Browse Documents (8724 total)
حکایتها آکنده از حیات Stories full of life
Muhammadjon Shakuri (Shakurov) (1924-2012) was a Tajik philologist and academician. He studied at the pedagogical institute in Dushanbe and later earned his kandidatskaia and doktorskaia degrees at the Institute of World Literature in Moscow. His professional home, however, remained the Rudaki Institute of Language and Literature in Dushanbe. In the late 1980s he became a leading figure in the campaign for the primacy of the Tajik language. This volume, published in the Arabic/Persian script with the support of the Iranian Embassy in Dushanbe, includes accounts of raising Tajik-speaking children in a mixed family (his wife was Russian), his experience studying for a graduate degree, and his perestroika-era activism.
Ясли, детские сады, общественные столовые раскрепостят женщину Nursery schools, kindergartens and public canteens will emancipate women
Unknown artist
Russian text
Kazan. State Publishing House. 1921 Paper, printing. 31×38 cm
Print run: 2000 copies
Russian text
Kazan. State Publishing House. 1921 Paper, printing. 31×38 cm
Print run: 2000 copies
Юный пролетарий! Что ты сделал для голодающих братьев Поволжья? Young proletarian! What did you do for starving brothers in the Volga Region?
By S. Zab
Russian text
Kazan. Published by the Youth Section
of the Tatar State Publishing House. 1921
Print run: 5000 copies
Paper, printing. 54×35.8 cm
Russian text
Kazan. Published by the Youth Section
of the Tatar State Publishing House. 1921
Print run: 5000 copies
Paper, printing. 54×35.8 cm
Эскиз плаката «Четвертое условие т. Сталина» Poster sketch “Stalin’s Fourth Condition”
By V. Ufimtsev
Paper, lead pencil, Indian ink, gouache 37×24.5 cm
Paper, lead pencil, Indian ink, gouache 37×24.5 cm
Экстренное отношение начальника Изысканий по устройству водохранилищ в верховьях р. Сырдарьи И.Г. Александрова туркестанскому генерал-губернатору Ф.В. Мартсону о назначении воинских команд для охраны технического персонала и казенного имущества гидрометрических станций в Пишпекском и Наманганском уездах. Urgent official letter from I. G. Aleksandrov, director of Surveying for the Construction of Reservoirs in the Upper Reaches of the Syr Darya, to F. V. Martson, governor-general of Turkestan, on the appointment of military squads to protect technical personnel and the state property of hydrometric stations in Pishpek and Namangan uezds.
Экономический обзор Комиссии по административно-экономическому районированию Крыма при ЦИК Крымской АССР
Штатные ведомости САДУМ
Штат магометанских мулл и их оклады по военным округам Mohammedan clergy positions and their salaries by military districts
Шифртелегрмма Сталина в Кзыл-Орду о Букейханове Coded cable from Stalin to Kzyl-Orda about Bukeikhanov
Шифртелеграмма Сталина в Ташкент по вопросу ареста басмачей Encoded telegram from Stalin to the Central Asian Bureau in Tashkent about the arrest of Basmachi
Шифртелеграмма Сталина в Ташкент об освобождении басмачей Encoded telegram from Stalin to the Central Asian Bureau in Tashkent concerning releasing the Basmachi
Шифртелеграмма Молотова в Ташкент о ликвидации басмачества Coded telegram from Molotov to Tashkent on the liquidation of the basmachi movement
Шифротелеграмма Сталина И.В. ЦК КП(б) Узбекистана о председателе СНК. Coded telegram from I.V. Stalin to CC CP(b) Uzbekistan
Шифротелеграмма Сталина И.В. Ашурову в Сталинабад о председателе ЦИКа. Coded telegram from I.V. Stalin to Ashurov about CEC chairman
Шифротелеграмма Сталина И.В. Андрееву А.А. в Ташкент в связи с его шифровкой о Сегизбаеве. Coded telegram from I.V. Stalin to A.A. Andreev in connection with his telegram about Segizbaev
Шифротелеграмма Сталина И.В. Амосову во Фрунзе с текстом постановления ЦК о заявлении Амосова.
