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Проект о допущении мусульманских духовных школ Protocol No. 76 of a session of the Politburo CC RKP p. 11 on allowing the organization of Muslim religious schools

Date: 1924-03-6 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.3,d.424,l.5
Transcription Translation

Письмо Сталина Ишанходжаеву о борьбе в Туркестане Letter from I.V. Stalin to Ishan Khodzhaev, copy to Karklin and I. Vareikis on the struggle in Turkestan

Date: 1924-3-26 Source: RGASPI,f.558,op.1,d.3244,l.1-4
Transcription Translation

Письмо Сталина о борьбе в Туркестане Letter from I.V. Stalin to Karklin and I. Vareikis on the struggle in Turkestan

Date: 1924-3-26 Source: RGASPI,f.558,op.1,d.3245,l.1-3
Transcription Translation

Обращение к мусульманам Бухары, Туркестана, Кавказа командира армии ислама муллы Кахара To all Muslims of Bukhara, Turkestan, and the Caucasus by the Commander of the Army of Islam

Date: 1924-03-31 Source: RGASPI,f.62,op.2,d.95,l.75-76ob
Transcription Translation

Обращение Духовного управления к мусульманам Намангана в связи с религиозным праздником An appeal from the Nazarat-i-Diniyya [Spiritual Directorate] to all Muslims of the city of Namangan and its districts generally and to imams in particular

Date: 1924-04 Source: RGASPI,f.62,op.2,d.1145,l.12,14
Transcription Translation

О Туркестане, Бухаре, Хиве (образовании республик). Рахимбаев. Protocol No. 83 of a session of the Politburo CC RKP p. 32 On Turkestan, Bukhara, and Khorezm (on the formation of the national republics)

Date: 1924-04-5 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.3,d.431,l.7
Transcription Translation

Телеграмма Сталина в Ташкент Карклину и Варейкису И. М. о борьбе между старыми и молодыми партийцами-мусульманами Encoded telegram from Stalin to Karklin and I.M. Vareikis in Tashkent about the struggle between the onle and the young Muslim party members

Date: 1924-4-23 Source: RGASPI,f.558,op.11,d.32,l.70
Transcription Translation

Письмо ОГПУ о преподовании ислама в школах OGPU letter on teaching Islam in schools

Date: 1924-05-12 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.84,d.587,l.207
Transcription Translation

Циркуляр ОГПУ по вопросу о преподавании вероучения в мусульманских школах OGPU Circular directive regarding the question of teaching religious doctrine in Muslim schools

Date: 1924-05-12 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.84,d.587,l.207-208
Transcription Translation

Докладная записка в ПБ о ситуации в Киргизской республике Memorandum to the Political Bureau on the situation in the Kirgiz Republic

Date: 1924-05-15 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.67,d.87,l.167-170
Transcription Translation

Записка в ЦК Ходжанова о национальном размежевании в Средней Азиии Memorandum to the Central Committee from S. Khodzhanov, member of the Central Asian Bureau of the CC of the RKP, on the demarcation of Central Asia

Date: 1924-06 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.112,d.566,l.40-41
Transcription Translation

Постановление ПБ ЦК РКП о национальном размежевании среднеазиатских республик Extract from Protocol No. 1 of a Meeting of the RKP TsK OrgBureau On the national delimitation of Central Asia

Date: 1924-06-12 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.163,d.430,l.20
Transcription Translation

Приложение к протоколу Политбюро № 3 п. 4-д от 12/ VI-24 г. Appendix to P/Buro Protocol No. 3, Item 4-d dated 12/June-24 Concerning Drawing the National Borders of the Central Asian Republics

Date: 1924-06-12 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.163,d.430,l.19
Transcription Translation

Протокол ПБ о Туркестане Protocol No. 8 of a session of the Politburo CC RKP p. 4d

Date: 1924-06-12 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.3,d.443,l.3-4,17-18
Transcription Translation

Инструкция о порядке открытия мусульманских религиозных школ и преподавания в них Instructions for Procedures for Opening Muslim Religious Schools and Teaching in Them.

