. In 1992 he became one of the leaders of the pro-government "People's Front" during the Tajik Civil War. This expanded memoir is focused on the civil war, although it includes events preceding the war as well.
Safarali Kenjaev (1942-1999) was a Soviet-era lawyer and prosecutor who rose to prominence in 1990-1991 as a critical voice in the Tajik Supreme Soviet and later as Chairman of the Supreme Soviet in 1991-1992. During the Tajik Civil War, Kenjaev became a leader of the pro-government "People's Front" that retook Dushanbe from the opposition in October-December 1992. This is an expanded 3 volume edition of the memoirs of Safarali Kenjaev (1942-1995), a Soviet-era prosecutor who rose to prominence and the position of Chairman of the Tajik Supreme Soviet during the Soviet collapse. In 1992 he became one of the leaders of the pro-government "People's Front" during the Tajik Civil War. This expanded memoir is focused on the civil war, although it includes events preceding the war as well.
Субҳи ситоракуш The Dawn That Puts Out the Stars
From the publisher: Хулоса, таҳлил ва натиҷабардориҳои муаллиф аз воқеъаҳои охири Тоҷикистон. Ин китоб барои оммаи васеъи хонандагон, хусусан сиёсат-мадорон, таърихнависон ва барои онҳое, ки дар роҳи маърифати худшиносии милиӣ мекушанд, навишта шудааст.
Asliddin Sohibnazar (1939 - ?) was a Soviet-era economist who worked in the Tajik SSR's planning agencies. During perestroika he became an opposition politician, and in 1991 was Davlat Khudonazarov's vice-presidential candidate. This memoir describes the last years of the USSR and Sohibnazar's time in politics, as well asides that extend forward and backwards in time.
Соли Набиев The Year of Nabiev
Ibrahim Usmonov (1948-) is a professional journalist and professor of journalism; in 1991 he became one of Rahmon Nabiev's close advisors. His memoir is dedicated to the approximately one year of Nabiev's presidency, from November 1991 to November 1992.
Роҳи беҳбуд The path of improvement
From the publisher: «Рохи бехбуд» манмӯаи хотирот ва маколоти ҷомеашинос, иқтисоддон ва олими шинохтаи тоник - профессор Карим Абдулов мебошад.
Karim Abdulov (1939-2010) was a Komsomol and Tajik Communist Party functionary in the 1970s and 1980s. As a protege of Rahmon Nabiev, he was forced out of the Tajik Party apparatus in 1988, whereupon he took up an academic career. His memoir covers his years in the Tajik Communist Party leadership, as well as the events of perestroika.
Река времени: от Сталина до Горбачева The River of Time: From Stalin to Gorbachev
Nuriddin Mukhitdinov (1917-2008) was an Uzbek Soviet party official and later ambassador to Syria. A veteran of the great patriotic war, he became first secertary of the Communist Party of Uzbekistan under Khrushchev before becoming the first Central Asian to member of the Presidium (Politburo) of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. This volume of Mukhitdinov's memoirs provides much more information about his time as ambassador to Syria as well as his relationship with Sharof Rashidov, Frol Kozlov, Aleksei Kosygin, and others.
The Dam
From the publisher: На протижении почти тридцати лет, от начала стройки до пуска первых электроблоков Нурекской ГЭС, одной из крупнейших электростанций на юге страны, работал автор этой книги – П.И. Горбачев, вначале секретарем парткома на строительстве ГЭС, а затем первым секретарем Нурекского горкома партии. В своей книги он рассказывает об основных этапах становления многонационального коллектива Всесоюзной ударной комсомольской стройки, делится накопленным опытом партийной работы, повествует о людях, нравственно выросших в атмосфере созидательного труда. Книга рассчитана на массового читателя.
Pavel Gorbachev was a party official who spent most of his career working on the Nurek Dam in Tajikistan, first as secretary of the party committee and eventually as the first secretary for the city of Nurek. He played an important role coordinating the construction of the dam, the development of Nurek as a city, and relations with the surrounding villages. The memoir covers issues such as city-village relations, mobilization of labor, and the role of party activists on construction site.