Шифротелеграмма Сталина И. В. и Молотова В. М. в Токио полпреду Славуцкому Coded telegram from I.V. Stalin and V.M. Molotov to plenipotentiary Slavutsky in Tokyo
Шифротелеграмма Сталина И. В. в Ташкент Средазбюро Encoded telegram from Stalin to the Central Asian Bureau in Tashkent
Шифротелеграмма Сталина И. В. в Ташкент Орджоникидзе Г. К. о выполнении директив ПБ в отношении Туркестана Encoded telegram from Stalin to Ordzhonikidze in Tashkent on following the PB directives about Turkestan
Шифротелеграмма Сталина И. В. Ашурову об исключении Шотемора как ПредЦИКа Таджикистана Coded telegram from I.V. Stalin to Ashurov on expelling Shotemor as Tadzhikistan Central Executive Committee chairman
Шифротелеграмма Сталина Гусеву и Ходжанову в Ташкент о прекращении выселений из Семиречья Encoded telegram from Stalin to Gusev and Khodzhanov in Tashkent about stopping evictions in Semirechie
Шифротелеграмма Ленину от Предсовобороны о возможных вариантах поведения в отношении Бухары
Шестая лотерея ОСОАВИАХИМа Sixth lottery of the Defense, Aviation and Chemical Industry Support Society
Unknown artist
Uzbek language (Latin script)
Unknown artist
Publisher and print run details: N/A. 1930s Paper, printing. 74×52.5 cm
Uzbek language (Latin script)
Unknown artist
Publisher and print run details: N/A. 1930s Paper, printing. 74×52.5 cm
Шепилов, Слепов и Суханов о проведении праздника "Каун-Саиль" в Узбекистане Shepilov, Slepos and Sukhanov to Malenkov on the Kaun-sail holiday in Uzbekistan
Шепилов Секретарю ЦК ВКП(б) Суслову о работе СДРК
Шелковый ковер Ленин Silk carpet Lenin
By М. Remiz
Text in the languages of peoples of the world Moscow–Tashkent. ‘Pravda Vostoka’ print shop 1933
Print run: 50150 copies
Paper, printing. 51.4×36.4 cm
Text in the languages of peoples of the world Moscow–Tashkent. ‘Pravda Vostoka’ print shop 1933
Print run: 50150 copies
Paper, printing. 51.4×36.4 cm
Шахматы и шашки – в массы! Bring chess and checkers to the masses!
By A. Petrosov
Russian and Uzbek text (Latin script) Tashkent. UzSSR AUCPE Publishing House ‘Pravda Vostoka’ print shop. 1934
Print run: 3000 copies
Paper, printing. 87.2×72 cm
Russian and Uzbek text (Latin script) Tashkent. UzSSR AUCPE Publishing House ‘Pravda Vostoka’ print shop. 1934
Print run: 3000 copies
Paper, printing. 87.2×72 cm
Что делает Советская власть для развития хлопководства What the Soviet government is doing to develop cotton-growing
Unknown artist
Kazakh text (Arabic script)
Tashkent. Print shop No.1 of the Uzbek State Publishing House. 1930s
Print run: 530 copies
Paper, printing. 71×106.4 cm
Kazakh text (Arabic script)
Tashkent. Print shop No.1 of the Uzbek State Publishing House. 1930s
Print run: 530 copies
Paper, printing. 71×106.4 cm
Члены САДУМ Уполномоченному СДРК по Узбекской ССР в связи с открытием духовного училища
Члены САДУМ Мухаммадиев и Шарипов Ишану Бабахану о результатах встречи с Уполномоченным Совета Комековым
Член СДРК Тагиев в ответ на информационный отчет и.о. Уполномоченного СДРК по Туркменской ССР Атабаеву
Член СДРК Приходько Уполномоченному Совета по Узбекской ССР Искандерову о посещении САДУМ послом США в Москве Болленом
Чистота – залог здоровья ребенка Cleanliness means a healthy child
Unknown artist
Russian and Tatar text (Arabic script)
Kazan. Published by the Tatar People’s Committee for Healthcare and the Tatar Region Red Cross Committee. Tatpoligraph, Proletarskoye Slovo print shop. 1927
Print run: 3000 copies
Paper, printing 36.5×53.4 cm
Russian and Tatar text (Arabic script)
Kazan. Published by the Tatar People’s Committee for Healthcare and the Tatar Region Red Cross Committee. Tatpoligraph, Proletarskoye Slovo print shop. 1927
Print run: 3000 copies
Paper, printing 36.5×53.4 cm
Чеҳраҳои шинохта Familiar Faces
From the publisher: Дар ин китоб паҳлуҳои гуногуни эҷодиёти чанд тан аз адибони барҷастаи муосири тоҷик, аз ҷумла Зуфархон Ҷавҳари, Садриддин Айнӣ, Абулқосим Лоҳутӣ, Пайрав Сулаймонӣ, Мирзо Турсунзода, Раҳим Ҷалил, Мӯъмин Қаноат ва дигарон мавриди баррасӣ қарор гирифтааст.