Date: 1924? Source: RGASPI,f.89,op.12,d.9,l.13-16
Transcription Translation

Телеграмма Сталина в Ташкент о присоединении Хорезма Encoded telegram from Stalin to I.A. Zelensky in Tashkent concerning the incorporation of Khorezm

Date: 1924-8-14 Source: RGASPI,f.558,op.11,d.32,l.94-97
Transcription Translation

О размежевании Хорезмской республики по национальному признаку. Заседание ПБ. Protocol No. 24 of a session of the Politburo CC RKP p. 28 On the delimitation of the borders of the Khorezm republic on the basis of nationality

Date: 1924-09-18 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.3,d.464,l.7
Transcription Translation

Решение по предложению Зеленского о Туркестане от 18.09 Resolution on the proposals by Cde. Zelensky on Turkestan

Date: 1924-09-18 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.3,d.465,l.3
Transcription Translation

Постановление ПБ ЦК РКП о Туркестане Extract from Protocol No. 25, Meeting of the RKP TsK Politburo On the national territorial division of the Central Asian republics

Date: 1924-09-25 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.163,d.452,l.24-26
Transcription Translation

О национальном размежевании республик Средней Азии (Туркестана, Бухары, Хорезма) On national delimitation of Central Asian republics (Turkestan, Bukhara, Khorezm)

Date: 1924-10-11 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.163,d.455,l.6-13
Transcription Translation

О национальном размежевании Средней Азии. Заседание ПБ Protocol No. 28 of a meeting of the Politburo CC RKP p. 3 On the national delimitation of Central Asia

Date: 1924-10-11 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.3,d.468,l.1-4
Transcription Translation

Письмо С. Ходжанова Сталину о результатах размежевания Туркестана Letter from S. Hodzhanov to Stalin about results of delimitation of Turkestan

Date: 1924-10-18 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.33,d.389,l.131-143
Transcription Translation

О национальном размежевании Средней Азии. Заседание ПБ Protocol No. 27 of a session of the Poliburo Tseka [CC] p. 7, 32 On the national delimitation of Central Asia

Date: 1924-10-23 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.3,d.470,l.4
Transcription Translation

О национальном размежевании Средней Азии. Заседание ПБ Protocol No. 27 of a session of the Politburo Tseka [CC] RKP p. 29 On the national delimitation of Central Asia

Date: 1924-10-30 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.3,d.472,l.6,9
Transcription Translation

Письмо Сталину Ходжанова о наркоме просвещения Туркестана Letter from Khodzhaev to Stalin on the Turkestan People's Commissar of Education

Date: 1924-11-5 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.67,d.202,l.15-16
Transcription Translation

Письмо члена Киробкома Мендешева в ЦК о нацвопросе Letter from Mendeshev, member of the Kirgiz oblast committee, to the CC on the national question

Date: 1924-12-27 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.67,d.87,l.54-58
Transcription Translation

Постановление ПБ ЦК РКП о басмачестве Protocol No. 46 Meeting of the RKP TsK Politburo On the Basmachi movement

Date: 1925-01-27 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.163,d.473,l.43-50
Transcription Translation

Телеграмма Сталина в Пишпек конференции Кара-Киргизской автономной области Welcoming telegram from I. V. Stalin to Pishpek to the conference of the Karakirgiz Autonomos Oblast

Date: 1925-3-15 Source: RGASPI,f.558,op.1,d.2695,l.1-5
Transcription Translation

Доклад члена Исполкома Коминтерна, генерального секретаря по делам Востока Г. Сафарова по национальному вопросу Report by Safarov, Comintern Executive Committee member, on the nationalities question