Переворот в Таджикистане
A Coup in Tajikistan
From the publisher: Автором книги «Переворот в Таджикистане» является бывший председатель Верховного Совета Республики Таджикистан Сафарали Кенджаев. В ней освещается одна из трагических страниц — трагедия, пережитая таджикским народом в результате гражданской войны. Автор стремится раскрыть причины и последствия происшедших событии, показывает истинных виновников этой трагедии таджикского народа — исламских экстремистов, религиозных фанатиков и людей, поверивших их пропаганде. Книга рассчитана на широкий круг читателей.
Safarali Kenjaev (1942-1999) was a Soviet-era lawyer and prosecutor who rose to prominence in 1990-1991 as a critical voice in the Tajik Supreme Soviet and later as Chairman of the Supreme Soviet in 1991-1992. During the Tajik Civil War, Kenjaev became a leader of the pro-government "People's Front" that retook Dushanbe from the opposition in October-December 1992. This memoir is focused on the period of the civil war and the year that preceeded it, with some attention given to earlier events.
Пантуркизм ва сарнавишти таръихии Тоҷикистон
Panturkism and the Rewriting of Tajik History
From the publisher: Китоби нави олими маъруф, академик Муҳаммадҷони Шакурии Бухороӣ «Пантуркизм ва сарнавишти таърихии тоҷикон» рисолаи «Фитнаи инқилоб дар Бухоро» ва силсиланигоштаҳои солҳои гуногуни муаллифро дар бар мегирад, ки посухест ба даъвоҳои бузургманишии олимону адибон, сиёсатмадорону фарҳангиёни туркгаро ва таҳрифгарони забону адабиёт ва таърихи фарҳанги тољик дар давраҳои гуногуни замони шуравӣ.
Muhammadjon Shakuri (Shakurov) (1924-2012) was a Tajik philologist and academician. He studied at the pedagogical institute in Dushanbe and later earned his kandidatskaia and doktorskaia degrees at the Institute of World Literature in Moscow. His professional home, however, remained the Rudaki Institute of Language and Literature in Dushanbe. In the late 1980s he became a leading figure in the campaign for the primacy of the Tajik language. This memoir revisits episodes from the late Soviet period related to perestroika and the reconsideration of the Soviet past, including the status of Samarqand and Bukhara. It also reproduces contemporary documents.
О прошлом с гордостью, о будущем с оптимизмом With pride about the past and optimism about the future.
Rashid Karimov (1932-) is a Tajik economist who spent 30 years as the head of the Institute of Economics of the Tajik SSR Academy of Sciences in Dushanbe. He played a leading role in the key economic debates of that period, as well as in organizing the research behind policy proposals adopted at the state level. This memoir covers his childhood outside of Leninobod (Khujand), his education in the post-war years, eventual graduate work in Moscow, and time in the institute. It also recounts stories about his family, including his sister I. R. Rakhimova, a leading party official.
Номзад ба раиси ҷумҳури Тоҷикистон Candidate for the leader of the Republic of Tajikistan
Rahmon Nabiev (1930-1993) was a Tajik governemnt official and political. This is a campaign brochure produced by the supporters of Rahmon Nabiev as part of his campaign for President of the Republic of Tajikistan in November 1991. It includes a brief biographical sketch, as well as a description of Nabiev's policies.
На дипломатической службе On Diplomatic Service
From the publisher: Эта книга - воспоминания бывшего партийного и госсударственного деятеля Мирзо Рахматова, является продолжением вышедшей в издательстве «Ирфон» в 1988 г. его книги «По страницам памяти». В предлагаемом читателям издании автор рассказывает о своей работе послом СССР в Йеменской Арабской Республике и Мавритании.
Mirzo Rakhmatov (1914-1998) was a Tajik party and state official. As chairman of the republic's Supreme Soviet, he was the formal head of state for the republic in the 1950s. He later served as ambassador to Yemen and Mauritania. This memoir covers his diplomatic service, including the civil war in Yemen. This is the second volume of a two part memoir, the first of which covers his early career in the party.
Миёни обу оташ Between Water and Fire
From the publisher: Ин китоб хотироти муҷаз ва мухтасари Қозидомулло‐Ҳоҷӣ Акбари Тураҷонзода фақат аз боби воқеаҳои асосии пойиз (тирамоҳ)‐и соли 1991 ва баҳори соли 1992 то таъсиси Ҳукумати Муросои Миллӣ дар Тоҷикистон мебошад. Муаллиф бо самимият ва ошкоро аз ҳаводиси шуми он солҳо ва чеҳраҳои ҳақиқии коргардонҳои аслии гирдиҳамоиҳои Майдонҳои Шаҳидон ва Озодӣ парда бармедорад.