Khursheda Otakhonova (1932-2016) was a Tajik literary historian, known in particular for her work on Abdulqassim Lahuti and Sadriddin Ayni. This volume collects a number of articles by Khursheda Otakhonova on Tajik writers like Sadriddin Ayni, A. Lahuti, Mirzo Tursunzoda, Sotim Ulughzoda, and others. The second half of volume includes her personal recollections about Mohammed Osimi, Tursunzoda, Abdullojon Gafforov, Habibullohon Saidmurodov, and Suhayli Javharizoda.
Черные тучи капитала, окутывающие фабрики, заводы и поля, рассеиваются пред ярким солнцем социализма The black clouds of capital blanketing factories, plants and fields are dispersed by the bright sun of socialism
Unknown artist
Russian text
Kazan. Published by the Province Printing Office 1919
Print run unknown
Russian text
Kazan. Published by the Province Printing Office 1919
Print run unknown
Черновик письма Уфимского Губернатора о политической благонадежности кандидата на должность военного муллы Мухамедмагсума Мусина Draft of the letter of the Ufa Governor on political loyalty of Muhamedmagsum Musin, candidate for the military mullah position
Через Советы нанесем решительный удар бытовому рабству труженицы Востока Through Soviets we’ll strike decisively at the household slavery of Eastern female toilers
Unknown artist
Russian and Kyrgyz text (Arabic script) Frunze. Kyrgyz State Publishing House. 1920s Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 108×72 cm
Russian and Kyrgyz text (Arabic script) Frunze. Kyrgyz State Publishing House. 1920s Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 108×72 cm
Циркулярное предписание Закавказского шейх уль-ислама, разосланное во все меджлисы в уездных городах Закавказского края, 28 сентября 1863 года за №184 Circular directive from the Transcaucasian Sheikh ul-Islam, distributed to all majlises in the uezd towns of Transcaucasian Krai, No. 184 of 28 September 1863
Составлено закавказским шайх ал-исламом ахундом Ахмедом Гусейн-заде
Циркулярное письмо по восточному вопросу. (Газета "Известия" Оргбюро Киргизского края № 1) Circular directive regarding the Eastern question
Циркулярное письмо Верховного суда СССР о практике борьбы судов с преступлениями против раскрепощения женщин-националок
Циркулярное письмо №6 Петерса Восточным органам ГПУ по вопросам национальной политики
О великорусском и туземном шовинизме
Циркулярное письмо № 6 начальника Восточного отдела ГПУ Я.Х. Петерса восточным отделам ГПУ по вопросам национальной политики
Циркуляр Центрального административного управления Крымской АССР о порядке преподавания ислама
Циркуляр Средазбюро по раскрепощению женщин
Циркуляр председателя Крымского ЦИКа В. Ибраимова председателям райисполкомов по вопросу о преподавании религии
Циркуляр ОГПУ по вопросу о преподавании вероучения в мусульманских школах OGPU Circular directive regarding the question of teaching religious doctrine in Muslim schools
Циркуляр об установлении дня освобождения киргизской женщины Circular-directive on establishing a celebration of the day of liberation of Kirgiz women
Циркуляр Наркомнаца «О преподавании мусульманского вероучения». Октябрь 1922 г. Circular letter from the People’s Commissariat of Nationalities on Teaching of the Muslim Creed, [October 1922]
Циркуляр для Туркреспублики о борьбе с калымом Circular letter for the Turkrepublic on cancelling kalym
Циркуляр Главного штаба, приказ №187 Circular letter of the General Staff, Order No. 187
Календарь неправославных праздников на 1917 год
Calendar of non-Orthodox holidays for 1917
Ҳамтабаки Шодмон Юсупов ва Хулькар Юсупов ПӮКИД.