Date: 1925-04-25 Source: GARF,f.R-5872,op.2,d.83,l.1-5
Transcription Translation

Предложения комиссии ПБ по киргизским делам Protocol No. 62 of a session of the Politburo CC RKP p. 27 The proposal of the Politburo commission for Kirgiz affairs

Date: 1925-05-7 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.3,d.502,l.7,10-12
Transcription Translation

Доклад комисси ПБ по киргизским делам Protocol No. 64 of a session of the Poltiburo CC RKP p. 22 Report of the PB commission for Kirgiz affairs

Date: 1925-05-21 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.3,d.504,l.6-8,15-19
Transcription Translation

Письмо Сталина Киргизскому крайкому о борьбе с национализмом Letter from I.V. Stalin to all members of the Kirgiz Kraikom Bureau on the struggle against nationalism

Date: 1925-5-29 Source: RGASPI,f.558,op.1,d.2716,l.1-3
Transcription Translation

О преобразовании Киргизской автономной области в автономную республику Protocol No. 5 of a session of the Politburo CC VKP p. 21 On the reconstitution of the Kirgiz autonomous oblast as an autonomous socialist soviet republic

Date: 1926-01-21 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.3,d.541,l.5
Transcription Translation

Протокол комиссии ПБ по вопросу о хадже 25 February 1926 Meeting of the VKP(b) CC Politburo Commission concerning the hadj.

Date: 1926-02-25 Source: RGASPI,f.78,op.7,d.59,l.7
Transcription Translation

Протокол комиссии ПБ по вопросу о хадже с правкой Meeting of the VKP(b) CC Politburo Commission concerning the hadj

Date: 1926-02-25 Source: RGASPI,f.78,op.7,d.59,l.12
Transcription Translation

Поправки к постановлению комиссии ПБ о хадже Corrections to the Politburo resolution on Hadj.

Date: 1926-03-1 Source: RGASPI,f.78,op.7,d.59,l.10
Transcription Translation

Заявление киргиз и тюрков Андижанского уезда Ферганской области УзССР в Средазбюро ЦК ВКП о межэтнических проблемах Statement from Kirgiz and Turkic peoples of the Andizhan Uezd, Fergana Oblast, on the ethnic problems

Date: 1926-04-10 Source: RGVA,f.25895,op.1,d.1662,l.183-186
Transcription Translation

Телеграмма Сталина в Ташкент и Самарканд о взаимоотношениях между ЦК и СНК, о культурной работе Coded cable from Stalin to Tashkent about relations between the CC and the SNK, and the cultural work

Date: 1926-4-23 Source: RGASPI,f.558,op.11,d.34,l.56
Transcription Translation

Телеграмма Сталина в Ташкент и Самарканд по вопросу работу ЦК Узбекистана Coded cable from Stalin to Tashkent and Samarkand about the work of the Uzbek CC

Date: 1926-4-27 Source: RGASPI,f.558,op.11,d.34,l.63
Transcription Translation

Письмо Калинину от секретаря Средазбюро Зеленского об отношениях русских и мусульман в Киргизстане Letter to Kalinin from the secretary of Central Asia bureau about relations between Russians and Muslims in Kyrgyzstan

Date: 1926-06-13 Source: RGASPI,f.78,op.7,d.77,l.1-3
Transcription Translation

Предложения комиссии АРК ЦК ВКП Practical recommendations of the Commission elected at the meeting of the Antireligious Committee of the VKP(b) CC

Date: 1926-10-8 Source: RGASPI,f.89,op.12,d.9,l.9-12
Transcription Translation

Протокол заседания комиссии по борьбе мусульманским религиозным движением Minutes of the meeting of the commission for working out practical recommendations for the struggle against the religious movement of the Muslim clergy and practical recommendations and instructions on the procedure for opening religious schools

Date: 1926-10-13 Source: RGASPI,f.89,op.12,d.9,l.4-8
Transcription Translation

Письмо Сталину от казаха о нацполитике в Казастане Letter to Stalin from Kazakh about ethnic policy in Kazahstan