Hoji Akbar Turajonzoda (1954- ) was the influential "Qazi Kalon" or Chief Mufti of the Tajik SSR during perestroika. In 1991 and 1992 he sided with the opposition forces challenging Rahmon Nabiev's government; this short memoir covers the period of time between fall 1991 and the spring of 1992.
Маткаби ман My School
From the publisher: Дар китоб мақола, очерк ва дигар эҷодҳои солҳои гуногуни муаллиф ҷамьоварӣ шудаанд. Асарҳои саргузашт ва мутоибоз бори аввал чоп мешаванд.
Munzifa Gafforova (1924-2013) was a philosopher and educator who served as rector of the Pedagogical Institute in Dushanbe from 1977-1988. Gafforova studied chemistry at the Kirov Pedagogical Institute in Leninabad, and by 18 was already working as an instructor there. She became a Komsomol activist, and by 1947, at the age of 23, was named head of women’s section of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Tajikistan. Later she completed two graduate degrees, becoming a Doctor of Sciences in Philosophy. This volume includes her recollections of study, graduate work in Moscow, her reflections on gender (in)equality in the Soviet period and after, and her experience as rector.
Курбонии дузахма
Victim of the Double Blow
From the publisher: Бӯрӣ Каримови на факат дар Точикистон, балки дар собиқ Иттиҳоди Шӯравй машҳур дар ин китоб дойр ба сабабу окибатқои ҳодисаҳои баҳманмоқ, дасисабозию нотавонбинии баъзе аз хукуматдорон, чй туна сурат гирифтанн се пленуми хизби коммунист дар он рӯзҳо бо дарду алам ва дар айни замон бо мухокимаронии мантикан солим кисса пардохтааст. Балки ин китоб сарнавишти пурмочарои худи ӯ ва халқи ӯст.
Buri Karimov (1958-) was a government minister in the Tajik SSR in the mid to late 1980s, reaching the post of Chairman of the State Planning Committee (Gosplan Tajik SSR) by 1989. Famous for becoming the youngest minister in the USSR at age 28 in 1987, Buri Karimov was an ambitious and charismatic late Soviet Tajik politician. He reached the post of republican Gosplan chairman in 1989, but fell out of favor and lost his Party and government positions in 1990 as a result of the February 1990 riots in Dushanbe. This memoir partly describes his political career before and after 1990, but is largely focused on the riots themselves.
Кровавый февраль
Bloody February
From the publisher: В этой книге речь пойдет о причинах и последствиях кровавых событий февраля 1990 года в Душанбе, о трех пленумах ЦК Компартии Таджикистана, которые прошли один за другим и не ответили на вопросы народа, и о том, как тяжело расставался с властью триумвират таджикских руководителей и как подстрелили они на взлете одного молодого и перспективного члена правительства. Автор попытался максимально достоверно исследовать причины, приведшие к чудовищной народной трагедии, и понять, почему все-таки случилось так, что ее кровавые плоды не стали уроком для будущего. Книга приурочена к 25-летию трагических событий и посвящена невинно погибшим в этой необъявленной войне с собственным населением.
Buri Karimov (1958-) was a government minister in the Tajik SSR in the mid to late 1980s, reaching the post of Chairman of the State Planning Committee (Gosplan Tajik SSR) by 1989. Famous for becoming the youngest minister in the USSR at age 28 in 1987, Buri Karimov was an ambitious and charismatic late Soviet Tajik politician. He reached the post of republican Gosplan chairman in 1989, but fell out of favor and lost his Party and government positions in 1990 as a result of the February 1990 riots in Dushanbe. He became famous for his involvement in the "February riots," which almost toppled the leadership of the republic. This memoir is exclusively focused on those events and provides extensive detail on Karimov's side of the story.
Джалол Икрами: Неизвестные страницы Jalol Ikrami: Unknown Pages
Jonon Ikrami (1936-) is a chemist and the son of writer Jalol Ikromi. In these memoirs he recounts episodes from the life of his father, the Tajik author Jalol Ikrami. The memoirs cover the authors’ childhood, the 1937 purges, and Jalol Ikrami’s relationship with other Soviet and Central Asian political and literary figures like Sharaf Rashidov, Habibullo Nazarov, Mukhtar Auezov, Mikhail Zand, and Marietta Shaginyan. The memoirs complement Jalol Ikrami’s own memoirs.