The Union of Shodmon Yusuf and Khulkar Yusupov has come Undone
From the publisher: Ҳеҷ гоҳ бо чунин дилгарми дар навиштани посухе capгарм нашуда будам, чуноне ки дар як моҳи пас аз Наврӯзи соли 2011. Зеро ҳамин даҳ-понздаҳ соли ахир чандин китоб ва садҳо мақола дар мукобили андеша ва шахсияти Мирбобои Мирраҳим (Мирраҳимов) ба нашр расида, ки аксари онҳо қобили накд ва посух нестанд, аммо дурӯғпароканӣ ва тӯҳматномаи С. Мирзорахматов аз ҷинси дигар аст. Дар мавриди навиштаҳои С. Мирзорахматов метавон танҳо бо ибораи хеле зебои Ибни Ҳуққал (Ҳавқал) ифодаи матлаб кард, ки барҳақ дар сурату сирати ин қабил бузургворон мефармояд: «ишон пойбанд ба фазоили ахлоқӣ нестанд ва дар касби разоил бисёр ҳарисанд». Ба ҳар ҳол дурӯғпароканиҳои ҷаноби С. Мирзорахматов, боне шуд, ки дар посухҳо бо бурҳони қотеъ парда аз чеҳраи ҳақиқии он кас бардошта, шахсияти яке аз коргардонони асосии фоҷиаҳои хунини моҳи феврали соли 1990 барои касби мақоми аввал дар Тоҷикистонро дақиқ нишон дода, бисёр дигар иттилоот ва далелҳо дар боби таърихи худшиносии миллии тоҷикон ва умуман таърихи навин мисол оварда шавад, ки то ба ҳол аксарият аз онҳо огоҳ набуданд ва ё бархе аз таре ва барқасд аз онҳо иҷтиноб меварзиданд...
Mirboboi Mirrahim (Mirbobo MIrrahimov) is a translator and expert in pre-Islamic religions. During perestroika, he became famous for his writings on the Tajik language and was one of the first writers to publicly discuss the status of Samarqand and Bukhara. He also became one of the cofounders of Rastokhez, Tajikistan's first independent political and writer; during perestroika he was one of the founders of Rastokhez, Tajikistan's first independent political organization. He later was involved in the brief opposition-led government that controlled Dushanbe between May and November 1992. This work comprises a combination of memoir-like sketches of the late 1980s and early 1990s, as well as polemics directed at those rival politicians and authors that Mirrahim believes to have misrepresented fact in their own published works.
Mirboboi Mirrahim (Mirbobo MIrrahimov) is a translator and expert in pre-Islamic religions. During perestroika, he became famous for his writings on the Tajik language and was one of the first writers to publicly discuss the status of Samarqand and Bukhara. He also became one of the cofounders of Rastokhez, Tajikistan's first independent political and writer; during perestroika he was one of the founders of Rastokhez, Tajikistan's first independent political organization. He later was involved in the brief opposition-led government that controlled Dushanbe between May and November 1992. This work comprises a combination of memoir-like sketches of the late 1980s and early 1990s, as well as polemics directed at those rival politicians and authors that Mirrahim believes to have misrepresented fact in their own published works.
Худое, худро бишиносам To know oneself and to know God
From the publisher: Олим ва нависандаи маъруф Расул Ҳодизода дар китоби хотироташ ҳамзамон бо тасвири марҳилаҳои зиндаги ва фаъолияти худ дар бораи воқеахри таърихии илму маданият ва симохри шинохтаи адабиёт, илм ва фарх,анги тоҷик хркоятхри ҷолиб аз диду дили худ нақл намудааст. Чунонки муаллиф гуфтааст, ин китоб "еде аз саҳифаҳои таърихи замой ва одамон аст", ки 6а хонандаи имруз тақдим мешавад.