Date: 1926-11-9 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.85,d.77,l.59-64ob
Transcription Translation

Письмо Сталину о нац политике в Казахстане Letter from Kazakh Kraikom Secretary F. I. Goloshchekin to I. V. Stalin on the nationalities work in Kazakhstan

Date: 1927-2-7 Source: RGASPI,f.558,op.1,d.5267,l.1-7
Transcription Translation

О киргизском и туркменском духовенстве On the Kirgiz and Turkmen clergy

In this undated OGPU report (probably from 1927) the agents express their fears that the Ufa Central Spiritual Administration (Tsentral’noe Dukhovnoe Upravlenie) was extending its influence into Kyrgyz and Turkmen areas.  Tatar imams organized spiritual administrations in the area.  The Ufa administration is accused of “organizing group religious instruction,” among other things.  The Ufa administration had not been as successful in the Turkmen SSR.  Nonetheless, the OGPU felt that conditions in the republic were favorable for it.  The report describes Turkmen clergy as “feudal-clan bosses,” who wielded influence over the mosque-based clergy and Communist Party officials.  The proof was that four ishans in Merv Okrug had come out of the land reform campaign with more land than they had held before it started.  The report should be interpreted more as an expression of OGPU paranoia than of the actual reach of the Ufa Spiritual Administration
Date: after 1926 Source: RGASPI,f.62,op.1,d.221,l.213-218

Выписка из протокола о проекте письма ЦК о мусульманском религиозном движении Excerpt from the protocol on the letter on the Muslim religious movement

Date: 1927-02-21 Source: RGASPI,f.89,op.12,d.9,l.20-22
Transcription Translation

Шифртелегрмма Сталина в Кзыл-Орду о Букейханове Coded cable from Stalin to Kzyl-Orda about Bukeikhanov

Date: 1927-5-17 Source: RGASPI,f.558,op.11,d.35,l.22
Transcription Translation

Проект тезисов ЦК КПУз Draft talking points concerning the clergy and school for the Sixth Plenum of the Uzbek Communist Party CC

Date: 1927-06-15 Source: RGASPI,f.62,op.2,d.1145,l.69-71ob
Transcription Translation

Проект простановления Оргбюро ЦК ВКП "О мерах борьбы с мусульманским религиозным движением" Extract from Minutes No. 134 of meeting of Orgburo of the CC of the VKP(b) On the Muslim religious movement

Date: 1927-08-8 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.113,d.315,l.12-23
Transcription Translation

О мусульманском религиозном движении. Заседание ПБ Protocol No. 120 session of the Politburo CC VKP p. 22 On the Muslim religious movement

Date: 1927-08-18 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.3,d.647,l.4
Transcription Translation

Выписка из протокола Оргбюро о мусульманском религиозном движении, Записка Е.М. Ярославского в ПБ ВКП о внесении изменений в проект постановления Оргбюро о мусульманском религиозном движении Extract from Minutes No. 27 of meeting of Orgburo of the CC of the VKP(b) On the Muslim religious movement; Note from Yaroslavsky to the Political Bureau

Выписка из протокола №27 заседания Оргбюро ЦК ВКП(б) от 12.IV.28г. Проект постановления ЦК; Постановление Оргбюро ЦК ВКП(б) по докладу о мусульманском религиозном движении; Проект циркулярного письма; Справка из протокола №23 заседания Оргбюро ЦК ВКП/б/ от 19.III.28г.
Date: 1928-03-8 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.113,d.612,l.11-28
Transcription Translation

Телеграмма Сталина в Ташкент о привлечении к суду ряда узбеких руководителей Coded cable from Stalin to Zelensky, Antonov-Saratovsky, and Kondurushkin in Tashkent on investigating some Uzbek leaders

Date: 1928-3-23 Source: RGASPI,f.558,op.11,d.36,l.19
Transcription Translation

О мусульманском религиозном движении. Заседание ПБ Protocol No. 23 of a session of the Politburo CC VKP(b) p. 17
3 May 1928 On the Muslim religious movement