Ҳамтабаки Шодмон Юсупов ва Хулькар Юсупов ПӮКИД.
The Union of Shodmon Yusuf and Khulkar Yusupov has come Undone
From the publisher: Ҳеҷ гоҳ бо чунин дилгарми дар навиштани посухе capгарм нашуда будам, чуноне ки дар як моҳи пас аз Наврӯзи соли 2011. Зеро ҳамин даҳ-понздаҳ соли ахир чандин китоб ва садҳо мақола дар мукобили андеша ва шахсияти Мирбобои Мирраҳим (Мирраҳимов) ба нашр расида, ки аксари онҳо қобили накд ва посух нестанд, аммо дурӯғпароканӣ ва тӯҳматномаи С. Мирзорахматов аз ҷинси дигар аст. Дар мавриди навиштаҳои С. Мирзорахматов метавон танҳо бо ибораи хеле зебои Ибни Ҳуққал (Ҳавқал) ифодаи матлаб кард, ки барҳақ дар сурату сирати ин қабил бузургворон мефармояд: «ишон пойбанд ба фазоили ахлоқӣ нестанд ва дар касби разоил бисёр ҳарисанд». Ба ҳар ҳол дурӯғпароканиҳои ҷаноби С. Мирзорахматов, боне шуд, ки дар посухҳо бо бурҳони қотеъ парда аз чеҳраи ҳақиқии он кас бардошта, шахсияти яке аз коргардонони асосии фоҷиаҳои хунини моҳи феврали соли 1990 барои касби мақоми аввал дар Тоҷикистонро дақиқ нишон дода, бисёр дигар иттилоот ва далелҳо дар боби таърихи худшиносии миллии тоҷикон ва умуман таърихи навин мисол оварда шавад, ки то ба ҳол аксарият аз онҳо огоҳ набуданд ва ё бархе аз таре ва барқасд аз онҳо иҷтиноб меварзиданд...
Mirboboi Mirrahim (Mirbobo MIrrahimov) is a translator and expert in pre-Islamic religions. During perestroika, he became famous for his writings on the Tajik language and was one of the first writers to publicly discuss the status of Samarqand and Bukhara. He also became one of the cofounders of Rastokhez, Tajikistan's first independent political and writer; during perestroika he was one of the founders of Rastokhez, Tajikistan's first independent political organization. He later was involved in the brief opposition-led government that controlled Dushanbe between May and November 1992. This work comprises a combination of memoir-like sketches of the late 1980s and early 1990s, as well as polemics directed at those rival politicians and authors that Mirrahim believes to have misrepresented fact in their own published works.
Mirboboi Mirrahim (Mirbobo MIrrahimov) is a translator and expert in pre-Islamic religions. During perestroika, he became famous for his writings on the Tajik language and was one of the first writers to publicly discuss the status of Samarqand and Bukhara. He also became one of the cofounders of Rastokhez, Tajikistan's first independent political and writer; during perestroika he was one of the founders of Rastokhez, Tajikistan's first independent political organization. He later was involved in the brief opposition-led government that controlled Dushanbe between May and November 1992. This work comprises a combination of memoir-like sketches of the late 1980s and early 1990s, as well as polemics directed at those rival politicians and authors that Mirrahim believes to have misrepresented fact in their own published works.
Годы проведенные в Кремле Years in the Kremlin
Nuritdin Mukhitdinov (1917-2008) was the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Uzbek SSR, First Secretary of the Uzbek Communist Party, and then member of the CPSU Politburo in the early 1960s. He later served as Soviet ambassador to a number of countries. This memoir covers his work in various Moscow-based positions, including in the Politburo.
Достони зиндагӣ (қ 3.) Stories of life (volume 3)
From the publisher: Дар ҷилди сеюм «Достони зиндагӣ» хотираҳои давраи донишгоҳи муаллиф бо сабки равону дилчасп қаламдод шудаанд. Дар ин китоб хонанда бо воқеаҳои сиёсивӯ фарҳангӣ ва иҷтимоии даҳ соли охири асри XX ва як қатор чеҳраҳои хотирмони ин солҳои пурошӯб ошно мегардад.