Rasul Hodizoda (1928-2010) was a writer, translator, and scholar. Born in Samarkand, he studied in Tashkent, worked briefly in radio, and later did graduate work in Moscow. Hodizoda spent most of his career at the Rudaki Institute in Dushanbe, but was also active in the Union of Writers and published in all-union publications such as Druzhba Narodov. These particularly detailed memoirs cover his childhood, education, and career. Hodizoda also provides detail on his experiences writing a novel about Ahmad Donish and his relationship with mentors like Sadriddin Ayni, Mikhail Andreev, and Aleksandr Semenov, as well as contemporaries like Muhamadjon Shakurov (Shakuri), Shavqat Niezi, Semen Lipkin, and Mikhail Zand.
Ходатайство трудящихся 6 кишлаков Аимской волости Киргизской АССР И.В. Сталину о переходе в УзССР
Ходатайство председателя исполнительного комитета Временного правительства Шебалина министру-председателю князю Г.Е. Львову и военному министру А.И. Гучкову о возмещении убытков от мятежа «киргиз». Petition from Shebalin, chairman of the executive committee of the Provisional Government, to Prince G. Ye. Lvov, minister-chairman, and Minister of War A. I. Guchkov for compensation for losses from the “Kirgiz” revolt.
Ходатайство Департамента Духовных Дел о назначении исполняющего обязанности военного муллы Петроградского военного округа Petition from the Department of Spiritual Affairs on the appointment of the interim military mullah of the Petrograd military district
Прошение М. Тухватуллина о назначении его военным муллой Петроградского военного округа
M. Tukhvatullin's application for appointment as a military mullah of the Petrograd military district
Ходатайство Баязитова в Штаб Петроградского военного округа о назначении его военным муллой округа Bayazitov's petition to the headquarters of the Petrograd Military District to be appointed as a military mullah of the district
Ходатайство ахуна С. Баязитова в Департамент Духовных Дел о назначении его военным муллой Петроградского военного округа Petition of akhoondd S. Bayazitov to the Dept of the Spiritual Affairs to be appointed as a military mullah of the Petrograd military district
Хлебороб! В твоих руках жизнь рабочих, красноармейцев и детей, которые не должны голодать Grain grower! The life of workers, Red Army soldiers and children who must not starve is in your hands
Russian text
Unknown artist
Tashkent. Turkestan State Publishing House. 1920 Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 27×35.3 cm
Unknown artist
Tashkent. Turkestan State Publishing House. 1920 Print run unknown
Paper, printing. 27×35.3 cm
Характеристика уполномоченного Совета по делам религиозных культов по Северо-Казахстанской области КазССР В.П. Ляпунова
Характеристика выпускников медресе Мир-Араб, окончивших обучение в 1964 г. Июнь 1964 г. Characterization of graduates of the Mir-Arab madras who finished their education in 1964. June 1964.
Х лет борьбы бакинского пролетариата. 1917–1927 10 years of Baku proletarian struggle. 1917–1927
Russian and Azerbaijani text (Latin script) Baku. Baku Print House Trust. 1927
Print run: 1500 copies Paper, printing. 72×90 cm
Print run: 1500 copies Paper, printing. 72×90 cm
Формы для предоставления сведений о соблюдении верующими праздников Ураза-Байрам и Курбан-Байрам
Формулярный список о службе председателя Шиитского духовного правления, Закавказского шейх-уль-ислама Ахунда Ахмеда Гусейн-заде Service record of Transcaucasian Sheikh ul-Islam Ahund Ahmed Husein-zade, chairman of the Shia Religious Board
Форма клятвенного обещания на верность службе лиц нехристианского исповедания по своду военных постановлений Template of the oath of allegiance for persons of non-Christian confession per corpus of military regulations
Форма присяги на пяти языках с дублированием на русском языке и на родном языке с русской транскрипцией
Oath text in five languages with parallel Russian translation, and Russian transliteration
Форма заявления кандидата о согласии баллотироваться
Фетва Председателя ДУМ САК Ишана Бабахана, запрещающая выполнение некоторых практик, противоречащих шариату
Фабрично-заводская спартакиада способствует выполнению промфинплана The plant & factory Spartakiad [Olympic-like competition] promotes fulfillment of the industrial and financial plan
Russian and Uzbek text (Latin script)
Tashkent. ‘Pravda Vostoka’ print shop 1930s Print run: 100 copies
Paper, printing. 31×90 cm
Tashkent. ‘Pravda Vostoka’ print shop 1930s Print run: 100 copies
Paper, printing. 31×90 cm