Date: 1928-05-3 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.3,d.685,l.3-4
Transcription Translation

О Казакстане Protocol No. 36 of a session of the Politburo CC VKP(b) p. 16 On Kazakhstan

Date: 1928-08-2 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.3,d.698,l.4-5
Transcription Translation

Сообщение комиссии ПБ по Казакстану Protocol No. 37 of the session of the Politburo CC VKP(b) p. 10 9 August 1928. Report of the PB commission for Kazakhstan

Date: 1928-08-9 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.3,d.699,l.3,8-10
Transcription Translation

Стенограмма заседания комиссиии при Президиуме ЦИК СССР по улучшению труда и быта женщин Transcript of the hearing of the USSR CEC Commission regarding improving labor and living conditions for women

Date: 1928-12-12 Source: GARF,f.R3316,op.42,d.172,l.10,12
Transcription Translation

Докладная записка Алексеевского Зелинскому о новых границах Таджикской ССР Memo from Alekseevskii to Zelenskii, et al. Update on discussions regarding drawing the new borders of Tajik SSR

This December 10 (?), 1928 secret report from Alekseevskii and OGPU agent D’iakov to Sredazbiuro TsK VKP(b) chair Isaac Zelenskii, Gikalo, and the head of the Central Asian OGPU Lev Bel’skii concerns border security problems in the nascent Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic.  Chair of the Tajik Soviet Narodnykh Kommissarov (Sovnarkom, the state side of the government) Abdurakhim Khojibaev and Chair of the Tajik Central Executive Committee (TsIK) Nasratulla Maksum think that the OGPU does not understand the border situation, where basmachi fighters and other “criminal elements” enter the USSR without fear of being shot.  They want more Tajiks to be engaged in border protection, especially from the Khojent region.  Alekseevskii and Diakov went to the border themselves and found that security organs’ work was “not bad,” but local Red Army soldiers were stealing from the populace.  There’s a big smuggling problem, however, presided over by a wealthy bai.  The OGPU agents have some ideas for action, but clearly do not trust Maksum.  See also Botakoz Kassymbekova, Despite Cultures: Early Soviet Rule in Tajikistan (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2016)

Date: 1928-12-30 Source: RGASPI,f.62,op.1,d.552,l.78-81

Доклад о таджикском руководстве, в т.ч. суфийских ишанах Detailed report on the Tajik clergy, including Sufi Ishans.

This is a long Sredazburo report dated early February, 1929, on the state of the clergy and Sufi ishans in the new Tajik SSR.  The clergy’s position had become difficult, especially economically.  Peasants were increasingly reluctant to pay clerical fees, sometimes hiring and firing several imams per year in search of the cheapest one. This increased tensions; clergy were known to beat their fees out of people.  Later sections of the report discuss the many clergy earning fees as healers, tending livestock, and being supported by local farmers.  Some clergy benefited from the practice of khudoi (sacrifice)—a desperate man would vow to give his son or daughter to the mulla if his dire situation was relieved.  The investigators found that “several clerical individuals in Tajikistan have 2–3 ‘sons’ or ‘daughters’ who were given to them, who carry out all the farmwork for these individuals.”  While some ishans wielded wide influence, the numbers of their followers had dwindled.  Many villages had lost their mosques and thus positions for imams.  Some had quit being imams and more fled to India and Afghanistan.  Other clergy resisted with countereducation and anti-Soviet agitation.  In several cases former clergy served on village soviets.  One mulla headed the local peasant union Koshchi and collected “dues” from every individual and dues for two people from pregnant women.  Muslim schools and courts operated in areas where there were no Soviet equivalents, and waqfs still existed.  The document includes accounts of  apocalyptic hysteria: in villages in the Kuliab region thousands of people were gripped by “madness,” refusing to eat, work in the fields, or engage in “personal life” because they believed that the world was about to end. Arresting the ringleaders stopped the outbreak
Date: 1929-02 Source: RGASPI,f.62,op.1,d.552,l.159-184