H. Asozoda (1941-2014) was a prominent literary historian and educator who served two tours as an interpreter in Afghanistan. This is the third volume of H. Asozoda's three volume memoir. It covers the post-Soviet period and the civil war.
Достони зиндагӣ ( қ 2.) Stories of life (volume 2)
From the publisher: Китоби мазкур аз боба фаъолияти илмиву омӯзгории адабиётшинос профессор Х. Асозода солҳои 1974-1990 дар Донишгоҳи давлатии Тоҷикистон нақл намуда, доир ба ҳаёти илмиву фарҳангй ва адабии зшон маводи зиёди арзишмандеро дар бар мегирад. Китоб барои доираи васеи хонандагон, олимон, омӯзгорон, томбилмон ва ихлосмондани илму адаб пешниҳод мегардад.
H. Asozoda (1941-2014) was a prominent literary historian and educator who served two tours as an interpreter in Afghanistan. This is the second volume of H. Asozoda's three volume memoir. It covers the perios 1974-1990, when he worked at the State University in Dushanbe. Note that his service in Afghanistan is covered in two separate volumes available here.
Достони зиндагӣ (қ. 1) Stories of life
From the publisher: Доктори илмиу филология профессор X. Асозода дар ҷилди якуми китоби хотироти худ ҳаёти тифливу наврасӣ, солҳои донишчуи аввалин қадамҳои дар ҷодаи илму маориф гузоштаи хешро бо забони шево ба риштаи тасвир кашидааст. Мутолиаи китоб барои доираи восеи хонандогон алалхусус барои онҳое ки омузиши ҳаёт ва эҷодиёт чеҳраҳои шинохтаи фарҳангиро пешаи худ қарор доданд, судманд хоҳад буд.
H. Asozoda (1941-2014) was a prominent literary historian and educator who served two tours as an interpreter in Afghanistan. This is the first volume of H. Asozoda's three volume memoirs. It covers his childhood, schooling in Kulob, studies in Dushanbe, and his graduate work. It is particularly useful for its description of university life in the 1960s, and the perspective it offers on the contrast between life in more provincial cities and in the capital.
H. Asozoda (1941-2014) was a prominent literary historian and educator who served two tours as an interpreter in Afghanistan. This is the first volume of H. Asozoda's three volume memoirs. It covers his childhood, schooling in Kulob, studies in Dushanbe, and his graduate work. It is particularly useful for its description of university life in the 1960s, and the perspective it offers on the contrast between life in more provincial cities and in the capital.
Дорогу осилит идущий The traveler will conquer the road.
From the publisher: Предлагаемая вниманию читателя книга по-своему уникальна. Ее автор - академик, профессор, Заслуженный работник Таджикистана Н.Х.Якубов более 16 лет являлся ректором Таджикского политехнического институт (ныне Таджикский технический университет). За эти годы им накоплен богатейший опыт педагогической научной, организационной работы. Под его непосредственным руководством в стенах этоге престижного вуза страны подготовлено немало талантливых специалистов. О них, о своих наставниках и о себе рассказывает Наим Холович в данной книге. Он - плод многолетних наблюдений и размышлений авторе о воспитании, преемственности поколений, о науке, призвании, верности избранной профессии и о миогол другом.
Naim Iakubov (1934-) is a Tajik architect and urban planner who was or many years the rector of the Polytechnic Institute in Dushanbe. This memoir covers his childhood and education in Stalinabad/Dushanbe in the 1940s, high education in Moscow during the 1950s, and his work at the polytechnic institute in the decades that followed. The memoir also discusses his family at some lengths, as well as the careers of his students and colleagues.
Naim Iakubov (1934-) is a Tajik architect and urban planner who was or many years the rector of the Polytechnic Institute in Dushanbe. This memoir covers his childhood and education in Stalinabad/Dushanbe in the 1940s, high education in Moscow during the 1950s, and his work at the polytechnic institute in the decades that followed. The memoir also discusses his family at some lengths, as well as the careers of his students and colleagues.