Телеграмма Сталина в Ташкент об узбекском руководстве Coded cable from Stalin to Tashkent on the Uzkek leadership

Date: 1929-03-2 Source: RGASPI,f.558,op.11,d.37,l.20
Transcription Translation

Протокол № 3 заседания комиссии при Президиума ЦИК СССР по улучшению труда и быта женщин Protocol of the Meeting of the USSR CEC Presidium's Commission to Improve the Labor and Daily Lives of Asian Women

Date: 1929-05-31 Source: GARF,f.R3316,op.42,d.172,l.30-30ob,37,38,42-43,45-46ob
Transcription Translation

О выделении Таджикской автономной республики в союзную Protocol No. 83 of the session of the Politburo CC VKP(b) p. 27 On the apportionment of the Tadzhik Autonomous Republic as a union republic

Date: 1929-06-6 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.3,d.743,l.3
Transcription Translation

О выделении Таджикской автономной республики в союзную Protocol No. 84 of the session of the Politburo CC VKP(b) p. 21. On the apportionment of the Tadzhik Autonomous Republic as a union republic

Date: 1929-06-13 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.3,d.744,l.3
Transcription Translation

Протокол № 56 заседания Бюро Северо-Кавказского крайкома ВКП(б) (о мечетях) Concerning the Closing of Churches and Mosques

Date: 1930-01-14 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.21,d.3371,l.4
Transcription Translation

О Казакстане Protocol No. 23 session of the Politburo CC VKP(b) p. 33 about Kazakhstan

Date: 1930-02-15 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.3,d.776,l.6-7
Transcription Translation

О переносе столиц Узбекистана и Туркменистана Protocol No. 2 session of the Politburo CC VKP(b) p. 41 On the transfer of the capitals of Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan

Date: 1930-07-25 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.3,d.790,l.9
Transcription Translation

Протокол № 18 закрытого заседания Бюро Карачаевского обкома ВКП(б) (о женщинах-заложницах) Concerning freeing nursing mothers being held as hostages for the head bandits who have failed to appear

Date: 1930-08-09 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.21,d.3475,l.187
Transcription Translation

Телеграмма Сталина в Ташкент о разоружении басмачества в Туркмении Coded cable from Stalin to Tashkent on disarming the basmachi in Turkmenia

Date: 1931-8-2 Source: RGASPI,f.558,op.11,d.41,l.67,68
Transcription Translation

Телеграмма Сталина в Ташкент об охране ответственных руководителей Coded cable from Stalin to Tashkent on protecting the local officials

Date: 1931-4-28 Source: RGASPI,f.558,op.11,d.41,l.26
Transcription Translation

О Средне-Азиатской федерации Protocol No. 73 session of the Politburo CC VKP(b) p. 33.10 On the Central-Asian Federation

Date: 1931-11-5 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.3,d.858,l.7
Transcription Translation

Письмо Сталину о межнациональных отношениях в Казахстане Letter to Stalin about interethnic relations in Kazakhstan

Date: 1932-08-20 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.120,d.80,l.84-88ob
Transcription Translation

Об украинизации в Казакстане, Средней Азии и др. Protocol No. 126 of a session of the Politburo CC VKP(b) p. 50/22 On Ukrainization in the DVK, Kazakhstan, Central Asia TsChO, and other regions of the USSR

Date: 1932-12-16 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.3,d.911,l.12
Transcription Translation

Телеграмма Средазбюро о борьбе с повстанчеством; О высшей мере социальной защиты, создание тройки Cable from Central Asia bureau of the CC on insurrection, the imposition of the supreme measure of social protection, creation of the troika

Date: 1933-02-15 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.162,d.14,l.123
Transcription Translation

Ответ ПБ на телеграмму Баумана о Таджикистане Political Bureau response to the Bauman telegram on Tajikistan

Date: 1933-07-1 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.162,d.14,l.162
Transcription Translation

Информписьмо ЦКК в Средней Азии о нацявлениях в Средней Азии Informational letter of CCC in Central Asia on the nationalist outbreaks in the Central Asian republics

Date: 1933-08-23 Source: RGASPI,f.121,op.2,d.357,l.50-55
Transcription Translation

Телеграмма Сталина в Ташкент о борьбе с местным национализмом Coded cable from Stalin to Mirzoian in Alma-Ata on the struggle against local nationalism

Date: 1933-12-13 Source: RGASPI,f.558,op.11,d.48,l.63,65-67
Transcription Translation

Телеграмма Сталина в Сталинабад о публикации материалов пленума Coded cable from Stalin to Bauman in Stalinabad

Date: 1933-12-25 Source: RGASPI,f.558,op.11,d.48,l.72-73
Transcription Translation

Телеграмма Секретариата ЦК в Сталинабад по поводу обращения о национальных уклонах Coded cable from the CC Secretariat to Bauman in Stalinabad regarding an appeal about national deviations

Date: 1933-12-26 Source: RGASPI,f.558,op.11,d.48,l.74
Transcription Translation

Телеграмма Сталина в Сталинабад по поводу взаимнотношений местных руководителей Coded telegram from Stalin to Stalinabad about relations among local leaders

Date: 1934-4-21 Source: RGASPI,f.558,op.11,d.49,l.37
Transcription Translation

Письмо С. Мехтиева в журнал "Работница" о пережитках прошлого в отношениии женщин в Дагестане Mekhtiev's letter reporting weaknesses in the efforts by local government bodies to stop violence against women in Dagestan

Date: 1935-01-17 Source: GARF,f.R3316,op.37,d.80,l.1,3-3ob,10-13
Transcription Translation

Выписка из протокола заседания Президиума ЦИК СССР от 27 февраля 1935 г. пункт 1 - о согласии с предложением НКВД об изъятии и передаче метрических книг в общий архив отдела регистрации актов и гражданского состояния НКВД Excerpt from protocol №1 of the 27 February 1935 session of the Presidium of the USSR CEC. Representative of the NKVD on the seizure of record books of births, deaths, and marriages from the Muslim Religious Directorate

Date: 1935-2-28 Source: GARF,f.R-3316,op.64,d.1545,l.6
Transcription Translation

Доклад секретарей ЦК ВЛКСМ Сталину о выступлениях на съездах женской молодежи национальных республик Report by the Komsomol Secretaries to Stalin on the outcomes of the congresses of young women from the national republics

Date: 1935-12-11 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.114,d.734,l.91-105
Transcription Translation

Проект Постнановления ЦК по докладу ЦК ВЛКСМ о женской молодежи нацреспублик Draft VKP(b) CC Resolution, based on the VLKSM CC report "Outcomes of the congresses of young women of the national republics and oblasts"

Date: 1936-02-3 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.114,d.734,l.106-109
Transcription Translation

Письмо колхозников-дунган Киргизии И.В. Сталину о создании своего национального района Letter to Stalin from the Dyishin collective farm and non-collectivized farmers from the Irdyk settlement in the Kir. SSR's Karakol District concerning the question of concentrating governance of the Dungan population in one republic and creating a Dungan district

Date: 1936-08-3 Source: GARF,f.R3316,op.29,d.575,l.17-18
Transcription Translation

Телеграмма Сталина в Ташкент об узбекском руководстве Coded telegram from Stalin and Molotov to Ikramov in Tashkent about Uzbek leadership

Date: 1937-7-9 Source: RGASPI,f.558,op.11,d.56,l.127
Transcription Translation

О политписьме ЦК КП Узбекистана от 27.02.1937 по борьбе с нацорганизациями On the political letter from the CC of the CP(B) of Uzbekistan dated 27 Feb. 1937 about nationalist organizations