Демонтаж СССР The Demolition of the USSR
From the publisher: Эта книга о пережитом, о социальной драме, разыгравшейся 20 лет тому назад в Таджикистане, о природе так называемого таджикского ГКЧП, ставшего причиной неистовой антикоммунистической истерии демократов и исламских фундаменталистов, представляющих уникальный симбиоз новой объединённой оппозиции. Эта монография - размышления о трагической судьбе великой державы, неразрывной частью был Таджикистан, переставший существовать в силу двурушничества, предательства, измены, деструктивной деятельности части национальной интеллигенции.
Shukur Sultanov (1932- ) is a historian, and former deputy director of the Institute of Party History of the Communist Party of Tajikistan. In the late 1980s, he was also Minister of Higher Education of the Tajik SSR. This work is a mix of memoir and historical discourse, covering the 1980s and the collapse of the USSR.
Ёди Ёри Меҳрубон
(Ёдномае аз устоди шаҳир Абдуқодир Маниёзов)
Memory of a beloved friend (recollections about the great teacher Abduqodir Maniyozov)
From the publisher: Калами донишмандону фархехтагони тоҷик тааллук дорад ва онхо ба шинохам яке аз чехраҳои азиз ва мӯьтабари Тоҷикистон, фарзанди хирадманд, устоди донишманду ровии нотакрор, узви вобастаи Академиям илмхои Ҷумҳури Тоҷикистон, узви пайвасгаи Фарҳангистони забои ва адаби форсим Ҷумхурии Исломии Эрон, сарвари фахрии Пажӯҳишюхи забои ва адабиёги баноми Рӯдакии Академиям илмхои Ҷумхурии Тоҷикистон, раиси Кумитан иҷроияи «Пайванд» Абдукодир Маниёзов бахшида шудаанд. Муаллифон зимни хотирот ва аидепгарони аз бехтарин сифатҳои инсонй ва халокияг, озодкорй ва озодандешии ин озодмарди ҷомеа, чехраи инсонй ва шарофати азалии устоди зиндаёд. кобилияти ташкилогчигии илмй ва хислатҳои огмфаи рохбарй ва шеьршиносиву сухандонии ровии забони тоҷикӣ ёд овардаанд. Ҳамчунин дар китоб аз хотироту ёддошт, таълифот ва тарҷумаи бадей, ки аз шуглхои пайвасгаи устод Абдукодир Маниёзов буданд, ба хонандаи азиз як-ду намуна пешкаш мешавад. «Ёди ёри мехрубои» бо ташаббус ва сарпарастии Сафорати Ҷумҳурии Исломии Эрон дар Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикисгон, шахсан бо дасттирии Сафири Кабири Ҷумхурии Исломии Эрон дар Ҷумхурии Тоҷикистон, ҷаноби окои доктор Алиасгар Амири Шсърдӯст ба нашр расидааст.
Abduqodir Maniyozov (1930-2008) was a Tajik philologist. Maniyozov was among the first graduates of the State University in Stalinabad (Dushanbe); from 1972-2000 he was the Director of the Rudaki Institue of Language and Literature. Maniyozov was also the deputy editor of the Tajik Soviet Encyclopedia. This volume collects reminiscences from colleagues and writers, including Ali Bobojon, Horsheda Otahonova, and Ibrohim Usmonov. It also includes short sketches from Maniezov’s unfinished memoirs, covering his childhood during the Great Patriotic War.
Ёддоштҳо, феҳристи осор, ва андешаҳо Memories, Events, and Signs of the Times
Shukur Sultanov (1932-) is a historian, and former deputy director of the Institute of Party History of the Communist Party of Tajikistan. In the late 1980s, he was also Minister of Higher Education of the Tajik SSR. This mixed Tajik/Russian language memoir includes his own recollections and those about him.
Жизнь в искусстве A Life in Art
Ashur Haydarov (1916-1988) was a Tajik artist. Born in Samarqand, he studied with Pavel Benkov, then went to work at the newspaper Lenin Yuli, where one of his colleagues was future First Secretary of Uzbekistan Sharof Rashidov. After the outbreak of war in 1941, Haydarov volunteered for service and was comissioned as a Second Liutenant. He was taken prisoner but escaped and joined partisan forces, eventually joining an NKVD detachment. After the war in 1949 Haydarov was arrested for supposed collaboration and imprisoned until 1955. He subsequently made a succesful aristic career but was not formally rehabilitated until 1989. The volume includes his (unfinished) memoirs, focusing on his youth, wartime service, and imprisonment, as well as articles from colleagues and friends.