Date: 1937-03-21 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.3,d.985,l.15
Transcription Translation

Телеграмма Сталина в Алма-Ату по вопросу подбора кадров Coded telegram from Stalin to Popok in Ashkhabad about the personnel issues

Date: 1937-3-21 Source: RGASPI,f.558,op.11,d.56,l.35-35ob
Transcription Translation

Шифротелеграмма Сталина И. В. Ашурову об исключении Шотемора как ПредЦИКа Таджикистана Coded telegram from I.V. Stalin to Ashurov on expelling Shotemor as Tadzhikistan Central Executive Committee chairman

Date: 1937-07-24 Source: RGASPI,f.558,op.11,d.57,l.4-5
Transcription Translation

Телеграмма Сталина в Алма-Ату в связи с арестом казахского руководителя Кулумбетова Coded telegram from I.V. Stalin to L.I. Mirzoian regarding Kulumbetov's arrest

Шифротелеграмма (ответ) Сталина И.В. Мирзояну Л.И. в Алма-Ату в связи с его шифровкой об аресте Кулумбетова.
Date: 1937-07-27 Source: RGASPI,f.558,op.11,d.57,l.8
Transcription Translation

Шифротелеграмма Сталина И.В. Ашурову в Сталинабад о председателе ЦИКа. Coded telegram from I.V. Stalin to Ashurov about CEC chairman

Date: 1937-08-11 Source: RGASPI,f.558,op.11,d.57,l.38
Transcription Translation

Шифротелеграмма Сталина И. В. и Молотова В. М. в Токио полпреду Славуцкому Coded telegram from I.V. Stalin and V.M. Molotov to plenipotentiary Slavutsky in Tokyo

Date: 1937-9-22 Source: RGASPI,f.558,op.11,d.57,l.83
Transcription Translation

Телеграмма Сталину из Ташкента об узбекском руководстве Coded telegram from A.A. Andreev to I.V. Stalin, with Stalin's response, on the Uzbek leadership

Date: 1937-9-22 Source: RGASPI,f.558,op.11,d.57,l.85
Transcription Translation

Шифротелеграмма Сталина И.В. Андрееву А.А. в Ташкент в связи с его шифровкой о Сегизбаеве. Coded telegram from I.V. Stalin to A.A. Andreev in connection with his telegram about Segizbaev

Date: 1937-9-25 Source: RGASPI,f.558,op.11,d.57,l.97,98ob
Transcription Translation

Справка сектора ЦК ВКП секретарю ЦК ВКП Г.М.Маленкову о положении женщин в Узбекской ССР Memorandum to the CC Secretary Malenkov concerning work with women and the state of anti-religious propaganda in Fergana Oblast, Uzberk SSR

Date: 1939-12-19 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.88,d.552,l.18,24-27
Transcription Translation

Письмо редактора "Учительской газеты" в ЦК ВКП о письме из Казахстана о состоянии образования Letter from the editor of Uchitelskaya gazeta to the CC VKP on the state of education in Kazakhstan

Date: 1941-05-21 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.126,d.3,l.62-64
Transcription Translation

Доклад секретарю ЦК ВКП о состоянии воспитательной работы в КазССР Report to the CC Secretary on the state of education work in the Kazakh SSR

Date: 1941-06-12 Source: RGASPI,f.17,op.126,d.3,l.67-78
Transcription Translation

Вступительная речь Председателя Организационной комиссии по созыву съезда мусульманского духовенства и верующих Средней Азии и Казахстана - Абдумаджитханова Ишан Бабахана Opening speech by the Chairman of the Organizing Committee for convening the Congress of Muslim Clergy and Believers of Central Asia and Kazakhstan – ishan Babakhan Abdumadzhitkhanov at the opening of the congress

Date: 1943 Source: GARF,f.6991,op.3,d.6,l.39-41
Transcription Translation